Wolf RPG

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@Kavik the thread I talked about making the other day. :)

After her spar with Grezig, the wolfdog was more sore than she had ever felt before. All she wanted to do was be sleeping every moment of the day but as the sun rose that morning and it’s rays beamed down on her coat, she lazily opened her eyes.  The wolfdog slowly moved to stand on her paws, looking like a sloth moving from tree branch to tree branch. 

Apparently no no one had taught her how to deal with pain after a fight. Though it hurt she knew if she had made any sign of it, it could mean that she was weak. Elixir was hopeful that soon she would be able to start training for her next spar with Grezig. Elixir walked to the edge of the mountain that was a shear drop off. Looking out one could see for miles and miles. She looked down at how far it went down and then out to the beautiful world they were apart of.
Kavik was on his way back from a morning patrol when he picked up the scent of Elixir nearby. He turned and trotted in her direction and found her perched near the edge of the cliff side looking down at the vastness below. He gave a chuff once close enough so as not to scare her, especially when she was standing so close the edge of the cliff. 

Kavik came up beside the wolfdog and took a seat. Good morning, Elixir, he said with bow of his head before moving his gaze to look at the green forest below.
Elixir acknowledged the sound of his chuff with the flick of her ears. The view was captivating to the wolfdog. As he approached and greeted her she let a warm smile fall upon her dog like features. “And to you too Kavik, up early huh?” She asked and scooted a bit over so he had enough personal room to relax. 

An amazing sight to see so early too.” She added after the moment of silence motioning to the vast amount of space that was in front of them. Kavik was a good conversationist when he wanted to be and her last conversation with him was more than pleasant. She wondered what had him up so early, other than caring for the pack, and if they would have such a good conversation this time around.
I'm afraid I'm up early most mornings, Kavik admitted, his emerald gaze still moving across the tress below. He was usually much too worried about everyone's safety and where they were traveling next to sleep much, which was why he could often be found patrolling late into the night and early in the morning while the others were usually asleep. 

He gave a nod to her second statement. Amazing and dangerous, he said, unable to keep from seeing the danger in most situations, especially now that he was responsible for so many lives. Kavik knew the stress would lessen once they finally settled in a territory, but he had a feeling he would always carry that pressure around as long as he was alpha.
After hearing he was up early most of the time she was a bit concerned. It was late the other night when they had talked and if he goes to bed late and gets up early that means he’s not sleeping well. “Is there a reason behind you getting up early? I mean you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want but maybe I can be of some help?” She said softly to him making sure that she gave him a choice so he didn’t feel pressured.

She nodded in agreement at the amazing but dangerous because if either one of them took a wrong step it would be the end of them. Elixir couldn’t help but think about how her Alpha was having problems. Hopefully she would be able to offer him some advice if he would allow.
Kavik hesitated for a minute, considering her offer. Liri was the only one he really felt comfortable sharing his feelings with, but lately, he hadn't wanted to burden her with them, so he had just kept everything to himself. If he was being honest, that was probably part of the reason he could never get a restful sleep. He also wasn't sure if was appropriate to dump his problems on Elixir. He was supposed to be the leader, the one others came to with problems, and if Elixir knew how much fear and anxiety he had, she may not feel safe with the pack anymore. 

But talking a little about it might help. He didn't have to completely unload on her, but he could be honest with her. I have a lot on my mind. I often worry about the safety of the other members of the pack, especially since we're travelling and have no home yet, he finally offered after letting out a sigh. He kept his eye on the trees below as he spoke, still feeling a little uncomfortable sharing his feelings; it was not something he had ever really been good at.
Elixir saw that he was maybe having a hard time telling her about his problems. She felt a little bad if she was making him do something that he didn’t want to. “You don’t have to share, I just felt like I could help though I know Liri can take care of you but it’s good to talk to someone new once in a while.... like to have a different look on it?” She offered to let him know he had a choice and didn’t have to tell her.

