Wolf RPG

Full Version: need to remember
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The time that had passed after his accident had not been kind to him. The ghost had spent a vast majority of his time sleeping in the grotto with his children close. He had disappeared from the man that he had been before. Kierkegaard had started to feel as though he were a stranger in his own mind. He was only a visitor in his own body. Haggard and weary had become so much a part of him that he was afraid that if they were to leave him, he would simply disappear.

As he dragged himself from within the darkness of their den, the brisk gust of sea air had almost rattled him. The ghost inhaled sharply and felt the ache of his own ribs against his skin. He felt like flesh and bone, with nothing in between. Once near the shore, Kierkegaard lowered himself into the sand and sighed. His eyes searched the darkness of the rolling waters.
If you don't want a whale then I can delete this! Tag me if you reference her though, please, and then I'll know to keep going.

She sang to them, in the deep. She sang until her song became a scream, but there was no response. This was unlike anything that granddaughter had experienced before; the pod was always, always close. They would let her slip away for curiosity sake (even if it was not the way things were supposed to be), they would let her entertain herself, but always they would be there.

This time, she was alone.

The island that had become a temporary haven did not keep her rooted for long — she, like the currents, had to keep moving or the stagnation would kill her spirit. The Mother understood this, and perhaps, this is why she was being tested. Still, granddaughter would call in to the darkness — she would roam from the island to the familiar coast of previous summers, and with the spring sun shining across her damp back, she began her displays. A cresting fin, a smacking tail, sometimes in desperation she would leap from the depths only to crash in to the waves again — thinking that surely someone was out there, and they would see her dancing.

Noticing her mother was in no mood to play and that her brothers were equally irritable, Raleska moped about until she came up with a brilliant idea: find Daddy! It didn't take long for her to give her mother the slip, and once she did she took up a cocksure gait. Her taill wagged freely behind her and grinning, Raleska bounded up to the bedraggled form of her father, who unfortunately would soon discover his peace completely terminated.

"Daddy!" Raleska yipped, climbing all over him and wriggling while she did so. Using him as a jungle-gym came to a halt as she heard a strange sound, and she turned her floppy ears towards the ocean with confusion. Tilting her head to the side several times, she could not make sense of the noise. "Whassat?" 
@Screech - because tagging names with apostrophes does not work.
The waters were disturbed by the rippling of a massive body from underneath. Kierkegaard could see it from his resting place in the sands. He followed the movements for a considerable time before he saw the angled fin that had risen from underneath the swell. It did not take him long to recognize the great predator of the sea. It was quite a sight to witness it so close to the shores and breaching the waters with such grace and power. The ghostly hound wished that he held within him that strength again. Those many years of fight had taken a great toll on his haggard and storm-washed frame. He had found more comfort in the relaxation of the ocean waves than in the prospect of altercation.

In no time at all, Raleska had found him and was climbing along his figure with – surprisingly – pointy feet. Kierkegaard groaned softly before he turned his head to peer at his dark daughter. There was a fondness in the faded glimmer of his molten stare. “That is a whale, Raleska. They’re dangerous, but only if you’re in the water with them,” the ghost warned her with a quiet rumble. He had never set out to battle with the likes of the creature in the sea. He was curious to see if it would rise from the swell again to grace them with another dance.
Raleska halted the patter of her pointy feet for a second, long enough to watch the angular fin jut from the waves and then disappear in a froth of bubbling white water. Her ears rose and fell as she tried to make sense of the action - where had it gone?

"Where go?" Her worried expression conveyed the concern she felt for the black creature, which had slipped underwater in the exact manner her mother had cautioned her to never do; 'You'll drown if you put your head unde-- RALESKA, DON'T DO THAT -- fine, feels great, doesn't it? Aren't you glad you did that?' exasperated words followed by a smug, knowing look from her mother as she hauled a sopping and bawling child from the brine.

"Ee's drown!" The girl cried, scrambling over her father as she watched a wave lap the surface where the fin had last been seen. Her ears rose and fell in quick succession as she whined, a wail bubbling in her throat: "ee's not suppos'd to do that!"