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maybe a @Laurel? @Lucas welcome too! <3

indra had a sister, tadec an in-law, and merrick an aunt. and while mona did not presume to be part of the small family, laurel was someone whom she found she very much wished to meet. a mother of three active children; mona assumed she too might be in need of someone to entertain the pups.
and so with her the slyph carried a squirrel-pelt; fighting the urge to grind it between her own teeth, the girl approached laurel's densite and let it slip to the earth. giving a low woof, mona swept her ears forward, awaiting the appearance of the other redleaf woman.
"Rawr!" Lucas growled at his spindly brother, who leapt away with a frolicsome toss of his head as the piebald pup snapped his teeth harmlessly and snorted. "You'll nev'r get my trishur, y'evil mons'er!" They were playing Dragons and Goblins, a game they had completely made up. The point of the game was for the goblin to sneak past the "sleeping" dragon and steal something from his treasure trove. @Wyatt was the goblin. As it turned out, his thin dark-furred sibling was excellent at his role and had successfully snuck past Lucas two of three times, but on this third time, he was ready. Since he was considerably larger thanks to his portly belly, Lucas also made for a good dragon. Can't get what you can't find under your brother's rolls, right?

But as all pups did, the pair eventually tired of their game, with Wyatt and Lucas each winning one more round before the former decided that a nap was in order. The latter still had too much energy and excused himself to practice his dance moves, but when he poked his head out of the family den, it was to see someone new and exciting standing there. He stopped suddenly, pale eyes wide on Mona's face—how on earth had she known he was leaving right at that moment? Lucas decided then and there that Mona was a wise and talented wizard who had just shown him the most amazing magic trick.

"Coooool!" exclaimed the pup, tail wagging hard as he pulled his dumpy body out into the light. He didn't notice the squirrel fur and didn't ask her name, yet; he was way too busy marveling over how Mona had known just where he was gonna be and when. It was the most incredible thing he had ever seen and he asked, awestruck, "How'd you do tha'?"
there were the children of laurel and xan here. mona watched and presently a pup emerged, rife with long, thick fur, the glint of blue eyes, and a rotund build. not long after they had seen one another, the child approached with the usual unconscious lack of fear possessed by the very young. 
plume lapping at her heels, mona lowered her muzzle to regard the child and take his scent, if permitted. "do what?" she inquired, perplexed but charmed. while the lone pup born to indra and tadec might always hold a place of higher affection and familiarity in her heart, the other children of the valley had captured her completely. 
"what is your name? mine is mona," she trilled some moments later, settling her haunches against the ground and pushing the pelt forward for his inspection, wondering excitedly what he would make of it.
He issued an endearing giggle when Mona's nose pressed forth to gather his smell, and he lifted his own broad muzzle to sniff less delicately at her lips, snuffling like an over-eager hound. "You knew I was comin'!" he insisted, rump wiggling as he stepped back and brought his sparkling gaze up to touch hers, just a light brush of contact before they skimmed away across her scarlet brows. She reminded him a bit of Indra, but Mona was much less dour than his aunt, whom Lucas loved immensely even for her weary demeanour. He hadn't seen her in some time, though.

"I'm Lucas," the rotund pup obliged, ears flopping joyously back as he said, "tha's Wyatt," although his brother was hiding in the shadow of the den mouth, reluctant to come forth. "Are you magic'ly?" he asked, flopping his behind down into the damp loam and letting his tongue loll out the side of his mouth. "Can y' do tricks?"
a titter broke from mona at the boy's claim she was magical! tadec had thought so also, and mona knew her lineage; perhaps there was some truth to it. "wellllll," she began slowly, tipping a wink to lucas and a little bow to the hiding wyatt, "i bet if you hid, i could find you. without using my nose." an impulse, and yet one the firebrand intended on seeing through, her lips parting into a broad smile. "just magick."
eyes shining with the playful challenge, mona peered between the pair of round velvet children, wondering if either one of them would take her up on the offer. after all, she herself had never played such a game before — it would be a fun experiment for her also.
"Really?" asked Lucas, with eyes growing wide, and almost instantly his entire body began to jiggle with excitement. He knew it. She was magic! Mona was the first magic wolf Lucas had ever met and he intended to see everything she could do with it. It would make for an amazing story to tell his mom and Piper later!

