Profile of RIP Hassun: Quick Facts
RIP Hassun
Played By: Java
Basic Info
Full Name: Hassun
Subspecies: L. canadensis
Sex: Male
Age: 6 years (June 2008)
Birthplace: East Teekon Wilds
At a Glance
A wide face with wild eyes; a blur of warm-stone fur flecked with pyrite; quick and soundless, lest he choose to be seen.
Profile of RIP Hassun: Details
26" tall and 45" in length, weighing ~30lbs when well fed. A large male of his species. He is covered in dense brown fur that is patterned with black barring on the extremities, and dilutes along the underside. In the summer the pelt becomes more red in color, while the winter causes his fur to dilute in to a pale gray to help with camouflage. This medium-sized cat can usually pass through an area unseen, slinking through the dark of the night without too much hassle.
A pensive and cautious creature. He has lived longer than most of his siblings and attributes his longevity to his quick mind; while they relied on brute force, he kept his distance from potential harm and came out on top. Hassun is a very private creature, but is also very distrusting of others of his kind; not to mention he <i>loathes</i> wolves. He is highly territorial, coveting his land and his wives with exceptional zeal.
Hassun was born alongside his brothers Mochni and Ahanu in early June. Their mother chased them off when they were old enough to fend for themselves, at which point Mochni and Ahanu decided to try their luck together. Hassun voiced an opposition to this and was subsequently shunned, and left to do as he pleased elsewhere. A couple of years later, Hassun discovered his brother Mochni's body with Ahanu nowhere to be found; he assumed control at that moment, taking the land and his brother's lonely wives as his own.
His brothers Ahanu and <s>Mochni</s>, as well as the two lynx females he has been courting since his brothers death: Donoma and Rayen. They have four unnamed cubs which are approximately a month old.
Profile of RIP Hassun: Additional Information
Registered on July 29, 2014, last visited November 05, 2019, 12:14 AM
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Art Credits
<a href="">Sas R.</a>
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