Wolf RPG

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The moon was roughly three-quarters full, lighting up the Sequoia coast in an iridescent blue light. Clock had been eager to check out the Ocean's Breath Plateau at night since accepting @Tytonidae 's offer to pledge for the newly forming pack, Bhediyon. If this was going to be his new home, he wanted to see it from all perspectives. He was not disappointed... in fact, he was rendered speechless as he stood on a rock that was positioned at the top of a grassy rise. Before him, the great ocean shared space with a sky lit up with more stars than Clock could ever remember seeing. The moon, high in the sky at this late hour, was reflected in a million dancing shards on the black ocean surface. Clock was mesmerized, having never seen the ocean up until a few days ago. If he turned ninety degrees to his right, he could see the Silvertip Mountain way off in the distance, the glacier below it lit up magnificently. In some ways, it seemed, moonlight like this could be brighter than the sun. Immediately behind him, Clock could see Moonspear (which he knew to be Charon's packs' territory, having met Charon shortly after his arrival to the Teekon Wilds) and the Barrier Mountains.

As he stood upon the rock with the cool breeze from the ocean ruffling his sleek summer coat gazing upon this wonder, he felt as infinite as the sky. Of course, in the calmness of the night he could not help but feel the twinges of loss from being separated from his natal family, but for the first time he felt calm rather than scared or sad. There was so much to look forward to! He still could not believe his luck in finding a potential pack so quickly and he hoped he would be useful to the group. He thought himself a fairly good hunter but wondered, for the first time, what other skills he might have to offer. Pondering silently, he gazed off at the ocean.
He couldn't sleep.

Silas tried to fight it off, tossing and turning and never able to find a comfortable way to be, but it was a persistent anxiousness tonight that kept him keenly aware of everything even though he just wanted to get some restful sleep. It had been a long day already, and he was tired. He was still getting used to the Plateau.. and it had only felt like a blink of an eye since he'd come to the coast anyway.

The dark Ostrega set out into the nightscape to chase some of that restlessness off. Maybe he'd get lucky and catch a rabbit, he reasoned. Above it all, he still felt strangely to be here.. a tiny touch like maybe he wasn't supposed to be, but the yearling soldiered on anyway to attempt to look for a routine, even when the moon was high above. Eventually he picked up a trot, covered some ground, and found no good leads on anything except another wolf—presumably, someone the dark-furred female had invited. Well, hopefully. Just in case it wasn't.. he'd go check it out, and tracking this trail took him closer to the view of the sea. Silas wavered for a half second before pressing on towards the stranger.

Even if he was iffy on the idea of a pack, and one without overly solid foundations yet anyway, he knew deep down that something had to change. He could only drift aimlessly for so long.. and Qilaq deserved much more than what just he alone could help with. Until he felt better about it, every aspect of his life was going to feel interjected with the cautiousness over it. He just wanted it to go well.

So, he eyeballed the grayscale male as his own steps came closer. All he could smell was seabreeze and it was hard to pull his sights off the massive body of water blanketing so much of the horizon. Silas chuffed hesitantly to him, all while hoping the stranger was meant to be here more than he was.
Clock had not smelled or heard the strange male approaching, and his thoughts were currently far away out on that ocean. He startled a little when he heard the other wolf announce himself and turned quickly in the direction the chuff had come from. Clock was always very quarded with his emotions when meeting a new wolf for the first time; he did not immediately display aggression (how could he, he had never truly had a territory to call his own) nor submission. Instead, he stood tall with his ears alert to make sense of the situation before reacting. His confidence was bulstered knowing that this land would, at some point, be formerly claimed by Bhediyon - of which he was a part now.

"Hello," he called out to the approaching wolf. "Fine night." He was being deliberately vague as he tested the waters, but his ears raised a little higher to show that his intentions were friendly.
Silas presented himself as neutral and as unassuming as he could. His tail, while not fully tucked, wiggled hesitantly against the inside of his thighs. In his expression still remained the worry lingering.. but he was functional, at least for now. The other wolf did seem more assured—although he could just chalk that up to personality, or maybe he had a greater advantage in being here longer. In turn, the Ostrega was being careful. He didn't move much closer and studied him carefully while trying to project his own attempt at friendliness. "Uh.. yeah it is..hi," he responded with an awkward nod. "Sorry for coming up on you randomly. I'm Silas. I've never been out here this late.." he said, squinting off towards the distance in lieu of some sort of better explanation, and hoping to ease into the notion of sharing space with a stranger, if he cold help it.
Clock nearly melted when he saw that the other seemed shy... maybe even a bit socially awkward. And yet, something just behind the younger wolf's countenance seemed to suggest that he would like to be less shy but did not know how. Clock was immediately intrigued as he looked down from his rock at the other who was half obscured by shadows.

"Pleased to meet you, Silas," he said in a smooth voice, making sure not to sound too enthusiastic or too aloof. "I'm Clock - well, I guess that's sort of a silly name, but see-" a small gesture with his paw- "my real name is Cluence. I'm really not sure how it even happened, but everyone calls me Clock." He stopped and gave the other a little apologetic grin, as if he had spoken too much. Clock had quirks of his own. "So, um... would you like to come up on this rock and look out at the ocean? The view is much better up here." The large rock was about 6 feet high, affording an advantageous view across the rest of the plain. "I haven't been here long and this is my first time viewing the land at night. Isn't it incredible?"
There has been something different the last few nights staying in the same place with more than just Silas around. The comfort reminds her of her parents and of the bay long ago, and she’s certain she can get used to this kind of thing. In response, she is blissfully unaware of Silas’ restlessness that when she wakes up in the middle of the night to find him gone, panic instantly swells in her chest. Her mind is alert in seconds and she scrambles to all four feet before she pursues a haphazard circle to locate the freshest of his scents.

