Wolf RPG

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Raven was...angry?

It was an unusual emotion for her. Highly unusual. Sure, she had her occasional flashes of irritation and impatience like anyone else, but her experience as a healer had equipped her with a better ability than most to remain in control of her emotions. Anger was a rare thing for her. But boy, was she mad right now.

After EVERYTHING I did for her, she thought bitterly as she walked toward the lake to relieve herself from the sun's beating rays. She was a selfless wolf, always had been. She lived to serve others and did everything she could to keep them healthy, happy, and thriving. It was who she was, what she loved to do. Even though she was an alpha, that role would always come second to that of healer, counselor, and mother hen to the people around her -- even outsiders.

But she felt taken advantage of now, and that pissed her off. She'd had zero obligation to help that Ironsea stranger, but she'd done it anyway. Not only because it was the right thing to do, but also because maybe -- just maybe -- it might have opened the door to a positive relationship with a neighboring pack in the future. She'd even sent Ceara to Ironsea, putting her into potential danger, to carry tidings to them of their lost packmate. And how had their guest repaid their generosity? By ditching them without a word as soon as she was able to hobble off without assistance. What a waste of time, she stewed as she bathed in the lake's soothing depths, feeling the cool relief involuntarily lift some small measure of her ire.

After a while, she found she was calm and level-headed again, but one certainty stood out to her above all: No more outsiders. She would no longer waste her time, skills, and resources patching up people who weren't loyal to her pack. She had spent an enormous amount of time and supplies caring for Rosalyn, without even a "thank you" in return for her efforts. You know the saying: "once bitten, twice shy"? Well...consider Raven shy now.