Wolf RPG

Full Version: in the town where I was born
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Stretched out by the crayfish pond, Dawn nosed the surface tentatively. It had frozen over, barely, the edged white with frost. The ice was beautiful; creating sharp angles and cobweb-like shapes over the dark water. Applying just the slightest more pressure, the fragile surface cracked beneath her south, frigid water lapping against her muzzle. Licking her lips, she drank carefully, brow furrowing at the sting of the ice-water, huffing out through her nostrils in disdain.

Catori had woken up stiff and a touch uncomfortable. It wasn't much she felt, probably just a bit of the anxiety and stress finally breaking and leaving her in a bit more of a physical response than she'd wanted. With the scouting party back and so far no other signs of hide nor hair of any rampaging loners she'd felt she could relax a touch more and enjoy her time as a newlywed. Catori had kissed Gray's cheek before she'd left her spot being curled around him and chose to sneak out while he was still dozing. Though she didn't expect to hear him complain much still she could only imagine the pain he must still  be feeling. Grayday still put on one hell of a brave face - but that didn't mean she wasn't going to talk to his eldest like she had offered too. She'd just probably discuss more than Gray had anticipated. 

Thankfully she'd found a fresh trail of Dawn's and sought the other hunter out, offering a little chuff as she found her near Easy's favorite mud bug spot. "Hey Dawn," She called out with a gentle smile, looking the girl over. Girl seemed so arbitrary, but then, it was almost a touch conspiratory - they were a part of a club all their own and none of the men would ever boast to understand. "How did the scouting trip go?" She asked, hoping to hear Dawn's side of things before they hashed out some of the plans and concerns that Catori had about the coming weeks and where that would take their family as a whole. 

so sorry for the wait, I missed this thread!
Her muzzle twisted back to survey the owner of the footfalls, a small smile creased her muzzle as she recognized her father's mate. "hey, Catori."  She echoed, voice light as she rose to face the woman, tongue catching a stray droplet that clung stubbornly to her cheek. She hadn't spent much one on one time with the woman, but she'd certainly grown to like the woman rapidly since meeting her.  "it went well - the other two packs in the valley, Moonspear and Redhawk, were able to mentor Pema."  She was glad at the knowledge that had been gained from the trip, but more importantly - "the valley's stunning." Perhaps it wasn't that important, but the girl had treasured the time outside the territory.
I'm just as bad!


Catori was glad that things had worked out properly - although there was plenty of unpleasantness about the area if the notion of war was true. However, for Morningside's own benefit knowing that Pema had a decent resource made her happy. It was good for the pack, good for Pema - and maybe there was a chance to build up a relationship with another pack. But when Dawn mentioned the valley being so pretty that really got Cat's attention. Her tail gave a couple wags and she smiled eagerly. "I'll have to go out exploring sometime." Catori hadn't spent much time away from the coast and although she wasn't exactly eager to spend more time inland it was also good to, she had to admit. "I'd love to see more of the territories around here." She admitted, "I love scouting around."