Wolf RPG

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aw ♥

'grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.'  the black cub growled, dragging a stick twice his size behind him. he had wrestled with it for the better part of a half an hour, and with dirt all across his legs and a good brown slurry of earth and drool riming the stick, arcturus proudly wielded his trophy homeward. he was never far from the watchful eye of his parents, nor too far from his siblings, but he was always looking for new games to play and exciting things to discover.

left to his own means, arcturus would have happily gone exploring -- as it was, he was not often allowed too far from the rendezvous. unwilling to test his parent's patience, he found other ways to keep himself occupied: namely, the invigorating sport of stick-slaying.

Nor did Yama ever stray too far from their parents, much too interested in observing them to even attempt it. She had a terrible habit of loitering, really, often keeping from involving herself in things and just watching from afar with insatiable curiosity. And it was with that same curiosity that she then observed her brother, head tilted slightly and tail wagging lazily, wondering to herself what might happen next—and what he was even doing, though the former seemed a far more enticing bit of information.
She slid into the shadows, and had just returned to the rendezvous moments before reaching the stick-wielding pup's scene. Her first efforts on the hunt had failed, so she opted for fishing instead when she didn't particularly feeling like exerting herself chasing. Now she brought back the creekwater and a small fish that suited her well enough. With the cool-down from a saturated coat, she had very little to complain about right now.

Since sharing was to be avoided if she could help it, she did not rush to go to the pups quite yet. She settled within earshot and did not move to distract from what busied them. As she peeled at the scaled flesh, she tuned in with mild interest to see what may unfold between the dark son and an observing daughter--and if and when they might notice her casually lurking back on them.
it was truly a herculean task, keeping all the sticks in line. arcturus hoped his parents appreciated him for all he did, because it was a lot -- stick slaying was serious business, and arcturus took his job as lawn orderly to heart. since yama didn't seem interested in helping him keep the unruly sticks in line, arcturus gave her a little harrumph and went back to beleaguering the battered piece of wood.

he gave the stick a good thrash, reminding it that he was in charge with little growls -- but mid-shake, caught the slinking form of his mother. "MAMA!" he shouted, absolutely blowing her cover (and forgetting about the disorderly stick behind him). his tail thumped rapidly as he saw she was peeling something - stick? he tilted his head curiously, bounding over to her with a wide grin on his features.

Yama was so focused on watching her brother that she hadn’t even heard their mother’s approach. Her gaze was trained on the Master of Sticks, watching curiously as he smacked it around like it owed him money. Only when Articuno shouted was she startled from her focused state and swung her head in the direction he was looking, nerves making her hackles rise—until she saw her mom and was immediately put at ease. Her tail started thumping against the ground, too, before she pushed herself up and bounded over towards Mamakaze; she didn’t notice the food right away, too busy whining excitedly and trying to lick under her mama’s chin.
She made very little progress on her peel before she was zeroed in on, then entirely called out. Almost impressively fast, but not quick enough to threaten her fish yet, she picked up her prize and held fast as the two of them came bounding on towards her. She let them get close enough to her.. just about enough so to let them maybe get their hopes up, but carefully aimed, she stayed just out of reach.

With a low, taunting rumble of nope before she went, she sprang away over them entirely and took her fish with her. Her tail flung up tall and a look over her shoulder wondered if they'd still come for her.

there certainly was hope in the young boy's gaze, bolstered by his sister's trailing - his mama had something interesting, a stick, or something better -- something she would surely share with him, right?



his smile fell from his face faster than a rock sank into the ocean, faster than a held and taunt twig might sweep offensively in the face of an unwitting passerby once released; there was no word for the shade of betrayal that overcame his young features - young features that ought to have never felt such a degree of treason anyway.

arcturus paused, having no way to make sense of what his mother had just done. what do you mean you don't want to share? he looked at her imploringly and then growled his frustrations at yama - he might have taken a swing at his sister with a clumsy paw if he hadn't caught his mother watching them.

seeing her not too far, but still intangibly out of reach, arcturus decided it was a game and she couldn't be serious. she couldn't possibly not want anything to do with him - he was her cutest son (his opinion, which frankly, could not be trusted) and surely it had just been a well-meaning joke. assuring himself mamakaze had no intentions of being so cruel to him (reminder, her most adorable son) arcturus persisted after her.

A smiling child, a blackened sun—an amazed little girl, gaze trailing quickly after her mother as she evaded them. Yama did not see anything wrong with what happened, her spirit intact and will yet to be crushed. All she felt was pure amazement at her mother’s antics and speed—would she someday be able to evade another just as swiftly? She could picture herself already, standing in the exact position as her mother, another wolf avoided and her mind wired—until a growl snapped her right out of it.

Immediately, the little yam puffed up, as attentive as she could be whilst her head swung back and forth, searching for the source—a source none other than her very own brother! Huffing, she was fully prepared to stand up for herself, but the point of his focus was shoved off of her long before she could even utter just one word. Confused, she tilted her head, the earlier aggression already forgotten; she realised what was going on, eyes finding their mother with ease. It took only a handful of seconds before she, too, was continuing to pursue Mamakaze.
She stood poised and fully prepared to taunt them into action if she had to, but thankfully she did not. They were not so easily off-put to deny coming back at her. Fresh off the satisfaction of costing them such an easy victory, her senses whirled, reached, and she weighed her options. To find a lesson in terrorizing them was always the goal, in some vague way at least.

She could disappear entirely and make them track her, or she could goad them into confrontation. Both, in some tangling way that the nature of the hunt would always show them, was probably her best plan with them in mind. At least she had their attention already, and that would be hard to ignore.

But she gave a quick pause again now that she was well away and readjusted the fish in her teeth, then shook her head with a playful growl. The fish at her mercy, and once pleased with a shake, she tossed her head and kicked her heels out, romping in place; look how fun, she glinted her teeth over her shoulder at them through scales, so far staying relatively stationary as distance eased between her and the whelps--but what would they do once in reach?
arcturus was damned if he wasn't going to get that fish. determined, he plowed after his taunting mother with yama following hot on his heels. perhaps the two of them could split up and be sneaky; he shared a furtive look with yama and then dove towards his mother in high steps.

she wriggled the fish, stomped in place, and seemed to be saying come and get it; arcturus' greedy, hungry puppy eyes followed the scintillating scales with the gluttonous interest of a child - can i eat that? can i put that in my mouth? can you give it to me? his mouth parted, and once he was within five feet of his deftly moving mother he leapt for her jaws like a little piranha that in all likelihood would be slapped away like an annoying minnow.