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Golden Glade The Next Generation - Printable Version

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The Next Generation - Aspen - October 11, 2016

Aspen paced back and forth across the den. Pain radiating through her body getting progressively worse the further time traveled. It was time, though part of her would give anything for just a few more hours of normalcy because she knew after this, after her children were born life would never be the same. She would be a mother in the next day or so. Whether she was ready for it or not. She let out a whine as another contraction rolled through her body. 

Aspen wasn't sure of anything at this point, what was normal? What wasn't. In a half panic she called for Heartha and for Alder. She then tipped her muzzle to the sky. If anyone is listening right now, please let them be healthy. She thought to herself before pawing at the ground and returning to pacing back and forth through the den. Letting out another whine. Surely this wasn't normal. Then again, what did she know.

RE: The Next Generation - Alder - October 11, 2016

Alder was already on his way to his wife with a mouth full of rabbit - he'd decided to go out and catch her one before bed, but it turned out the Brood had other plans - Aspen's worried howl rang out, and the ruler didn't need to question what had happened. Breaking out into a run, the brute thundered through the Glade and down into the tunnels, not slowing in his decent even when he'd broken into the main cavern - his blue eye was on the slab of stone covering the Queen's quarters, and only when he'd slipped into the den did he slow. 

He didn't dare come all the way it - hormones made a woman crazy, and he wasn't gaining another scar from being stupid. Poking just his head in, Alder dropped the rabbit to the side and swept his gaze from side to side in search of his wife's grey frame. It was hard to miss her now that the pups made her the size of a buffalo.

            "Aspen? You okay?"

RE: The Next Generation - Heartha - October 11, 2016

Heartha heard the call. And right away, she knew it was time after putting how long it had been and how distressed she sounded. She was headed right for her, stopping to see Alder had come already. She stopped behind the alpha male, not looking inside. 

"I think she's giving birth" she said, hearing Alder's question. The voice was full of seriousness. This was a matter of urgency. But first, she had to be completely sure.

RE: The Next Generation - Aspen - October 11, 2016

Aspen's ears twitched as the sound of urgent and heavy pawsteps thundered through the tunnel and her head quickly snapped to the entrance of the tunnel. She wanted her mate here but at the same time, he couldn't see her like this. In so much pain and discomfort. Regret filled her body but it quickly turned to annoyance when the male poked his head through the entrance and asked if she was okay.

"Alder, do I look like I'm okay," she said snapped. Her attention moved to Heartha who, though not visible had seemingly joined Alder and her faint voice could be heard. "I think she's giving birth," the fae stated. "No shit sherlock," Aspen grumbled just loud enough for both wolves to here and then wincing as another wave of pain flooded through her. "Someone help me," she whined. "Heartha, please tell me this much pain isn't normal," she stated some part of her wishing it were true the other part hoping it was because it meant her children were fine.

RE: The Next Generation - Alder - October 11, 2016

Aspen's snapping proved his thoughts, and the King did not step further as he winced. No, no she wasn't okay. He wasn't honestly sure what to say - thankfully, the denmother was swift behind him and confirmed his worries. 

                "Yeah, seems like it. You should probably help her - I'll be... Out here."

The man stepped to the side to make room for the heavily pregnant Heartha, laying on the edge of the tunnel. As he placed his head on his paws, he realized he could still yet see his mate - here he would stay, watching her with a pain in his eye as if he felt it too. He hated to see her like this, and dearly hoped she was okay. Forgotten memories flared - the only other birth he'd witnessed hadn't gone so well. Melodie had been in a lot of pain, there'd been so much blood.... No. This time, he was older - this time, they had a more skilled healer and midwife. Aspen and their babies would be fine.

RE: The Next Generation - Heartha - October 11, 2016

Heartha flinched at Aspen's words. She knew how hormones and attitude during birth could be. She strode past Alder, but only to remain a couple paces from Aspen. "Alder, I need help. Herbs, but I can't get them while I'm here. Is there anyone else with herb knowledge?" There had to be someone that could help.

"Aspen, it is absolutely normal. I swear to you, they will be fine. Okay?" Although she couldn't be absolutely sure, she could only hope. "We'll get through this" she assured the alpha female.

RE: The Next Generation - Aspen - October 11, 2016

Aspen continued to pace back and forth across the den as Heartha moved past Alder and into the den. Aspen was cautious as to how close the fae got. Watching carefully but listening as Heartha explained to Alder that she needed herbs though she could not fetch them herself. Questioning him as to knowledge of any other wolf. "Eden," Aspen muttered before Alder could speak another wave of pain caught her off guard though and she let out another whine.