Wyatt's head was poking out of the den now, and Lucas was quick to loop him in on the game. "C'mon, Wy, we gotsa hide! She's gonna use magics to fin' us!" Jostling his slimmer brother, the pudgy Arctic pup took off to find the best hiding place possible. Wyatt did the most predictable thing and sank back into the den, utilizing that for his hiding place. Lucas was much more spontaneous and ran for the nearby stand of trees.

He looked around for several moments, tail beating as he rapidly flicked through his options, and then crammed himself awkwardly into a hollow at the roots of a tree. It took a lot of effort to shove his bulk down in there, and he never once stopped to think about how much harder it was going to be to get out of the hole; all he was thinking about was hiding as well as he could so that Mona had to use her magic to figure out where he went.
the boys bolted, and mona did not hide the laughter that bubbled out after them. turning in a neat circle, she settled on her haunches and closed her eyes tightly, a last giggle breaking from her before the girl found composure. 
theatrically she rose, the promise not to use her naturally-granted senses a bit cloying at the moment. however, it was magick that mona had said she would wield, and magick she intended for the purpose of locating her new little friends.
"i am going to find you now," the firebrand crooned through the densite. gathering herself up, mona began to stagger-walk, weaving to and fro as if guided by some unseen force. "magick ... it says you're ... here," she began. "no — here!"
she thrust her nose beneath a tuft of grass and gave an exaggerated frown, followed by a dizzy few paces in the direction of lucas' tree. "what's that, magick? they're under the ground??" mona gasped loudly, enjoying herself far more than she had in a long time.
His brother excelled at this sort of game, disappearing into dark places and holding his breath until the moment passed. Lucas, on the other hand, was terrible at hiding. He was blessed with a winter-white coat that was useful in neither winter or summer thanks to the splashes of taupe that adorned him, so he stood out like a sore thumb in all kinds of weather. He was hefty and growing moreso each day, and that bulk was difficult to squish down, a stark contrast to how Wyatt or Piper could condense their wiry bodies. And there was the matter of laughter to consider: Lucas, bless his heart, could not stop giggling.

It crescendoed into a squealy laugh when Mona, speaking to the magick she employed, hypothesized that he was underground. There wasn't room in the little hollow for his tail to wag, but it tried nonetheless, and he scrabbled to push himself further down into the space. It was no good. He couldn't even turn himself around. Breathless, the Redleaf sucked in air and tried to hold it in to pretend he wasn't there, but even if his giggling could be contained—and it couldn't, for it spilled out in little snorts—the bright white of his haunch pressing out of the hole was clearly visible from all angles.
the boy's laughter was beginning to carry on the wind, costing mona her theatrically dedicated sense of composure. the girl's eyes lit, her cheeks puffing with hiccupping giggles she forced herself to swallow. staggering in a meandering fashion toward the tree beneath which lucas had ensconced himself, mona sighed with faux aggravation.
"well, looks like i was wrong." another sigh, this one cutting through the catches of snorting, childish laughter that threatened to make the scarlet mayfair like actually lose it this time. "guess i can't use just magick to find my friends!"
unable to help herself, the druid-girl paced round to where her young charge resembled the white flag of a doe among the roots of the tree. "well? what's this? is it some sort of mushroom?" she asked loudly of no one in particular.
How was he supposed to stay quiet while Mona talked to herself like that? She was a hoot. Every exclamation she made was met with another round of giggles from Lucas, who did his absolute best to shove his snout down into his crumpled paws to muffle it. He didn't know where she was and couldn't track her location from underground, but then her voice sounded from nearby, asking about a mushroom, and he couldn't help but to laughingly groan, "nooo!"

