Profile of JB13: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Ruku Avari
Subspecies: Wolf Hybrid (High Content)
C. l. nubilus, C. l. familiaris.
Sex: Female
Age: 2 (2016)
Birthplace: Cuiviénen
At a Glance

Profile of JB13: Details

A very pale creature, with pink skin evidenced through her summer coat. She is considered an oddity among her people for the pale silver of her eyes, her slight figure, and the curl of her too-big ears. Her lack of pigmentation marks her as an abberation (compared to the golden haired members of her clan, full blooded Avari) and after years of being treated as such, Ruku carries herself shamefully as an Omega at all times.


How can it be that my memories

are more alive

than I am?

[Image: original.gif]

An impurity, one which was not welcome upon its creation, but law prohibited the purge of its innocent life from the collective. As such, the child was raised along with the other children as if its befouled blood was no different; however, over time the evidence of the girl's difference became unmistakable. During her people's great migration she was separated (perhaps due to fate, but she is dubious) and has wandered without hope ever since.


The mother Tindiel.
The ettelëa Huithenil.
Should there be others, Ruku does not know of them.

Pack History

Kenn-lai Tribe

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