Wolf RPG

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For anyone from Moonspear, or anyone in the area. I rolled dice to determine how much damage he'll take if he's hunted/attacked and the result was 66/100 so, no death please, but if you wanna fite him then go for it! No more than 3 characters please, otherwise it'll be insane.

He had been driven out of his own kingdom by none other than Skoonka, and the stallion was beyond frustrated. It had occured months ago — at the height of spring, when he should have been bedding his wives and gathering more to his harem — and Nechako was still furious about it. He had kept to himself since then. Now, with summer nearing its peak, he did not know what to do with himself.

The sun kept his coat shining with sweat, and he was always on the hunt for fresh water. The shade afforded by the glen was a welcome reprieve; he slunk along without issue, and bowed his head to inspect the soil. There were many things here which interested him. He toyed with some reeds of grass that had been sheltered next to some elm trees, and when he turned away they were measurably shorter. The scent of forest creatures was heavy in the soil, but he snorted softly to rid the aroma from his nose.

He needed water. He needed to strengthen himself and return to his wives. The creature would not be a rogue for long, he vowed that much to himself — Skoonka would pay for turning against him.
old enough now to be sneaky, arcturus had given @Charon and @Amekaze the slip and had promptly gotten lost. at first he had been delighted by his freedom, and had investigated every bush, twig, and tussock with childlike gusto -- up until he looked up and suddenly, had no idea where he was.

he knew better than to call for his parents -- a fawn might do that, and would find herself fending the fang of predators -- and while arcturus was no fawn, he was young enough that he was easily vulnerable in the wrong company.

enter wrong company: something larger than arcturus had ever seen strolled past him. instinctively the boy shrank from the rolling shadow of the unknown beast, his eyes widened in slight horror. it smelled nothing like anything his parents had ever brought to him, and arcturus found himself flattening his body against the grass, hoping the great creature was either peaceful, or inobservant, and would pass him by.

The pups were growing less vulnerable and stronger, which was good; however, it also opened up new dangers, such as overlooking apparent danger and making it easier for them to run off alone. The pack took care of the pups, but that also meant it depended on communication and that they were expected to always have someone on the lookout, somewhere. And sometimes there were just emergencies or otherwisely someone didn't pay attention or had other places to be. The pups were not so strictly watched anymore now (though moreso than previous years after the things that'd happened to Galaxy the year prior; he was not the laconic parent who'd just let his kids do whatever anymore that he was in that first year).

Charon made his way back from his encounter at bramblepoint with the chatty wolf. He looked up at the mountain and smiled as he crossed Firefly Glen; it felt much like coming home. Charon let out a content sigh as he watched the scenery. Somewhere in the distance he saw a beast he hadn't seen many times before -- a horse, he vaguely remembered -- though he paid it little mind as he was alone anyway and therefore not in any capacity to hunt it.
Jogging lightly down the path, the yearling had been sent on the errand of retrieve one of his brothers again. Right now he didn't much mind, especially since he fancied a good stretch of his legs, and after all: he could do with something vaguely entertaining--which, thankfully, the pups were very good for that. They always seemed to find something to get into, or wander off to investigate, or whatever else it was for the day, and corralling them around gave him plenty to do.

He tracked his meandering trail and didn't immediately find him in the flesh so the beginning hints of concern threatened to creep up beneath his toes. Jarilo slowed down and skimmed the scene more carefully with his brother's name right on the tip of his tongue.. but not quite desperate enough for it, he did not call out yet. He kept threading further into the neutral turf, looking this way and that as he went. The scents brought him near.. but not quite. The yearling Ostrega knew it was possible the boy didn't want to be found, which possibly complicated everything he set out to do here. Now fighting back a dash of new frustration, Jarilo huffed. "Aaaarc!" he finally called out to the landscapes at large, raising his voice up and darting forward for a speedier go at it now.

Without any inkling that his father was practically nearby too, instead of a dark smudge of a brother, he saw the large unfamiliar ungulate moving along minding its own and his hackles flung up instantly. Startled by something so sizable just cruising by, Jarilo shrunk into the nearest cover to regroup and spy on it better.. but none of this was helping his current issue of misplaced goods.

He realized in this momentary lull that his heart was beating fast and he really wanted to sate his curiosities, especially with a strange scent like that peppering the air in that creature's wake... but he had to find his brother or his mom was going to skin him... so.. priorities were in order. When an animal of that size could spell danger, he had to act--so he believed. He gathered his nerves and anxiously sprung back into motion, this time tempting himself by trailing after the strange beast by several lengths, unknowingly following it towards the tall grass concealing his brother.
The lord of the herd was not wholly ignorant of the creatures that spied him, for their scent was everywhere and his long snout was quite sensitive. He was aware that this was wolf country and so assumed that any deep scent he crossed as he ate was because of that, and not because they were drawn close. Certainly, Nechako was oblivious to the small bundle of dark fur that was Arcturus — the boy did a great job of hunkering down and keeping out of sight. Nechako's broad head was down among the greenery anyways. His ears were turning and trying to catch the sounds in the glen, his tail whisked to force some summer flies off his hide, but otherwise he was going about his own business.