The other mother to be ensured the queen that everything would be fine but for some reason Aspen couldn't shake te concern and relax a bit. "If you say so...." she stated bluntly returning to pawing at the ground and mentally cursing several things right now.

RE: The Next Generation - Alder - October 11, 2016

When addressed, Alder picked his head up a little, but Heartha's request left him scrambling over thoughts - two of the newcomers were skilled with herbs and pregnancy - they would help. Loosing a call for @Eden and her sister, Alyssum, the ruler didn't move - or speak. Aspen could be an easy to anger woman without the homrones of pregnancy - now they'd added labor pains to all this and Alder would not be the one to disurb the buffalo!

RE: The Next Generation - RIP Eden - October 11, 2016

Eden's ears perked and she stood alert amongst the trees. It was her alpha, Alder, and he sounded troubled. At that point, there was no real question of what was happening. She looked around for her sister, Alyssum - the one who had the real experience with rearing pups - but when she couldn't spot her, she knew she would have to go alone. In her mind, Eden thought about her experience. It was assumed that above anything, the mother would be in pain. Raspberry leaves. From Eden's small amount of knowledge and the lack of living pups within the pack, she figured whoever it was giving birth would be freaking the hell out nervous, panicking even. Thyme. She thought to bring along borage leaves and honey in case, to make the process easier.
After a swift move around her vacinity and a quick stop in her own herb cache, she had a mouth filled with what she was sure she'd need and quickly rushed toward the call. I came as soon as I could, she mumbled through a filled mouth, Who is she? Soon enough, however, the voices in the den gave her an idea. She looked to Alder for permission before quickly bustling in through the entry way. She looked around, dropping the herbs and being careful to not look the beast soon-to-be mom in the eye. These will help, just breathe and give it some time. She was speaking to Aspen with a voice as calm as she could muster. This was, after all, a first time for both of them.

RE: The Next Generation - Heartha - October 11, 2016

Heartha heard an unfamiliar voice outside, and tensed up as a wolf she had not met came in. Then dropped herbs. She relaxed, for this wolf was the help she needed. "Aspen, I'm going ot need you to eat these, okay? They will help with the pain and stress." 

She glanced over at the other who helped and gave a nod of thanks. "Can you get some more of this, just in case we run out?" she asked. They needed to be reayd for anything.

RE: The Next Generation - Aspen - October 11, 2016

Aspen watched or rather listened as Alder called for not one but two wolves, eden and her sister she presumed. Aspen paced waiting but became alert to the sound of an unfamiliar voice in the tunnels. Her mind not really giving her time to think a growl rumbled low in her belly. Her ears moved back and she stared long and hard at the entrance to her den gaze flicking between Heartha and the strange wolf that had now appeared warning the stranger to keep her distance. 

The stranger, either Eden or Alyssum Aspen knew not which brought herbs and not all of them smelled that appealing and the queen pulled a face and groaned as Heartha mentioned she was going to have to eat them. With the amount of pain she was in she was by no means in a mood to eat let alone stomach anything but she reluctantly padded over and nosed the herbs keeping a careful eye on the wolves in the vicinity. 

She felt another much stronger contraction and ignored all attempts at her body telling her eating these would be a bad idea and picked up the herbs one by one and swallowed them paying no mind to the taste. If these didn't help Aspen didn't know what she would do.

RE: The Next Generation - Alder - October 11, 2016

Alder heard well the growl rumbling from Aspen's throat - he warned Eden with a quick whisper, laced with both worry and hope. This was a big thing to ask of someone so new, but his childrens lives and his soulmates was potentially in danger right now. He was no healer, but he hoped the herbs she carried were ones Heartha knew and needed. 

         "Be careful in there - take care of my pups and my wife, and you'll earn yourself a place in these tunnels."

Watching from his space, a stone sentinel, Alder witnessed the pale femme eat the herbs as instructed - even seeing her holding her anger - surprised the ruler. She was much more welcoming than he thought she would be, but he didn't dare enter yet. He would not go to her unless instructed until the babies were nestled in and she was done.

RE: The Next Generation - RIP Eden - October 11, 2016

Aspen approached and began toying with the herbs, so Eden partially released the breath she'd been holding since her arrival. She heard Alder's voice nipping at her ear from the entryway, saying that she would be allowed within the circle if her help would guide things smoothly. The idea of being trusted so highly was lovely, yes, but it was the least of her concerns. Having so many hormonal women in one whelping den was her real worry, so when the other femme suggested that she go and fetch more herbs, she did so without hesitation. I'll be nearby. Call for me, should anything change.