It takes her an unnecessarily long time to do it and her legs are already tired, wanting to rest again but she pushes herself forward. By the time she finds him, she hears voices that she’s not familiar with and she tries to listen from afar but her less-than-graceful entrance isn’t something to be hidden. Qilaq shakes out her fur and follows the short path that leads between the two though she doesn’t hide the weary glance from her friend to the stranger as she comes to a stop near Silas.
He'd never had much finesse when it came to conversation, and the other fellow seemed to ease some more after a few beats, thus accepting Silas' attempt at getting to know him.. and all this else, too. As for himself, he tried to steady up his ears and maybe, if he could help it, not look so terribly uncomfortable. The more he heard, the more he could adjust. "Oh. Well, that's.. interesting. But I guess it kind of works, somehow? It's unique," he tried to soften his expression, attempting to jest a bit at how his name choice really wasn't all that weird. Clock had a certain.. feel to it, which he supposed, just may suit the male. He couldn't say for sure yet.

Again, he pulled his wary stare towards the ocean, although glanced up at the spot on the rock Clock had offered. He wasn't too keen on a rocky perch just yet, as evidenced by a nervous lick. Maybe in a minute.. or two, or ten.. "Yeah, it's.. so different. It's kind of my first time too. The sea's all overwhelming enough from level with it, up here it.. takes a little getting used to, but it is incredible.." he explained with a soft nod. He was warming up day by day but that was just such a wide, open horizon for him to take in. A relatively simple wolf who came from the glade and the forests, he was trying something new here, undoubtedly. "Are you here to be part of the dark female's pack?" he asked, trying not to rush too much to the sea topic while he got his nerves sorted.

Before he could ramble messily any further, Qilaq's arrival perked him up (and half startled him), curious, although guessing she'd followed him out on his restless roam. "Hey..!" he chuffed to her, familiarity having him far more relaxed than his awkwardly stiff greeting to poor Clock. "Qilaq, this is Clock," the dark Ostrega provided, hopefully bringing her up to speed with things—at least as far as he knew. He understood her wariness all too well, since he had only begun to move beyond his own. Clock had given him no obviously huge reasons to fret, really.
He listened with interest as Silas spoke. It was apparent to Clock that this new wolf was not just being polite - he was genuinely searching for common ground. Clock liked and respected wolves who were genuine, mostly because it took courage to do so. It took guts to be authentic, and being a people-pleaser was almost easy in comparison. He noticed Silas did not take him up on the offer to get up on the rock, but he ignored it smoothly. Still, Clock was curious. He had met a few timid wolves when traveling through the Rocky Mountains, and in his experience they always had traumatic events in their past... But no matter. Here, Clock actually shook himself - surreptitiously clearing his head. He did not need to be analyzing this strange wolf. That was not his job. He was grateful Silas asked his question when he did. Clock nodded eagerly, looking down at the other from atop his rock. "Yes. That's Tytonidae, and I am pledged to her pack." He tried not to let his pride show, although he felt an involuntary swell of his chest. Clock had never belonged to a pack outside of his immediate family before. He had been raised in captivity.

Before Clock could say or do anything more, a dark wolf stepped out of the shadows without hesitation. Clock took a few weary steps back, his ears straining forward as he sniffed the air, uncertain why the wolf approached calmly without even announcing herself and why Silas only reacted with mild surprise. He mind swam in confusion as the new wolf stepped right up to Silas, and then the realization dawned on him that these two wolves knew each other. He relaxed a bit - he had the advantage of being several feet above them on the rock, too - and looked to the new wolf, Qilag as Silas spoke to her. He dipped his head in greeting, quickly recovering himself.
She startles the stranger, which only causes her to remain guarded and close to Silas. Uncertain where she is to look, she focuses on Silas for a long moment as in introduces the stranger. There is no follow up or reason he is here, though she wonders if he, too, is a wolf of the dark woman they’d met sometime before. If he is so freely upon their land they are claiming, and she is still in the beginning of her recruiting, she only guesses he is here with the same purpose as they are. “Hey,” she says quietly, lifting her head enough to peer upon the bolder to the wolf on his perch.
Tytonidae, right. Silas nodded when Clock seemed pretty proud of such a statement. He had only met the green-eyed leader that one time and briefly, although found little fault with her, but it was nice to see that others liked her enough too. Maybe just a little bit, it threatened to warm him up to this whole idea. "I thought so. I met her once," he decided to offer, as if it may help his own relevance here somehow. Silas had not given her a firm answer one way or another, although the fact that he was sticking around so far perhaps spoke more of it. "We've been checking out the Plateau a little after meeting her.." It was probably the best and most straightforward way to summarize how it was for him and Qilaq right now.

Which, since she had come, and he was unable to muster up the desire to join Clock upon his rocky perch, Silas would bow out before he could make things more awkward than already. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, but I'll leave you to your view, and your peace," his ears splayed as he spoke, but he mustered some small tail wags to match it; he was glad to have met him, but as always, Silas was horrendously awkward anything resembling getting to know someone--and he was pretty out of practice, anyway. "I'll see you around..?" he said in way of farewell, and nudged against Qilaq's side as he moved to take that very leave with her.