When he grew tired of the taste this greenery gave him, Nechako raised his mighty head. He shook out his mane, and as the tendrils of hair along his neck settled back in to place, he took stock of his surroundings. It was then that he noticed a glint of pale white against a backdrop of deep greens, but it was far off. One glance, and his curiosity was raised, but the creature was still too distant to be a threat. He snorted softly to clear his nose of smells, and descended again to graze — his steps side-stepping the surreptitious child's hiding place in the process.

There was, after a few moments, a sound from his flank. It was also distant but with the slightest adjustment of his ears Nechako could at least estimate what it could be, and where it was going. It most certainly was not the wind. Any horse knew the wind well; the wind was the voice of the world, it was deified by his own people of the plains. He knew it well. The sounds did eventually stop and that was what made him partially lift his head again, take a step, and swing the mighty bough of his neck around so he could get a quick look; the wolf was concealing himself. He was young though, evidently as curious of Nechako as the lord was over this domain.

Then — beside him — just beneath his sun-touched cheek — his senses were overwhelmed by the musk of the predator. The sweet notes of meat, which churned his belly like a mighty river. Focus came to his eye, and he realized he was dangerously close to the young cub hidden in the grass; he huffed upon understanding, and his large eye trained upon Arcturus.
it was sheer wonder that kept arcturus rooted to the spot as the ungulate grazed. a few times, the beast rose its long head, and arcturus watched rapt as its ears swiveled and flicked with fine command. something about the horse captivated arcturus; he was shaped not unlike a deer, but somehow, was greater -- and in his darkly lit eyes there was a gentle intelligence arcturus had never witnessed before.

but the brute's steps came closer, and arcturus felt a chill ride his spine. he was unaware his father was nearby, but fought the urge to rejoin jarilo's call as it rose from the heather. his ears strained in the call's direction, but instinct bade him to be still lest he be discovered.

as the horse drew nearer, arcturus found himself studying curiously its liquid gaze -- until that sovereign gaze fell upon him. immediately the dark cub felt his presence exposed; as those large eyes curiously roved his form he felt as if every part of him was being meted against some unknown decree. a small cry left his muzzle and he shrank back further, ears flat as he stared back in horror.
Charon studied the horse in the distance. Ears perked forward as he saw a silhouette enter the plains. At first he thought it was Amekaze, but soon he realised that it was Jarilo instead; he noticed easily by the slightly less steadfast trod. His son froze when he saw the horse and Charon, too, waited as he watched how Jarilo would respond to it. The horse, meanwhile, seemed to spot something between the grasses, but Charon's brief experience with horses was that they often would do such things; notice tiny details on the ground that would catch their eye or spook them, things that didn't hold such interest for wolves like flowers or sparkly rocks.
He kept a reverent distance, yet wanted to get closer. Captivated by such an unknown, and almost lured by something of its sorts, he knew he'd feel better when he had his brother back.. and maybe then he could figure such a mysterious creature out. Watching it peruse along, take in their sceneries, and react accordingly--Jarilo was so full of questions, and torn between what would it taste like and what could it do, he was really keen for more, somehow.

Soon, he did realize his father here too and perked noticeably. Greetings withheld, they had bigger matters but this was a morale boost for him, helping to harden his resolve in proceeding here. Hesitantly he trotted closer, rounding wide from behind the horse when and where it paused to check out his brother. Jarilo caught on to what exactly was happening a few heartbeats later, and worriedly drifted in closer--but not too close as he tried to size this situation up properly. He didn't want to startle it most of all. He did want his brother to know he was here, and tried to edge onto his line of sight.. although he wouldn't blame him if he was staring dead on at the thing up that close.

From here, to their side several meters off, seeing the size difference between equine and canine was worrisome to the yearling.. how only its head was so long compared to an entire Arcturus sent a weird prickle down his back that really made him want to get to him now. Lifting his head, and giving his courage a soft fluff, he boofed at his brother, finishing his complaint with a quiet whine. He darted his eyes from horse to Arcturus, then over his shoulder to Charon with an ominous look that said curious, but pretty concerned......

Well. He picked up his head and went closer, hopefully trying to steal the horse's attention from his brother.. or.. shoo it away from him before either of them could do anything sketchy.
It was not long before that large eye blinked, and it blinked slowly. Thoughtfully. It was as if the horse were considering his options; surely that was worth doing, as he knew what sat before him could end up being a danger in the future. Nechako had heard of wolves before—had seen them tracking him before—but never in his long years had he been this close to one of their foals. The small thing did not look so dangerous even if its musk told every inch of him to fight and to flee. He lifted his head slightly, turned it, and carefully nosed at the foal's plush fur. He sniffed at the top of Arcturus' head and even felt bold enough to lip at his very tall ears before withdrawing.