RE: The Next Generation - Heartha - October 11, 2016

Heartha was very glad to see Aspen consume the herbs. She nodded to Eden, then turned back to Aspen. "Aspen, you'll be feeling contractions soon. When you do, I'll need you to breath and push. Push as hard as you can. Can you do that?" she asked. Hopefully the herbs would help her with stress and pain. "They'll be okay. I promise."

RE: The Next Generation - Aspen - October 11, 2016

Aspen watched as the strange female left as quick as she had come and that put her mind at a bit of rest but now there was the next thing to deal with. Heartha spoke to the female explaining it wouldnt be long until she felt contractions and that when she did that would be when she would have to push.  Aspen immediately took to the defense. She looked between Heartha and the entrance and let out a ow growl indicating that she needed to back off and give the queen some space. She was okay to take it from here but no one would be allowed near her pups until she said so.

Aspen lay down knowing it would be much safer if she was to do that than to accidently give birth while standing up. Besides by this point the queen was growing tired from all the stress and pacing. The herbs had helped to relax her a bit but she was still quite painful but like Heartha said, she felt the first wave of contractions and she pushed.

It took several pushes before the first pup emerged and immediately Aspen's "motherly instincts" she didn't even know she had kicked in.  She shifted herself slightly and used her teeth to ever so gently break the sac and she began to lick away the remnants that surrounded the first pup. A completely white male wolf with a pink nose and pale pads, also unusually small. Despite her worry, she groomed the pup and shifted him closer to her body to help him find a place to suckle so that he could feed and she lay her head back down after making sure he was okay. 

She didn't have much time to relax though as the contractions were ever frequent and she began to push again taking short breaks to pause for air keeping a close eye on the wolves just outside the entrance of the den. The ones she could see at least. A few more pushes and a second wolf emerged. Quickly Aspen repeated the actions from before, breaking the sack and grooming the pup careful this time not to squash the little white one in the process. The second pup was a deep amber colour and female. Aspen smiled, proud that she had both a son and a daughter though she knew there was more to come.

Quite quickly after the second pup did a third one follow. The silver queen had broken the sac only to find this wolf looked identical to the one born a half hour before. Right down to the tee. She took a moment to glance between the two female pups as if to try and find even the slightest difference.

No hope for the fae though as the investigation was interrupted by the need to push once more. The last pup was the largest of the four and sported a black coat with faint amber undertones. He would break a few hearts someday she was sure. She groomed him clean of the sac and after birth and nudged him to her side and then let her head fall to the ground and a long sigh as the lack of energy finally caught up to her.

Though the contractions were ceasing meaning that there was an end in sight. She glanced down for a moment and couldn't help but smile. She was now the proud mother of four healthy pups. She had done it, she had made it through the hours of tireless effort and so had hre children.

Aspen was so tired that she hadn't thought to name them just yet. Perhaps that would be best done with her mate around but right now she was not comfortable with any wolf being near them.

RE: The Next Generation - Rowan Pryor - October 11, 2016

He waited,

                      and waited,

                                                and waited,

                                                                            and waited.

Two long months.

Time was not something Rowan Courage Pryor would learn of for another month or two - maybe even longer, if he learned at all - and its not as if he knew anything outside the sightless, soundless world of his mothers uterus anyways.

But he always knew when he wasn't happy - usually, he expressed this with violent kicks to the ribs of his mother, or the other three sacs that grew around him. He had no clue what any of these things were - he just knew that sometimes it eased his own suffering!

However, one day, this all changed - there was a lot of movement, and a strange feeling within the pale boy. It was not long after that the perfectly albino Prince was evicted from the only home he'd ever known - and this did not make him happy.

What was he going to do about it, you might ask?

                                                                                 He would scream.

                                                                                                                                         Raise hell.

And, since he was the first born, he could do it the entire time his mother strained to give birth to his next three siblings, despite any of the touches she might lavish him with. He did, too: the tiny little runt, - pink nosed, pink skinned, and pink padded - despite being at his mother's teat and urged to drink, made the loudest noise of all, wailing above his siblings potential cries - thankfully, for now, the four little potatoes were deaf to the noise around them, unlike their packmates. If Aspen thought any, ANY part of parenthood would be easy - if any of it WAS - Rowan would make sure that he had something to say about it. It wasn't that he didn't love her, for he loved his birth giver and milk bringer more than anything, but he must be perfectly happy before he will quiet.

