Wolf RPG

Full Version: You'll be in my heart [Birthing thread]
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Backdated to yesterday because the power was cut off - For the papi @Koji and the bebs @Eilonwy and @Kubo - anyone, feel free the post a cameo when the babies are born, though Chusi won't allow anyone but Koji, @Arrille and @Durnehviir near them for now :)

The further swelling of her belly was expected, of course, but it didn't make life easy. Even finding her whelping den some days ago had gone pretty roughly but she was finally alone and in the dark and she loved it. She let Koji come and visit and tried her best to be friendly to anyone who came by but she usually didn't respond to anyone all that much. Her due date was nearing, that much was clear, and nervous butterflies (as well as the occasional kick from her children) fluttered around in her swollen oven.

It begun with a cramp, which wasn't so uncommon, but this one felt important. She moved her body around in the den, trying to find a position that would make the pain go away, but after an hour or so it had only gotten worse. She was panicking - was there something wrong with her babies? Or did they want to come out already? She yelped for help, hoping Koji was near, but there was not much to do except letting time do everything for her.

An instinct told her to start pushing, if they wanted to come out now then so be it. If they didn't, well, then this was good practice. It hurt more than she had expected and it didn't help that, for now, no one was near enough to comfort her (not that she would let them in her den during the whole process). After half an hour or so of breathing and pushing and being in pain she felt something shift to the opening. She nosed around in the liquids that had come with the first puppy's head, whining as she pushed the body out as well. The pain stopped for just a moment, giving her time to clean her firstborn and place it near her teats before it all started over again.

The second child was less difficult. It felt smaller and more fragile and she wasn't sure if that was right. Despite the pain, she examined the smaller child as it also slid out of her with more ease than its sibling. She nosed it and licked it and eventually the second born did start breathing. To her surprise, the pain ebbed away then and she was left with two squealing babes near her belly and a general mess between her hind legs.

She observed them with a loving smile, tired from the journey and yet this was only the beginning for them all. She turned her firstborn around gently, noting it was male. @Kubo ... She whispered to herself, wanting to give the two "working titles" for the time being. Hopefully they would stick (oh, who was she kidding, these were hers so they were hers to name). After making the boy comfortable again she turned to what seemed to be a bit of the runt of the litter. She turned also the second born around and she was pleased to see it was a female this time. @Eilonwy - now 'bout tha? She kissed both on the head before addressing their father who was hopefully near; Ya can come 'n look now...

If you asked right now, Eilonwy would probably say she'd rather spend eternity in her mother's womb. It had everything. It was warm and cozy, with plenty of space to share with her brother due to the reduced size of their litter, yet just enough pressure for things to stay where they were supposed to be. Breakfast (and pretty much every meal) was simply brought to her directly, and she didn't even have to breathe!

Believe it, breathing is NOT easy when you've spent pretty much your entire life not doing it. It took Eilonwy a moment, from the second she was finally released from the placenta and the cold engulfed her tiny body, to the drawn out cough that was her first breath, officially inaugurating her life. Her breathing was difficult for a moment, it felt strange how the cold air filled her lungs, as though it wasn't enough that the temperature had dropped around her already, and oh did she protest. She was loud, as much as an underweight newborn could be. But after all the discomfort and filling the list of things she now had to get used to she found a little haven. Mom pulled her closer, licking her and bringing back some of the warmth that she'd been so suddenly stripped down from. And then the milk, sweet warm life source that immediately she knew, at least this much would not require an effort getting used to.

Fatherhood was something Koji never expected to have so soon in his life but, to say he hated it would be a bit much. It was difficult at times trying to make sure everything was alright and the stress felt like weights dragging him down but I mean, other than it was totally great...or so he thought. Little did he know childbirth was like a nicely wrapped package of stress: exciting until you actually opened it up and saw what's on the inside.

Chusi's whines weren't helping with things either and despite not being what he'd call close with the mother of his children, her well being was very much important to him. He had no idea how he could help or really if he could do anything at all, which truth be told, kinda sucked. Nothing felt worse than listening to someone in pain and not being able to do a thing about it.

But eventually things began to quiet down and the thick stench of childbirth soon began to mix with the fresh scent of milk. Cries filled the air and despite them being hella annoying, cause damn they were loud as fuck, they were surprisingly a relief. Cries meant everything was ok right? Right!?

"You ok?" he questioned once invited closer, head popping into the den to try and get a look at his children. First thoughts were along the lines of they are ugly as hell but he hoped and assumed that was just because they had literally just popped out of the oven and all children looked this hideous when first born. "Do you need anything? Food?" he assumed she'd be hungry after everything she'd just went through, I mean shit he was hungry just by listening to her go through all that.
Bruh, he lit went from this warm, dark place to a new dark place that was cold AF. What gives?! Had Kubo the option, he for sure would have stayed in the womb for the rest of his life—but alas! Nature is a cruel thing and forced him to be born, leaving the warm—albeit cramped—place behind and finding himself all alone somewhere ne—oh. Wait a minute, no. Not alone, there was something bumping against him (or did he bump against it…?). Suddenly put at ease by this new discovery, the boy settled in comfortably against his mother’s underside and, unbeknownst to him, began to nurse.
Unlike their father, Chusi found the two babes at her belly to be the most beautiful beings she had ever laid eyes on. This was saying something, for her numerous adventures had led to her meeting a lot of beautiful wolves. Her belly was turned to the opening of their whelping den, her own dark-furred form wrapping around the small beans. Her ocher eyes, tired from child birth but sparkling with happiness, turned to meet the head of the new father and she nodded softly. She was fine. Better than fine.

Ignoring his question, brain far too busy with still realizing she had just put two new lives on the planet, she went on to talk in a soft whisper just loud enough for him to hear. A boy 'n a girl... Ain't tha perfect? She asked happily. She stretched invitingly then. Come - come look... Then she turned to their babes, properly in love with the small being already.
Durnehviir, since stepping down from leadership, had not strayed far from her pups. Obsessive and paranoid over their recent bear attack, the russet Frostfur was terrified to let them out of her sight. It was particularly difficult at times, especially now that they were almost two months old and finding new, creative ways to evade her watch.

Things had been peaceful, however. The beast who'd robbed them of Ingram had moved on, thankfully, and Wylla lived quietly with her lone newborn. Swiftcurrent continued to function well and, with the approach of Chusi's due date, Durnehviir opted to steal away for a short time with her mate's return. She wanted to check in and make sure all was well before the arrival of another new litter, and be sure that Koji hadn't disappeared as she'd begun to suspect.

The strong scent of birth flooded the wolfess' nares upon nearing the place she knew her young comrade to den, and she paused in her tracks to better test the air. Pricking her velvet lobes, she listened intently for the soft sounds of babies' cries. In that moment, her heart swelled; the unapproved mating of her subordinates beneath her rule had insulted her greatly, yet she'd become a mother before all else. Durnehviir's lifestyle before the Teekon had never been one fit for parenthood but, now that she had whelped her own, she felt it to be her life's true purpose.

A soft woof announced her arrival, and her tail arched instinctively as she moved in closer and caught sight of the Chusi's elusive partner hovering half-way underground. A corner of her mouth twitched in immediate distaste, though the crimson beauty corrected herself with the reminder of the occasion. She cast aside her mistrust of the suspicious male who'd sired the pack's newests babes and despite her desire to shoo him from the area, she instead regarded him with a cool stare as she closed the distance between them.

"How is everyone doing in there?" Durnehviir called out gently, her focus primarily on Chusi as she ducked her head to peek past Koji's shoulder.