He wasn't a smelly mushroom! He was just a smelly puppy, something that became evident when he exploded into further laughter and his rear end, unable to contain itself against his gigglefit, issued a quiet little poot.

the mushroom made a noise and emitted a puff mona did not immediately recognize. however, in the next moment, the girl had backpedaled with shaking gasps of shocked amusement. "oh my f — haha!" mona guffawed. simply thinking the word 'fart' was enough to confound her back onto her haunches, where she tittered until her eyes fair watered.
some more mature part of her frowned down upon such things, but that bit was not in charge; mona was weakened by her own mirth: that she had made the boy laugh so hard he'd farted was weirdly hysterical.
It was all over for Lucas; a vicious feedback loop had begun. He was embarrassed, of course, and without tan-and-white fur to cover his face, it might have been beet red. But he just couldn't stop laughing. Mona's laughter drifted to his ears from outside and kept his giggles going, and farts were just hilarious, and every round of laughter that shook his portly gut also made his rear end staccato with little pff-pffts, and so it was never-ending.

Eventually, when his belly began to ache and his breath came in whooping gasps while his lungs struggled to catch up, he took a huge breath to try to calm himself. It didn't work, of course; he managed to hold his composure for exactly 1.3 seconds before he burst out laughing again, tears streaming down his face. All the while he tried to remove himself from the hole, and discovered at some point that he just couldn't. Somewhere between fits of mirth, Lucas managed to wheeze out a little, "'m stuck!"
mona's laughter went on, spinning in and out of lucas' own, and punctuated with a very particular form of percussion. it truly was the most the girl had giggled in quite some time; her chest and the muscles of her belly fair ached when she paused at the high-pitched muffle of the child's voice. "oh, haha, oh no!" mona chuckled helplessly, though humour soon gave way to the necessity of evaluating the situation.
"hold on!" hmming nervously to herself, mona set her jaws around as close to his nape she could reach, tugging backward gently. perhaps he would aid her in a wriggle, or so the firebrand hoped.

He shook with continued laughter even though the situation was starting to lose its humour; discovering how very stuck he was brought fear up to the edges of his consciousness. But still he laughed, dying slowly from heavy guffaws to uncontrolled chortles and finally to chuckles between breaths. Then the gravity sunk in, and his laughter turned to laboured huffs. Turns out the Arctic fluff-ball was starting to feel claustrophobic.

Thankfully, Mona was there to help. Her teeth secured a hold somewhere on his mid back, making him wince in the darkness, and then he felt himself tugged backward. He held fast and panic began to mount in his breast, making his breathing shallow. But Mona's effort afforded him enough room to get his hind feet under his considerable belly, and he managed to come free of the hole after several moments of pressing backward.

He tumbled out onto the grass and gasped. He was never going to take the sun for granted again. Without considering what he was doing, the piebald pup turned around and pressed himself as close to Mona's chest as she might allow, stabilizing himself with her presence.
for a moment, mona was unsure whether or not she would be able to extricate lucas. however, their combined efforts brought the boy out of his hidey-hole. he pressed against her, and the girl struggled with only a moment of hesitation before leaning forward to kiss the top of his head, between his velveteen ears. "good job!" she congratulated her partner in crime — was that allowed? was she allowed to be affectionate with kids who were not hers? was that weird?? — before bending into a playbow.
"you wanna race back to the den?" the mayfair purled when he had presumably turned to face her. more than happy to play with the boy longer, mona nevertheless thought it was time for the both of them to quit this tree and its puppy-clasping abilities.

The embrace was brief; the puffball backed up quickly enough after Mona praised him. His tail beat happily behind him, dispelling the last of the panic from his chest, as he looked over her ruddy face with shining eyes. "Was a good hiding spot, huh?" he asked, begging in that subtle way that children had for just a little more recognition. Every kid wanted tonnes of that, Lucas included.

Her proposal surprised him and he fixed her with a feigned suspicious squint as he asked, "y'gonna use magicks to fly and beat me?" There was no question of who would win a race between the two of them, magic or no. Even if he was fully grown as well, there would be no question. But he had to check, just to be sure, because he wasn't yet aware that being Roly Poly Lucas-oly wasn't the prime way to win an Olympic medal.
she chuckled. "it was an amazing hiding place!" the girl exclaimed, her eyes bright. "you were basically inside the tree." mona found she had found the entire series of events to be cathartic in a way she was not aware she had needed. within her, a lightness that had been gone for some time.
lowering herself into a playbow, she shook her head. "just my legs! you can have a head start, too." when he did not immediately move, the girl tittered again. "run!"
after lucas finally dashed off, the little cardinal counted to five before streaking after him in a wildfire ribbon, tongue lolling in a grin of sheer childish delight.