Profile of Chosovi: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Chosovi Ostrega
Subspecies: Mixed
Sex: Female
Age: 2 (3/05)
Birthplace: Outside of the Wilds
At a Glance
She blends well with the woods—Chosovi is otherwise an unremarkable agouti wolf.
Profile of Chosovi: Details
Chosovi is your typical wolf, all things considered, with no outstanding traits. She has an average stature that is neither lean nor boxy, but perfectly in between. Her eyes are a truly light brown that reveal most every thought that she has. Chosovi is pretty but only in the common way, wearing an agouti coat that looks quite soft despite being it not being frequently maintained. Her tawny coat also errs on the paler side of brown, making the black furs that come through a great contrast to her base coat.
Has been a homebody for all of her life and simply wanted to explore the world some more. Chosovi's life has been relatively easy, though she had to work for everything.
Deshyr Ostrega · Abooksigun
Multiple siblings

Abooksigun had never been given a surname; he was simply 'Abooksigun of the Forest'; the name Ostrega was passed on to all of their children together.
Profile of Chosovi: Additional Information
Registered on March 25, 2016, last visited May 26, 2016, 01:14 PM
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