Profile of Khatera: Quick Facts
Played By: Java
Basic Info
Full Name: Khatera, daughter of Herne.
Subspecies: Great Plains Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 1.6 years (01/15/2013)
Birthplace: Hirae Delta Pack
At a Glance
Fit as a fiddle, and curvaceous just where she needs to be. Carries a confidence and allure with her, tempered only by a hidden sneer. The colour of a sunlit hayfield and a dingy buff-ivory.
Profile of Khatera: Details
Gold, tan, ivory-cream. Warm and pale for the most part, while a mix of black, brown and copper tones fleck across her shoulders and down her spine.
Mischievous, hedonistic, and selfish. Avoids following the rules whenever possible, likes to find pressure points and boundaries only to push them. Will not out-rightly challenge anyone out of fear of backlash, but can be a snide and catty girl when in the confidence of others she trusts. Follows her heart more than her head, making her somewhat emotional. Carnal and precocious. Knows what men want and how to manipulate them.
Khatera was born somewhere in the same region as Toraigh. Her family was a large one, and each of her siblings seemed to be adept at something. Khatera tried to do what they did - she got along with her elders, worked to care for the pack as a whole, and tried to find her niche. She was always easily distracted by the attention of doting adults, mostly because her own parents were too busy grooming her older siblings for high positions in the pack or dealing with diplomatic issues with neighbours. Khatera began to act out for their attention and in the process, lost a lot of respect from her family. Known only as a harlot, she began to travel on her own - wooing men to care for her in various ways. After meeting <b>Tiarnan</b> within Toraigh and luring him on an adventure away from home, she abandoned him and moved on to a new target. After spending a few months in the company of various men, she landed among some unsavory individuals in a place called <b>Tortuga</b>; however, her tenure among them lasted only a few weeks before she fled back to the Teekon Wilds.
Herne, son of Ruad. (father)<br>
Cigfa, daughter of Etain. (mother)<br>
A plethora of siblings which she has disowned.
Pack History
<b>Hirae Delta Pack</b> - Pup (01/15/2013), Xi (05/12/2013 - 07/04/2013), Lambda (07/04/2013 - 09/11/2013), Omega (09/11/2013 - 09/20/2013)<br>
<b>Lone Wolf</b> - (09/21/2013 - 04/06/2014)<br>
<b>Tortuga</b> - Wench (04/06/2014 - 05/12/2014)<br>
<b>Lone Wolf</b> - (05/12/2014 - Present)<br>
Profile of Khatera: Additional Information
Registered on April 07, 2014, last visited September 21, 2014, 06:52 PM
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