Wolf RPG

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After Indra'd got hurt Laurel had taken to patrolling the borders more. She didn't really care about packs and their borders but this one, right now, would keep Indra safe for the moment. Laurel wasn't a medic so she could do little in that regard; she just kept Indra company much and made sure that someone who knew their medic stuff better would solve things in the meantime. Laurel knew she wouldn't be able to bear losing Indra, who was the dearest thing she had in the whole world.

Laurel distractedly followed the scent marks Xan had left along the borders of Bearclaw Valley that marked the borders, hoping that nothing bad would happen. Her mind was with In and the one who'd attacked her the whole time as she gazed over the landscape outside of the valley.

AW! don't mind whether it is someone from inside of outside BCV pack :)
During Birk's first week at the Easthollow, the man took his time to explore the lands within the claimed territory, as well as one's that were surrounding it. He made acquaintances and greeted politely anyone from the pack, who happened to cross his path, he observed them from afar, gathering information and first impressions about the people he would have to live side by side for the next few months.

When he had loosely mapped the territory and had the exact count of wolves in his mind, he expanded his area of studies and was surprised to find out that so near the borders of his home, lived another group of wolves. Birk was confused about the tolerance of such a close proximity between two separate groups, but no one else i the pack seemed to bother about that. Had he asked, he would have probably found out that there was an alliance between both groups.

Still he was a person, who liked to find things out for himself, therefore on the day, when he caught sight of one of the outsiders (he had purposefully been meandering around the lands in order to get an opportunity to meet one), he approached that person with haste, not wanting it to disappear. "Hello," he greeted in a friendly tone, slowing his pace to a walk and coming to a halt at a safe distance. "Are you one of the wolves that have claimed this territory?"
Laurel knew nothing about the pack of wolves that lived near to their own, although she knew it existed. She was on high-alert after all. Yet she hadn't asked Xan about their allegiance to this pack so knew nothing of any presumed friendship or dislikes; she assumed things were positive between the packs since she doubted Xan was daft enough to settle his pack so close to an established pack that he didn't have any friendly allegiance to.

A wolf approached during Laurel's patrol, causing her stomach to turn. He looked friendly enough, but what if he was actually the wolf that'd harmed Indra, or another wolf that meant harm? She felt protective and her hackles raised instinctively, her body dominant at his approach, but she sank to a more neutral pose when she reminded herself not to wear her emotions on her sleeve. Laurel didn't recognise his scent as she hadn't invested much time in finding out about their neighbours, though. "Yes," she answered in response to his bold question, her voice friendly and helpful as she decided to just fake it for now and pretend to be sweet ole' dumb Laurel. Better to get out of a tricky situation should one arise, that way. "I'm Laurel — what should I call you?"
The girl young woman replied and, while Birk listened, he had time to observe her and make a favorable first impression. She was not the most beautiful wolf he had met, but she had some pretty features that put combined together made her attractive. In that special way that sticks in your mind and you remember this person with wonder even after a long time.

"Laurel - it is a pleasure," he said, dipping his muzzle respectfully and after that regarding her with the most appreciative look, as if the girl herself was the main reason, why he found the encounter pleasant. "Birk from the Easthollow," he introduced himself as well. "I noticed that your pack is located quite close to the one I live in. Is it a permanent settlement or you intend to move?" he asked.
There was always the exciting yet unnerving moment when you met a new wolf and were to find out if they were friendly and receptive to how you greeted them... For someone like Laurel, who wore a mask a lot of the time and practically always when meeting new wolves, such moments were especially unnerving. Especially so shortly after Indra's mauling. But he looked at her with a friendly smile that was, well, really friendly and made her feel relieved and like her act was working again; a confirmation that she definitely needed after stupid dumb ole' Xan's reaction to her.

He introduced himself as Birk from a pack called Easthollow, or she guessed that was his pack name anyway. Laurel'd never been one last names so it wasn't her go-to assumption. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Birk," Laurel said with a bashful though gleeful expression. Birk went on to ask about 'her' pack, even though she didn't really know shit about the reasons why it was so close to this other pack. "I'm not sure why Xan chose this pack to be so close to yours. I was wondering about it myself." She'd ask him if he knew any more, but he pretty much already just disclosed that he didn't. So either Xan was just a right idiot, or there was another reason why they were close together. Hadn't he called himself the 'heir' to this place..? Maybe he'd returned here because he'd grown up here, or whatever. Laurel thought it silly, since she wanted to avoid her old home more than anything else, personally.
"I presume that Xan is your leader," Birk made another guess and decided that the next time he met his own alpha, he would ask about the location of the neighbouring pack and, whether there were any rules, any precautios or - the contrary - liberties to take. He did not like the idea of another pack sharing the lands, because too many wolves in one place was never anything good. On the other hand - if they were to be tolerated then he should better make friends.

"Are there many of you there?" he asked the next logical thing just to keep the conversation going.
Laurel nodded as he said that Xan was her leader. "Yeah. Oh... He did mention something about his sisters living in a pack nearby — I guess that's yours." Laurel grinned sheepishly at him. She'd forgotten about that for a moment when she had answered the question, and only now realised that that was probably also why the packs were so close to one another.

At his next question, Laurel answered with an innocent 'I don't know' shrug, "Depends what's many. I haven't met a lot of the others yet, but there's a bunch." Then deciding to get some control on the conversation she asked: "Have you lived here long?"
"A bunch will do for now," Birk replied with a mischievous look in his eyes. Then he turned his head to the side, listening intently to a commotion far away. The faint noise raised up and then died down again. And, when the silence had lasted for some time, he dismissed the faraway event as unimportant. For time being - anyway. 

"No, not long," he shook his head, though even the short period of time he had spent with the Easthollow wolves, had been rather pleasant. Not too eventful, boring at times, but nice in it's own way. Besides, when he would feel the need for action, he would know, how to find fun. 

"Where did you come from?"
'A bunch' was really all she had on offer, so he would have to do with that, indeed. It wasn't like she'd magically pull some more out of her ass. Laurel didn't say any of that, of course, just smiled sweetly at him in response.

Not long didn't tell her much, but it told her that he hadn't been born here, at least. He returned her question, more or less, asking where she was from. She looked around to see if there was anything happening but all seemed quiet around them. Laurel sweetly responded: "I was born not too far from here, but I've been away for quite some time, so I wouldn't say I'm a local, really." Laurel glanced over her shoulder at the territory and said, "I should get back to my sister now, but it was nice to meetcha, Birk!" Laurel shot him a soft smile and waited for a moment if he had anything else to say or ask of her. If not, she'd turn round and start making her way back to Indra's side to check on her sister's health.