Wolf RPG

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set between morningside and silvertip, nearish the coastal territories.
She missed her meadow, more than she'd thought. It'd become far too easy to attach significance to places that she'd grown fond of, and the life of a wanderer was not one that fit her well. Still, she did not relent, for this life would soften and conform once she'd stuck it out long enough, surely. She'd chosen this path, after all, it'd seemed natural, with her gifts and unwillingness to stay at home. 

The place between the pack and the mountains paled in beauty to the burning-river-place, but it would suit her needs for the night. She wished so to return to the meadow; but could not allow herself to get too comfortable in a certain place, lest she never leave it. And thus she scooped out the mountain's foothills, searching for cover from the squalls and wind, and prey, should she find it.
perhaps this could happen a bit after the other one I made? The timing seems about right

The day had been somewhat crappy honestly. He had tried to hunt down some prey and ended up in a fight for it with some girl. Though he was tired out the adrenaline still raged so he went to the opposite side of the territory and over the borders to track something else. There seemed to be a rabbit trail and he began to search for pawprints and found them tracking it down. The rabbit was on it's hind limbs poking at a berry bush and he began to stalk it, eyes focused.
Ah, it would seem that the night favoured her after all. It was not a resting spot she found, but the scent of a rabbit, fresh and tantalizing. Her course was altered immediately, and the siren nimbly moved down the rocks. Here was a place of bracken and bush, snow-covered and shadowed, and beyond the twisted branches was movement. She drew near silently, carefully; but it was then that the wind shifted and the rabbit caught her scent. 

Already on edge, the thing took off like a shot; leaving her springing through the bushes after it, to no avail. Pushing through the bracken, she froze when she saw the hulking form of another; realized quickly the hunt she'd just interrupted.
Sunny froze as the wind shifted and blew the scent of another wolf to both him and his prey. The rabbit instantly took off and Sunny tensed up to go after it but after the way the day had been his fuse shorted. "Shit! That's the second time! Thanks!" He snapped turning to the female. Of all the words he could have used to spew his anger "thanks" was probably the most childish one he could have picked.

Still raging and adrenaline filled he growled and stood up straight,posturing despite not being on the packs territory and not caring about doing so either. "Did you even bother to scent for others?" He asked his lips twitching and tail lashing to display how irked he was. Normally if it was the first time it had happened and his day had gone better he probably would have reassured the girl that it wad alright, and honest mistake, but for once Sunny was fully in a tizzy.
The male was volatile, angry, and the girl's carefully crafted facade crumbled. She was a prideful creature, and the male's outburst had her serene beauty fracture, lips curling back to reveal fangs bared in anger. "vlákas" She spat, the curse bitter on her tongue. She'd learned little of her father's language, but enough to know how best to curse another. 

 "did you?" She retorted, prideful anger rising still. Tail lashed once behind her; this was foolish, whispered the logical part of her. And yet the part that screamed fight me was louder still, and she matched his gaze steadily.
She had a point honestly but even then Sunny didn't relent "This is great. The second time my hunts for the pack have been ruined by some lone wolf female with apparently no hunting manners!" He complained staring straight at her. Was she curling her lips at him? With a growl his dominance and pride surged and he moved forward aiming to bump her back with his chest. He would probably feel guilty about this, especially if he got his ass whooped by the Female, but for now he was just downright pissed and losing it.
He charged her, and the woman reacted. Fighting was not her chief skill, but her pack had not been stupid enough to send her and others like her into the world defenceless. And behind her carefully preened fur and small smiles the girl was swift and nimble; an advantage that would come into play against the bulky boy. 

