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This is not mandatory, but it is encouraged. Please help welcome @Reed and @Droman to the adult ranks! @Stockholm, @Driftwood, @Rokig, @Maegi, @Fern, @Mur, @Hemlock, @Komodo, @Reigi, @Elenor

Hemlock had spoken of Reed and Droman’s upcoming Mitexi — a rite of passage that meant little to the sheepdog, who didn’t know enough about Awenasa’s traditions to fully emulate them. That being said, she did feel that the two Kalis deserved a celebration. The island was steeped in mourning in the wake of Poppy’s death and deeply in need of some kind of revitalizing event.

For her part, the Groenendael had spent the better part of the day fishing; she was too fat, now, to comfortably or efficiently run down warmblooded prey. She collected blossoms, then set them on the surface of the small caldera just before sunrise, sending them floating like lotus lanterns with a pointed paddle of her feathered paw. A handful of the seawolves brought down one of the blacktail deer that populated Skybowl’s skirts, and this meal was dragged painstakingly along with several trips to gather up the fish. Then, when everything seemed ready — food in place, Skybowl’s mirrorlike surface strewn with a kaleidoscope of color, Moorhen, Stockholm, `Io, and Komodo sounded the summons that would open the festivities and bring the pack together.

oh, a celebration for her? about time, although reed doesn't know she's the subject of this little get-together yet. she does recall mama speaking of the mitexi, the details largely over her small red-furred head. as far as she's concerned she's already an adult -- a rite of passage, or whatever, is just icing on the cake.

still, when coelacanth issues summons, reed has the sense to go to her, her expression wide at the sight of the deer and fish, the flowers, at the caldera -- it's beautiful and clearly special. her slight form swells with self importance as she approaches, drawn to the colors like a moth to the light. she lowers herself in greeting the adults, taking up place with polite silence despite the obvious curiousity writ on her features.
Most days he stayed to himself, lingering at the lagoon as he watched the skies and the wildlife. It seemed like easy work but truthfully he was still trying to get the hang of it. Rokig spent his time learning which creatures did what. Mostly he was fascinated by the Pinches who seemed to scuttle about and snap at anything that got too close.

Today was not a typical day, though. There was a call that spoke of importance and Rokig knew he ought to attend. His short frame moved quickly across the island. The sight that he came upon was wonderful. Glorious even. Silver eyes glanced about as if he was looking for someone — because, in a way, he was. Rokig had hopes that he could perhaps linger by @Maegi while the festivities began.

Alas he didn't spot her just yet and so he gave a small smile to the ones who were present.

the girl stayed near to Seelie, not daring to stray save to examine the nearest trinkets, after which she'd wheel around and hightail it back to the atramentous sheepdog. when others began to arrive, and she became aware of their presence, did she root herself solidly next to one inky paw, flopping onto her rear and regarding all that unfolded before her with wide gaze.
She didn't quite know what this was about, but she dragged herself away from the idle task she had been engaged in, moving from the brush up to the Skybowl with tentative steps. She'd never been to the peak before--and her last foray into higher elevation had ended disastrously--so it was with relief that she spotted others already gathered.

Maegi gave Coelacanth a gentle nudge to the shoulder with her nose, kissed the top of Fern's tiny forehead, and flashed a smile towards the others, which grew bigger as she saw Rokig. She trotted clumsily over to him, bumping against him companionably with her scrawny shoulder to his.

"Hey," she remarked casually, though she couldn't deny the excited churning of her stomach as she looked up at the grayscale young man. "What's all this for, do you know?" It seemed to be some sort of pack meeting; she'd not experienced much of those in her life, but the meetings she had been privy to had never been good, particularly when the creepy wolves had challenged Vaati.

Hopefully, none of that bad luck had followed her here.
Late, late, late! It wasn't Droman's fault; he'd been so caught up in his work that he hadn't even registered the call until the sounds of growing commotion pulled his attention away. The boy rushed onward to the gathering, quietly finding his place beside Reed as he waited for someone to explain. Maegi sat within eye's view, for which he was grateful; it was nice to have something to rest his eyes on every now and then. 

I'm curious, Annie, Droman mused with a slight smile, What's this about?
Wherever Seelie went, so followed Mur. It wasn't often that he and Fern were given the opportunity to leave the den, but now that one had presented itself, he planned to take full advantage. As the adults gathered, Mur tried to make himself look as intimidating as possible at his caregiver's side, hoping that his perfectly untouched blonde beauty would draw all of the attention that he craved.
“We’re here to celebrate Reed and Droman’s Mitexi,” Stockholm says, turning his attention to @Hemlock, whose face is wreathed with a proud, gentle smile. “It’s a tradition from Awenasa, where Hemlock comes from, and it means they’re adults in the eyes of the pack.” He grins. “Reed and Droman were the first puppies ever to be born on Wheeling Gull Isle since we’ve been here,” he says with warm solemnity.