Then, as he settled back a half-step, he turned and resumed his munching on the grass—as if the foal was nothing but a lump of moss that held no interest to him. In actuality the lord was listening to his surroundings. He knew that there were more adults around him. He knew not to harm this young thing lest he bring ire from these grown wolves. As curious as he was of the child, he was wise enough not to test his luck. He would move on at a lazy pace but anyone keeping an eye on Nechako would see his strong jaw had stopped overworking the grass. Given any aggression from the wolves, he would be out of there in a flash.
the boy was too enveloped in that large, glossy eye to notice anything - not even the gentle boof his brother uttered from the tall tussocks. every blade of fur stood on end on arcturus' tiny body (tiny in relation to the horse, which lorded over them at a stately height that seemed no mortal could acquire) - not in defensiveness, or even fear.. but in adrenaline-pounding excitement.

and then it was nosing him, lipping at his ears with prehensile lips that stunned arcturus with their dexterity and strength; he quivered under the warm breath of those two large nostrils, inhaling the sweet scent of grass and plains that sung like stirring notes on nechako's breath. arcturus was mesmerized, ghostly still -- and it was not until the horse moved away was the spell broken.

while nechako still gazed upon him out of the corner of one of his all-seeing eyes, arcturus felt keenly the horse's absence and rose. he felt as if the horse was some god that had examined his presence, thumbed through his very being, and then with a benign will had moved on to mete judgment on some other soul. arcturus rose shakily and plodded after the grazing ungulate -- once he had caught the beasts' gaze (unknowing that nechako could see him from angles arcturus would believe impossible) he flung into a messy playbow, his tail high over his thin hips and a wide grin beseechingly on his muzzle. play with me! his body language begged; every fiber of him thrust into an eagerness for approval he had never felt before.
Charon observed Jarilo in the distance. His son seemed to be a little nervous, though it could be because he'd not seen a horse before. Charon approached slowly, not intending necessarily to chase the creature away. It seemed to be grazing from Charon's point of view -- he was too far off to see that he was nosing someone hidden in the grass -- and Charon continued in a slow trot. Jarilo cast him a glance that seemed a bit off, but again he thought it must be because his son hadn't seen such an animal before.

The scent of family thickened as he approached but Charon didn't see Arcturus until he popped from the grass seemingly suddenly. Charon's hackles rose defensively and he quickened his pace. He wasn't necessary intending to get between them but in his approach there was a certain threat pointed towards the horse, warning him to leave the pup alone.
skipping nechako since jeebs is on hiatus <3 -- @Charon and @Jarilo do either of you, or both of you, want to post again to wrap up? doesnt matter to me! im ok with PP to conclude

just as arcturus cajoled for play, nechako's long face rose from the rifling grass and looked to some unseen vantage in the distance. arcturus froze, feeling ignored -- (feeling was not the same as experiencing, for nechako had an ear turned upon the dark cub, unknown to arcturus).

it was with a frown that the boy huffed, feeling spurned by the horse's attentiveness elsewhere -- but it was then he noticed jarilo, who was quite close -- "RILLO!"  the boy yipped, flouncing to his brother with a flurry of affection, the horse forgotten (and charon for the moment, also unnoticed).

once a suitable amount of affection had been meted out on his grey brother, arcturus caught sight of his father -- as he bounded then to charon with nibbles along his father's leg, he realized the horse was gone -- doubtless it had strolled off during the family reunion, searching for less busy grasslands in which to graze.

With a hefty measure of caution, he watched the horse go on its way--seemingly well above their wolf matters, and neutral enough to leave his brother in one piece, for which he was grateful. Perhaps it operated on a different plane than them; he'd believe it, it was impressive and strange.. which left him oddly intimidated and awed for what could really just be food. Seeing this, even without the minor details, let relief come slowly.. but sure enough, at least until Arcturus was coming. Jarilo perked majorly, and yapped back. "Holy shit Arc what did that thing do," he asked in a big rush as he doled out his own brand of affectionate greetings now that he was back--also taking this opportunity to make sure he truly was alright--and he was.

Jarilo didn't sit still long enough to hear out any answers, and he supposed that right now, it wasn't even what he wanted to focus on anymore.

Since it was his original purpose in coming here, the yearling rode this momentum to help gather the family back up. He followed hastily after the younger Ostrega back towards their father, tail waving all over the place as he went. He glanced over his shoulder to the horse at least one more time, just in case. He would be keeping that in mind for later and would feel better when they were all pointed towards home.
It seemed the horse got the intention the father gave off pretty well, for before Charon could come close enough to actually warn it or chase it off the horse decided to make its way out of their way and away from Arcturus. Charon fell back into a trot, his threatening body language falling down to a more natural, neutral stance as he breathed out in relief. Arcturus had meanwhile found Jarilo, seeking shelter with his big brother.

"Is he okay?" Charon asked Jarilo as he neared, knowing better than to ask such questions to pups directly. Arcturus looked okay on first sight, but you never knew.

i'm cool with a fade with them returning home if neither of 'em have any notable things to say/do :-)
arcturus shared jarilo's awe for the equid -- he had no idea he had in many ways been spared a terrible death or painful trampling, but as young as he was, he was able to piece together the magnificence of the horse's coiling, muscled body -- and the concealed vigor in which it walked.

as his brother and father strolled and spoke to one another, arcturus happily trotted ahead, his tail bobbing between tall fronds of grass as the family made for home.