When he did tell her she nodded and listened carefully. She understood that as Alpha you have many responsibilities and worries which could become harmful to ones health if not taken into consideration. “Well... I understand that being Alpha can be overwhelming at times. Well all the time probably. If you’re not careful though not getting enough sleep or bottling up some of your stress can be harmful to your health. “ she informed him. She knew first hand that stress could harm your health, being cooped up in the barn was enough stress and she had lost hair and almost went insane while in there. The wolfdog had more than enough experience to give him some pointers of how to relieve his stress and get more sleep.
What she said made sense. Kavik did need to find a better way to deal with his stress, and lately, patrols had turned into more of a mindless task, albeit a necessary one, instead of a way to keep his mind busy and work off negative energy. He really just wanted to be done travelling and settled in their new home, but they still had more moving to do before that happened. He'd like to think he could find a way to relax a little and get more sleep, but that seemed like an impossible task.

I'm afraid that's easier said than done, he replied, shrugging and moving his emerald gaze to rest on her face. Stressful thinking was a hard habit to break, but he was interested to see what pointers Elixir had to offer him.
Elixir knew that if she could give him some pointers on how to relieve his stress and he stuck to them it could better his health and maybe help him sleep. As he said it would be easier said than done she nodded. “It will be easier said than it would be done, but if you can try and if you can take the tips I’m about to give you and work them into your schedule it could benefit you in the long run.” She reassured him that he could do it. 

The first tip I’ll give is to work yourself more, not in an Alpha way but run for the fun of it, hunt if that’s what you like but exercising can do wonders for the brain and body.” She gave him her first tip that could help. She thought for a moment and then spoke, “You could also use some herbs for sleep, they can do wonders for insomniacs, not saying you are but if you’re not getting enough sleep having an herb to help once in a while could help.”. She nodded at him hoping he was following. “And sometimes it could be as simple as just talking about what is bothering you about our safety, to Liri maybe if you’re not comfortable coming to me or someone else in the pack. Talking is always the best therapy, or that’s what I think.” She said smiling hoping she had given him good advice. Kavik was a good alpha so far and whatever she could do to help him was because she was grateful for him and Liri giving her a home.
Kavik hadn't thought about exercising just because. He did it multiple times a day, anyway, but always for the safety of the pack. Maybe just going on a run to clear his mind might help him feel a little more centered. Patrolling used to serve that purpose for him, but as his responsibilities grew, so did his daily pressures, and patrolling became less of a way to work off his negative energy, and more of a required daily task. That didn't mean it wasn't important or that he would ever stop doing it, but he could also find other ways to get more psychologically constructive exercise. 

Herbs were another good idea. Liri had brought him things in the past to help him relax, but he could start asking her for them more often. He supposed that would mean he would need to be more upfront with her about how stressed he actually was, which would be fulfilling Elixir's third piece of advice to talk more about it. It wasn't that he wanted to keep things from Liri, but he felt bad placing his anxieties on her when he knew she was just as stressed out. But maybe they cold help each other out by talking more about their current worries. 

Thank you, Elixir. You have given me some good advice, he said with a nod. He found he actually didn't ind talking to Elixir about these things, and she had been very helpful in making him see things from a different perspective. If you don't mind, I may come to you in the future if I need to talk about things, he added a little uncomfortably. He still felt bad unloading on her, but would try to get over that feeling in the future with both Elixir and Liri.
The wolfdog was grateful she could help Kavik, as he had given her a safe place to stay it was the least she could do for him. She nodded slightly as he thanked her for the advice, but it was the least she could do for him. "Come to me anytime, I don't mind to listen and to help if it's needed. Don't feel bad about it either, I love to help any way I can." she said reassuringly. She thought it would be a good idea to check in on him in a couple days, a follow up to see how he's sleeping and how his stress is. 

The wolfdog carefully stood up and moved from the edge of the mountain. "I'm glad I could help but I am going to go quench my thirst and maybe find a snack. I will check in in a few days to see if you need anything else." she said and gave a dip of her head. She then padded away to find some water and maybe a squirrel to help her hunger and thirst.
Thank you, Elixir, he said with a nod in response to her offer. The wolfdog had definitely proven herself as an important member of the pack, and Kavik was proud of her for it. That offer goes both ways, he added, wanting her to know that she could always talk to him about anything. 

He bowed his head in reply to her departing words, and watched her head into the trees, thinking he and Liri were lucky to have found the girl and taken her into their group.