Profile of Donoma: Quick Facts
Played By: Ajax
Basic Info
Full Name: Donoma Lomahongva
Subspecies: Northwestern Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 2 (October 14th, 2015)
Birthplace: Outside Teekon Wilds
At a Glance
Slender, teetering on the edge of skinny. Black and white fur, golden-brown eyes.
Health [mdash (5/5)
100%]Face claim
Profile of Donoma: Details

"Sight of the sun,"

Donoma is a silvery off-white with black and sooty hairs dispersed throughout her nape and flanks, most prominently on the sides of her neck and the backs of her ears. She possesses chocolate-covered eyes, flecked with gold and edged with dijon, with skin the color of shale. She is considerably lissome, willowy but fit, with glossy fur as a result of the heavy integration of fish in her diet. Donoma's scent is comprised of a honeysuckle and sweet mire blend, typically perceived as odd but not unpleasant. She boasts the vocals of Lily Allen, gentle with a soft English accent.

"a daisy amidst brambles,"

altruistic — submissive — mousy
Donoma is extremely passionate about the well-being of others, sometimes too much for her own good. She'll drive herself to utter exhaustion to assure the satisfaction of anybody she assumes to be in need, but her ingenuous nature makes her incredibly prone to manipulation. She has the tendency to assume that others have the best intentions, which has gotten herself almost killed in the past.

Donoma is incredibly submissive. She is very sensitive, and is unqualified for most authoritative roles, but performs exceptionally as motivational or emotional support and has experience assisting broodmothers with both giving birth and watching pups, though this was before she had entered Teekon Wilds.

Though she does fairly in social situations, Donoma has the inclination to be timid under numerous circumstances and doesn't like to draw attention to herself. (tba)

"gold eyes aflame,"


"whenever you're done,"

Sire — Kisusq Kutoma (Deceased)
Dam — Nipahem Lomahongva
Siblings — Looncho Kutoma ♂, Tintulhi Lomahongva ♀,
Tsis Kutoma ♂
(Deceased), Jenyo Kutoma ♂ (Deceased)
Mate — N.A
Progeny — N.A
Pack History

"hear how the wren warbles."

Kutoma-Lomahongva Lake Pack — October 14th, 2015 - August 5th, 2016 (Outside of Teekon Wilds)
Loner — August 5th, 2016 - January 19th, 2017 (Outside of Teekon Wilds)
Dynahiile Plateau Pack — January 19th, 2017 - June 2nd, 2017 (Outside of Teekon Wilds)
Loner — June 2nd, 2017 - Present
Northstar ValePledged
Profile of Donoma: Additional Information
Registered on June 19, 2018, last visited June 27, 2021, 06:49 PM
Art Credits
AAG, Appearance: Unknown; PFP: Myself
Donoma's Signature
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