Profile of Kiiyea: Quick Facts
Played By: Dakotah
Basic Info
Full Name:
Subspecies: Canadian Lynx
Sex: Female
Age: 1 year (December 25th 2013)
Birthplace: Teekon Wilds
At a Glance
You'd be lucky to get a glance at Kiiyea, she is as silent as the softly silent snow. She is pretty small, weighting in at only 21lbs, but she is as deadly as they come. Her peppered silver pelt helps her blend effortlessly with the snow and rock of the high mountains that she lives in.
Profile of Kiiyea: Details
Kiiyea is your average Canadian Lynx, weighing only 21Lbs. She has huge paws that allow her to walk right along the top of snow drifts. Her silvery pelt looks like someone took the night sky and turned it inside out, with little black stars dotting a light grey sky. She blends effortlessly in with the snow and cold, hard rock of the mountains in her home. Her tufted ears can hear movement from all around her and she surveys the world through large, glassy yellow eyes. Kiiyea is elegant in her own way, moving silently and quickly through the snow laden forests, stopping every now and then to look out across what she considers her kingdom.
She is the queen. In her mind, she is above everyone else and she rules over all that the snow touches. Her voice is mysterious and flitted with whimsy. She has a dazzled look about her, like she's just seen a ghost. She prowls the mountains like the huntress she is and treats all like her subjects, like peasants that need to be told what to do.
She was born and raised in the mountains, and that is where she lives today.
Profile of Kiiyea: Additional Information
Registered on December 18, 2014, last visited April 23, 2015, 07:04 PM
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