Profile of Ukiuk: Quick Facts
Played By: CJ
Basic Info
Full Name: Sven "Ukiuk" [ookie-ook] <br /><strong>Meaning:</strong> Ukiuk - Winter
Subspecies: Arctic + Mackenzie
Sex: Male
Age: 7 (November 5, 2007)
Birthplace: North
At a Glance
A grizzly yellow-eyed man with a hunch in his back; older, but still keen. Thick black scars mangle the front of his snout. His back and shoulders are peppered with gray and black, alternating in density in a seemingly random pattern. His tail is mostly black with some peppered gray.
Profile of Ukiuk: Details
<center><img src="></center>
Primarily white, though his back is peppered with gray and black. It darkens to a near-black on his shoulders. His tail is a faded black with peppering on the inside near the base. The only spot of color on him are his yellow eyes, though they are dulling with age. He is a large wolf, though not as bulky in muscle as he used to be. His age does not hinder his stride, but rather he walks with wisdom. He regards himself as more experienced and holds himself as such. The scars that cut down the front of his muzzle and nose give him a bit of a scowl, which is fitting for the old man though his forgiveness has not all disappeared. <br /><br />
There is a slight hunch in his back that gives him a rather guarded appearance. He spends most of his time doting over herbs and mixtures, so he tends to slouch a lot and has generally bad posture. He smells sour and sick because of the herbs he deals with, primarily focused with poisons. <br /><center><img src=""></center>
His days on the front-lines are over. The man is reserved, quiet, and judgmental. His concoctions are mainly used for traps or torture, but his years of full-contact fighting are over. This has, in some ways, made him an angrier man. Where he had lived most of his life as a tactician within Tartok serving under the great wolf Siku, he now follows her daughter with little input. If Siku herself had not told him to leave and serve Tartok in a different manner, he wouldn't have. Now, he broods over his variety of plants and does what he can to keep to himself. Forever bound to Tartok by blood and sacrifice, there is no other place he'd truly rather be.<br /><br />
His first impression of someone is the most important, but he doesn't think highly of most creatures anyway. It takes a great feat for him to take notice in another. He has never been keen on personal relationships outside of the Tartok line, or those he fought beside during the war. His loyalty to the Tartok wolves is endless, despite his grouchy and lone behavior.
<small>Mate — Aok<br />
Son — <a href="">Suinnak</a></small>
Pack History
<b>Tartok</b> — <small><i>red jaw, alchemist</i></small>
Profile of Ukiuk: Additional Information
Registered on September 06, 2014, last visited June 22, 2019, 08:35 AM
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