It wasn't till his mother was settled, his twin sisters and younger brother lined up to his side, that Rowan -after filling his belly with so much milk that his belly bulged - forced himself under his mothers elbow and slept, yawning wide and falling silent with the snap of his tiny jaws. Surely, he would rise early, EARLY in the morning - not to mention many times through the night - just to scream his displeasure some more. It would again be followed by silence in which he fed and slept - this was his entire life, for the next three weeks or so; even if the tiny Prince was pleased as pie to be waited on and not have to exert himself, cuddled up to the warmth of his home.

RE: The Next Generation - Tigerlily - October 11, 2016

Tigerlily shifted uncomfortably against the sacs that contained her soon to be brothers and sisters. Things in here were getting tight and she often found herself kicking either her mother or one of her siblings in an attempt to hog any and all unused space that was in her mothers abdomen. It had been this way now for two months except the female found herself with less and less space and she was getting more and more frustrated.

Though she did not resent her mother for it was warm and she remained fed and growing and so she could not be fully angry since it was not the fault of her mother that things were so squished in here.

Today though, something changed. There was a lot more movement and the sacs were shifting. The amber female couldn't figure out why but suddenly there was a bit more space as one of the sacs dissapeared. But wait, where did it go, what happened to the wolf it contained. It wasn't long before she too followed in the first ones footsteps only to have her little home broken into by her mother and immediately the pup let out a cry. It was cold out here, really cold and despite her mother grooming her she couldn't seem to get warm.

That was, until she felt herself being pushed closer and closer to the wolf to which she huddled as close as she could before finding the source of milk that she began to drink more quietly from before she fell back asleep against her mothers side. Using both her and her potato sibling as cushions.

RE: The Next Generation - Rose - October 12, 2016

Birth was something Rose was both horribly afraid of and questionably excited about. She enjoyed floating around in limbo, though as time passed on her personal bubble of space had been popped and joined by several other small blobs. It remained that way for far too long, every day one of her siblings decided to kick or bump into her and while she would surely grow to love them at the moment she wanted them gone. And it seemed she'd get her wish.

One by one her blobby siblings disappeared and one by one Rose became more content and pleased that her floating room had grown. Sadly it seemed whatever had forced her siblings from the womb also despised the russet girl because she too was forced from her home and landed on the cold ground with a thud. She didn't move for a moment, didn't scream, but when a tongue slid over her and cleaned her from her sack the girl let out a whine and quickly after a jagged breath.

She was pushed to her mother's side and happily latched onto a teat where she began to guzzle down. Milk lazily spilled from the corner's of her mouth and all the girl knew was that she wanted this. As her stomach filled and a satisfied burp came spilling from her mouth, Rose pushed herself against her sister where she slept happy and content without a care in the world.

RE: The Next Generation - Hawthorn Charley - October 12, 2016

He was a mixture of restlessness and patience. His moods came and went: sometimes, he would have a sudden bout of energy and kick and shove at everything he could get his paws on, whether they be his mother's poor stomach, or his smaller siblings who, unfortunately, shared the tiny space he inhabited. Other times, however, he was as still as a rock, so eerily still that one would sometimes wonder if he existed at all, so unmoving was he. If not for his large body, perhaps, at those times, the dark boy could just as well be considered, well, nonexistent.

It just so happened that when the contractions started, and one by one, the various blobs that inhabited his space began to leave, he was in one of his utterly still and silent moods, thus, it came to no surprise that he happened to be the last to leave the warm womb; the only place he'd ever known; the only home he'd ever known. 

He felt himself being pushed out, and as he landed, all confused and tired, his mother brought him out of his sac. He took his first breath and almost immediately, opened his tiny mouth and let loose several ear-piercing wails and shrieks that was sure to cause his parents a lot of ear damage. Even as a newborn, one could see that the dark shadow of a boy would be a difficult child. Nevertheless, the largest sibling, surprisingly, allowed his mother to lick him dry and clean without much of a fuss, and as he snuggled up against her side and latched on a teat, he did not quarrel with his siblings or attempt to dominate them in anyway. Rather, he drank the milk quietly, and ignored their ever moving and writhing bodies, though they did annoy him somewhat, and when he was full of the warm liquid, and his belly was full, he curled up against his mother's side and fell asleep, just like that.

He would deal with the annoying little bodies beside him later.

Right now, he wanted to sleep.

And that was exactly what he was going to do.

RE: The Next Generation - Freya - October 12, 2016

Freya was in the when the echoing call from Aspen sounded for Alder and Heartha. She knew of the queens nearing due date and suspected this was the reason behind her calls. The queen would be in pain and easily agitated. Freya began to trot towards the tunnels. She didn't feel the need to sprint seeing as how she wasn't called herself and how now a third, Eden was called to assist. Eden had medical skills that no one but her and her sister possessed. 

