Wolf RPG

Full Version: i keep tellin' myself, i keep tellin' myself i'm not the desperate type
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@Seabreeze here have the shittiest post ever
He slips away in the early hours of the morning, departure marked by a conflicting mix of emotions; he doesn't want to leave. He just— needs to. A sense of obligation tethers him to the territories nearest Broken Boulder, but he feels guilty nonetheless.
If he felt up to it, he'd hunt or collect herbs or something useful to excuse his absence, but he doesn't. He wanders through the valley aimlessly instead. Already he misses the safety of his den, but the agitation that had driven him past the borders still hasn't abated— to go back now would feel like drowning, he thinks.

they did not continue on to the sanctuary, even as close as they were.  some miles off, she assumed, but she did not know how far.. and anyway, the children had been tired.  they needed to rest.  

dew soaks her paws as she careens uphill.  the boulder is somewhere in the distance, she is sure of it, but.. ah.  she would not go on without her family.  silhouetted by the morning fog is a stranger.  larger than her, but still small.

she eyes them for some time, silent, before she chuffs quietly in their direction.

A chuff startles him, and he spots a tiny figure not far off. He doesn't hesitate to approach, noting as he draws closer that the stranger is female, wrapped in sandy tones— her eyes give him pause. He's always been a sucker for pretty eyes, and while he's not really into women, he can't help but admire for a moment. She's pretty overall, and at first glance reminds him of Thelxiope; the fur color, the serene sort of aura.
He notices the scent of pups on her, but an absence of pack-scent; it's odd, but he knows it's not unheard of. Hi, He offers, realizing at that moment he has nothing else to say that isn't intrusive or dull. Well— intrusive it is. Are you traveling?

As the figure moved towards her she became rigid, tense; she didn't really know why.  She'd never been threatened before, and she had no reason to be wary of strangers.  But out here, with her babies somewhere else, and nobody knew where she was... 

It was easier to budget for over-concern than to be caught unassuming in the middle of nowhere.

But as he moves closer — yes, she can tell that he is in fact male now — she sees his scars, the limping way he moves.  Her heart lurches for him.  Hi, she offers a bit belatedly.

I'm Seabreeze.  My sister and our children, we are on our way to see a friend, north of here.

The answer is... close to what he expected, but the phrasing gives him pause. Still, he's inclined to offer whatever he can— even if it makes him a little late returning home. Oh— is it far? Maybe I can help, He offers, glancing briefly behind her just in case the sister and children she spoke of are lurking near. My pack isn't far from here— we can offer food and shelter if you need it.

She casts a look back towards where somewhere out of sight her small, shattered family gathers.  They are travel-weary, hungry and tired.  I'm not.. exactly sure.  I have never been myself, but we sent a scout not too long ago.  Have you heard of the Bracken Sanctuary?

He freezes when he hears his pack's name from the unfamiliar woman's lips, but the shock passes quickly enough. I run the Sanctuary, He clarifies, not unkindly, but he's too confused for proper manners at the moment. I mean, I'm the Governor— who ar— There's a creeping suspicion in the back of his mind, and normally he might dismiss it but he still recalls all the visitors who had come to the borders for—
You're coming to see Delight, aren't you? He can't help the note of defeat to his tone, but it's muted and without resentment. Kids, too— shit, are they hoping to stay? He's not against it, but he might have liked some warning, and maybe he's not the most enthusiastic about making a common theme of Delight bringing unexpected children into his life, however indirectly.

She sighed, shoulders sagging.  I wish it were that nice.  There is a sharpness to her tone not directed at the Governor.  My sister and I, our children are suffering from malnutrition.  The Sunspire did not have enough resources to provide for us all.  I just remembered that Pyro didn't report back a food shortage, and there was no time to send out another scout.  Olive's son was murdered, and my daughter was attacked.

She cleared her throat and met his gaze.  I am sorry to dump this on you and intrude on your home.  I didn't even know if we'd be welcome, but.. certainly, it'd be better than starving.

wrapping this up!
Well, shit. He takes a breath, pausing a moment to process all she's said, then nods slowly. I'm sorry for all that you've suffered — there's plenty of room at the Sanctuary, and it's safe there. You and your family are welcome to stay as long as you need. He glances behind her again. I can take you there.
And he does — after he meets Olive and a third woman, and of course gets stuck carrying the squirmiest child ever