She dropped with the speed of an adder; and as he came towards her, her fangs shot out to grasp a forelimb. She aimed for the weakest one, the twisted one, and should her grip land; she'd draw back quickly, hoping to unbalance the male as she pulled his limb from beneath him.
Sunny hadn't really been expecting a fight. The second hunt ruined and the second fight of the day? He was going to go to sleep when he got back to the pack. Cursing as the girl grabbed his bad forepaw he stumbled and fell onto his side, hind paws aiming a kick at her face. If anything hopefully it would cause her to stumble back a bit so he could stand again.
He toppled, and she darted over him like a wisp of smoke, light and quick. Her fangs sought his scruff this time, but she was waylaid by a swift kick to the face. She narrowly avoided being struck in the muzzle, twisting so that his kick caught her shoulder, sending her smaller form flying back a meter. Pausing a brief second, she collected her senses about her before launching her next attack, aiming a swift it to his nose. A bold move, but one that would cause great pain if it landed, and hopefully send him away. Helia was less interested in this fight, more so in simply driving away the idiotic boy.
The kick has landed and when she was off and away from him he got to his paws,whirling to face her. Already she was coming back at him with speed that he supposed was due to her lithe and small form. He braced himself and tried to back away, but she bit his nose. The pain was sharp,strong and it burned like a mother fucker. Yelping he shook her off and backed away for a moment, eyes watering from the pain.

For a moment he was stunned but as the pain began to throb again he narrowed his eyes and bared his fangs, running toward her and aiming to slam his full weight into her knocking her to the ground.
He charged towards her again, and yet again did she drop, knowing to attempt to meet the full weight of him would be disastrous. Her muzzle darted out as he approached, aiming to secure a grip on the underside of his throat, where she'd attempt to remain lodged firmly. Much like, she supposed, a tic.
Sunny snarled as she rolled over before he could tackle her and before he could halt himself enough and leap upon her, she had grabbed his throat. The hold was enough to have him stop dead in his tracks and stiffen, dread shooting through him. Was she going to kill him? The thought sent a wave of panic and rage through him and he lifted a paw, slamming it up and aiming to hit her windpipe to halt her breath and make her let go.

If she was to let go he'd jump onto her and bite the bridge of her nose, holding onto her with a vice grips as he stood over her.
His paw found her throat, striking hard at it. The woman ought to have torn and ripped at his throat, but the breath left her in a gush that had her reeling. He pushed her back; moving to stand over her and lunge for her face. twisting back at the last moment, his grip instead caught the tender flesh of her lower muzzle, the metallic scent of blood have her gasp before attempting a swift kick to his groin region, where males seemed ever so sensitive.
The taste of blood startled sunny and he let go before she even had the chance to retaliate. The realization that this was another wolf he was fighting, one who wasn't much older than him really, and who hadn't done anything too terribly wrong made his chest heavy with grief. He stared down at the blood welling up around her muzzle and flattened his ears, just as she slammed him in the nuts. Pain unlike anything he had experienced before made him wheeze out a breath and he clambered off of her, crouching and squinting his eyes with intense pain.

Panic surged through him "what did you do?! I think I'm dying.." he groaned and sank to the ground, all the fight leaving him. It was obvious he had no experience whatsoever with being hit in the balls and hadn't even known that was a serious weak spot for a guy. All in all it was a pathetic way to end the fight and a absolute shitty end to a shitty day.
Blood welled along the shallow gashes before the male slid off her, her hind legs striking swiftly the most tender area of a male's anatomy. Quite suddenly the man was reduced to a child, curling on on himself and squinting in pain. The woman felt for a moment a flash of pleasure; which faded when the boy spoke. "you aren't dying, vlákas," She hissed through bared fangs, ignoring the sting of her muzzle. 

And yet the woman gradually deflated as he launched no counterattack, inside dissolving into a puddle of self-pity. Males, for all their bluster, held one weak, tender spot; and yet the boy did not seem to know it. Inexperienced, then, and her victory seemed a little weaker. She did not stir from her stance, stiff still, glaring down at the male in fading anger and something akin to disgust. Shaking the blood from her muzzle, the girl stalked off, a few red drops staining the churned-up snow where she'd been standing a moment ago.
Sunny whimpered a bit, ears flicking though he purposely ignored her response. He didn't want to talk to her or face the damage he had made on her face, afraid of how badly he may have hurt her. Soon though the pain faded "hey look I'm so-" he looked up to explain himself but she was gone already, only droplets of blood left behind where she had been standing.

Silently he lay in a pile of self pity and guilt before standing up and running back to the pack where he would find his den, enter it, and curl up giving up for the rest of the damn day.