When Freya got to the tunnel entrance she sat down and listened. She heard the growls and cries from Aspen. It reminded her of her similar situation not too long ago. After a long while she began to hear the cries of new born pups. It brought joy into her heart to know their was new life in the world and in the court. But soon her joy turned to sorrow as she remembered her not so joyful ending. 

She continued to listen with a pit in her stomach. Even if she couldn't be in the tunnels, she was eager to remember and record as much as she could. She wanted a place within the inner circle and at the moment it seemed she was getting close to a chronicler. The news of the new heirs should be known by all and if needed Freya would be the one to tell those still unaware.

RE: The Next Generation - Alder - October 13, 2016

As everyone was warned away from the Queen, Alder stood - when Heartha had come through the entrance, the ruler shifted forward, but did not move into the den itself. Instead, he stood guard, sometimes peering in at Aspen and other times just staring blankly at a wall - but even the slightest of movement beside him, the rest of the world, his lips curled. Nobody would be allowed in there for a long, long while. Freya's scent was one of those times - a snarl of warning told she and whoever else was lurking far, far above that they were not invited. He didn't know if she could or would hear, but the warning was out all the same - even Heartha's way would be blocked by the father. 

After a long while and four puppies later - one of which screamed the entire time, two of which barely made a noise, and one that wailed until milk was given - Aspen finally settled. Even now, Alder sent a glaring sweep of his eye backwards - it was only when he was sure he would not be followed did he slip into the den. He didn't come any further than the entrance, but his one blue eye was able to settle on his children from here - one as pure as freshly fallen snow, two draped in the same color of amber, and one that was almost totally black. Awe took over, and his jaw hung limp and open as he breathed praise to his wife.

                          "A-Aspen.... You did perfect, Angel.... We're.... PARENTS."

He'd been allowed much closer the first time he'd done this, but he'd learned his lesson - these children would survive, and he would be a good father. To hell with the hawks and coyotes.....

RE: The Next Generation - Heartha - October 13, 2016

Heartha stayed outside the den as Aspen gave birth. Hearing the pups, it lightened her heart tremendously. She looked at Alder, guessing she should leave before Aspen was finished. "When you are ready, call me and I will check on them." With that, she left the tunnels to let the new parents have time alone with their pups.

RE: The Next Generation - Aspen - October 14, 2016

Aspen watched silently as Heartha left stating should Aspen want them to be checked on she should call. Aspen knew right now the only wolf she was okay with being in close proximity to her children was their father. 

Alder walked a few paces into the den and the queen smiled though still wary of how close he got. She looked down at the puppies and smiled more as the four of themy had quite different down and we're now sleeping against her. 

Alder spoke and Aspen nodded. "Yes we are my king, parents to four beautiful children," she stated lifting her head. "You can come closer if you want. Come sit by my head or something. We ought to decide on names too," she said smiling waiting for him to come over.

RE: The Next Generation - Alder - October 14, 2016

Aspen had no comment on his behavior - just as he had no comment on hers - and they were fine to send everyone away to be alone with their children. He was surprised the pale woman called him close so soon, but he padded slowly forward to lay behind her; curling his frame around her's protectively, and laying his head down close to her paws. His good eye faced them, and a smile crawled across his face, sliding into a grin and eventually he reached over to nuzzle Aspen's cheek.

                 "I could never be happier, my angel. I'll name the last two, you can do the first?"

Eye scanning over the last two in the row, Alder decided then and now that their kids would have names of nature like them.

                                                       "Rose Aspen Pryor and Hawthorn Charley Pryor."

RE: The Next Generation - Aspen - October 17, 2016

Aspen hummed softly her eyes closed for a moment as the name rolled off his tongue. My angel. "Neither could I my king, my love. Those names are perfect," she stated smiling as she lifted her head to look at the two pups he named. Rose Aspen Pryor and Hawthorn Charley Pryor. Aspen grinned at the use of his old name as Hawthorns middle name. She also noticed he kept with the theme of plants and had named the last two pups accordingly and so Aspen decided she would follow suit.

She glanced down at the wolf white as snow and decided to call him Rowan. "The little white one I want to call Rowan Courage Pryor," she stated not quite sure why she chose that middle name though she had the perfect middle name for the little red girl it just took her a moment before finding a first name to match. "The other red girl will be named Tigerlily Emory Pryor," she stated looking up to meet Alders gaze, hoping he didn't mind the use of his sisters name as their childs middle name.