Profile of Chartreuse: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Chartreuse
Previous: Clarence
Subspecies: Interior Alaskan Wolf x European Gray Wolf x Irish Wolfhound
Sex: Male
Age: 4 (2015)
Birthplace: Unknown
At a Glance
[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=4432991]
Sounds a lot like an older Tom Waits.
Profile of Chartreuse: Details
Skills Wrote:
HUNTER (0/5)
FISHER (0/10)

[Image: 192161cb9d012cef8ab76a429c68c607.png]
Appearance Wrote:
He appears immense, being taller than a purebred wolf by a low margin, and broad in the chest, conforming to a hound's proportions more-so than that of his wilder half — these days, he tops off at one-hundred-twenty pounds. He stands at three-feet to the shoulder which makes him an intimidating figure; however, Clarence carries himself in the manner of a subordinate, his head oft level with his shoulders, or lower, with the swagger of a small pony. He does appear long-limbed and quite lean due to his penchant for surviving off of river fish and the occasional offering of the sea, and is faster than he is strong. His rough coat grows long across his face in the typical beard of his ancestors, with a similar shaggy quality hanging off of his ventral side, in the manner of a willow tree's wiry switches. In the winter his coat becomes thicker to accommodate the shift in season but not by much; Clarence's coat is a mixed slate grey flecked with increasing amounts of silver and white, making him look older than he is by many a year. His ears are taller than a wolf's typically, and not so triangular, but they do not stand up, laying back like limp and curving horns atop his head, which further implies his submission to full-blooded wolves. Much can be lost in the miscommunication of his body language — but those wolf-gold eyes glowering from beneath a furrowed brow are enough to set the record straight.

Personality Wrote:
Friendly, in the way that an old and lonely man is friendly. Speaks of happier times and simpler times as if he's known complication in his life, when really all he's known is that which is inherent to any survivalist: hard work and sacrifice. Often carries a sour expression on his face, and it is difficult to tell if it is because of his bushy eyebrows or his mood. He is not very well socialized; when given the chance, he could go off on tangents about seemingly unimportant aspects of life, and appears to enjoy his own voice. Surly to most, laconic.
[Image: WeEDdsk.png]
Profile of Chartreuse: Additional Information
Registered on March 01, 2018, last visited March 23, 2020, 08:28 PM
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