He knows that Hemlock has probably already told Reed and Droman about her birth tribe’s traditions and he doesn’t feel well-versed enough to bluff, so he simply says, “You’ll be Daggertooth until your first birthday, when you’ll reach Seawolf. This is kind of like a pre-birthday birthday party. Over the next while you’ll have your first hunt and a few other firsts to prepare you for life both beside the sea and far away from it.” He doesn’t know how much the wolves of the Teekons celebrate birthdays, and he and Seelie haven’t really fleshed it out much, but Daggertooth is meant to be a time of learning — a throwback to the period of time Seelie’s grandfather Riptide spent learning about the inland packs.

“We’ve got a few new members, so feel free to introduce yourselves,” he says, looking around in particular for @Elenor, who has yet to meet her new packmates. “Reed and Droman, this is your day, so,” he motions to the food. “You eat first.” He and Seelie aren’t really sticklers about feeding order but he knows it’ll mean something to wolves coming from stricter backgrounds. He doesn’t want there to be any doubt that this is a celebration for the two Kali youths.
The sheepdog watched eagerly as the seawolves began to arrive, her eyes lingering with particular fondness on Hemlock’s children. She kicked and rolled into a standing position, ignoring a cramp that pulled low in her abdomen, and moved first to Reed. If the small, red girl allowed it, she would make to smooth her muzzle along Reed’s until they were cheek to cheek, then curve her nose about the girl’s nape in a warm embrace. Then she went to Droman, a smile playing about her muzzle, and outstretched her nose to repeat the gesture — slotting her cheek and then her shoulder against his as she briefly laid her chin atop his withers.

“Welcome, Daggertooths,” she breathed in the wake of her mate’s explanation of the event, addressing the crowd in the silence that followed Stockholm’s speech. “My father’s father, Riptide, lived seaside ever,” she whispered haltingly, “until mate — met — my grandmother, Kirynnae. Kirynnae’s birth pack gave Riptide new life — new way,” she smiled shyly, “and, so…we wish for Reed and Droman, too.” Her words were clumsy and frail, but her love for them was unmistakable. “Fill stomach, fill eyes,” she murmured, gesturing to the feast and the lantern-dappled water. “Joyful be, and wander wide. Home here, ever. Always.”

The tiny Groenendael smoothed her tongue across Fern’s head, and offered funny little Mur a more dignified caress, pressing her nose against his cheek but leaving his brassy blond fur — a trait of which he was very proud! — untouched. “Soon Maegi, too,” she breathed, “and one day, Yakone, Fern, and Mur. Reed and Droman’s paws walk first, guide all.” She did not speak of the babies that grew within her and kicked even now — this celebration was for the living and the landside. She lumbered to each of the seawolves, exchanging scents with them in some smallway, and then threw back her head to “howl” — a hollow sigh that would hopefully be filled with song.
She was a little late to the scene, but there nonetheless. The blue dove gazed around at the figures gathered with a soft smile on her face, the sun creating little twinkles in her eyes. Faeryn's tail lazed gently at her hind, swaying occasionally in the pleasant atmosphere of this event. Her ears cupped forward, listening intently as Seelie spoke, though her vision drifted slightly to Reed and Droman, nodding her head to them in appreciation - the first youngsters born into Undersea.

When the time came to sing, she eagerly tipped her head back and joined Seelie's howl, feeling a warmth spread through her mind and body. It was times like this that she was reminded how lucky she was to belong somewhere, to have a home.
She had not known whether to respond to the call or not, she seemed to have been thrown into a situation that she had not quite expected. On some levels she was becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of staying here. On the other hand she feared the loss of her own independence. Memories of a life before her self-induced loner status were ones where she had no freedom of her own. Her ears twitched, perhaps this time would be different.

She stood up and made her way towards the call, awkwardly making her appearance and forcing a smile. It had been so long since she had been in such a crowd, as much as she wanted to be there she felt somewhat uncomfortable by the amount of wolves here. She stood silently and awkwardly off to a corner, smiling and watching the going-ons.
After listening patiently to the words of Stockholm and Seelie, Droman looked around at each of his packmates and then to his sister with eyes full of pride. It was a great responsibility that they were being dealt, but he knew that they were ready. It was reassuring to hear Seelie say that he would always have a home with the wolves of Undersea, especially with the cold feet that had come over him. Well, he laughed, let's dig in.

when maegi arrives reed perks up, only to find herself scowling as the girl goes over to a boy she's not met yet instead of saying hi to her. she slips closer to the pair, her expression cool as she says "hi, maegi," before turning to the boy and giving him a once over. "i'm reed," she says, deciding that if maegi is friends with this boy (and she must be, or why ignore her?) then reed should be as well. 

droman she greets with an indifferent nod, and then stockholm begins to speak -- ah, of course, it is a gathering for her. her expression brightens, a wide (and only slightly haughty) smile gracing her mouth. she likes the rank they're given. daggertooth feels weighty and sharp, well suited to her. and droman, she supposes (they are cut from the same cloth, after all). She draws herself up to her full height as Seelie addresses them, accepting her words graciously as she moves towards the feast, looking to Droman with delighted eyes. "lets," she agrees, for once genuine in her affection toward him as she embraces the moment -- and the wonderful meal undersea has provided for her. well deservedly.