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Broken Antler Fen Getting Acquainted - Printable Version

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RE: Getting Acquainted - Sebastian - March 17, 2016

Sebastian looked at her with his pale blue eyes. He lifted his tail a but be use he could sense some of her insecurity. The large male slowly pulled his face in a gentle smile. "Ambroisa, if I wouldn't want to stay then I wouldn't have offered it to you in the first place. Don't worry. I just realize that I might sounded like I wanted to brush you off but that is not the case," he spoke to her in all honestly.

The male then sat down. "I guess it will be quite a chance for you to be living with other wolves," he then spoke. Realizing that she probably wanted his company after so long being alone with Brandy. "I'm sure you will be sick of me soon enough, because I will talk your ears off!," he tried to joke.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Ambrosia - March 17, 2016

Ambrosia could not help the smile that blossomed on her muzzle, her ears laying down slightly and her tail sweeping repetitively behind her. "Let you try to talk it off; bet you aren't as bad as that daughter of mine!" For the first time in a while, the tan she wolf laughed genuinely, soaking in his friendship as she had been in the sunlight; never again wanting to give this up. She wondered who she was really joining the pack for, her daughters socialization, or her own. In the end, she decided it must have been for both. "I don't think it's possible to get sick of you Sebastian, you're such a gentleman." Ambrosia felt warmth spread across her face, but she meant it.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Sebastian - March 17, 2016

Sebastian smiled at her. "Oh you would be surprised. I am almost like a female in that department I think," he laughed at her. Sebastian quirked up his lips and smiled. Sebastian liked her laugh, it was good to her hear laughing. The grey male took that as a compliment that he could make her laugh. Sebastian looked at her once she spoke about him being a gentleman. He blinked briefly and then looked down a bit flattered. "I try to be," he admitted. "I am not sure if I truly am one though," he let out modestly. He did have a sense of pride and was not insecure but he did not like to brag.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Ambrosia - March 17, 2016

Ambrosia giggled, tail wagging slightly faster. "I don't mind having the company of a talkative wolf, so long as you don't talk nonsense. You don't talk nonsense now do you Sebastian?" Her eyes lit up with laughter, a mischievous gleam in their golden depths as she grinned innocently. She had no idea Sebastian took her laugh as a compliment, but he was right to; the lonely she-wolf was starting to become very reclusive, even unsocialized. It was rare that anyone except her daughter could even make her smile genuinely. When he looked down, her eyes softened, lining with worry as she gazed at him. "I don't know your past. I barely know you. But either you are a very good actor, or you definitely seem to be sincere about all this. You seem like a good wolf."

RE: Getting Acquainted - Sebastian - March 18, 2016

Sebastian returned a smile at her. "You should see me me nervous, super excited or flustered. I will turn in one blur of mumbling words," he joked about himself. The large male watched her for a moment. Ambroisa looked so different than she had when he ran into her and her daughter. Sebastian couldn't wait to see how she would develop later on once socialized more. "I can't be heartless. This is all me, Am. My brother is more emotionally dead inside than my father. I just can't be like them.... Ever. Even though every time my heart gets broken or a friendship stops exciting it hurts but you get new ones for it in return. No one should close themselves off from that."

RE: Getting Acquainted - Ambrosia - March 18, 2016

Ambrosia nuzzled his shoulder gently with her long furred, soft black face, hoping to comfort him. Her ears lay back sadly, a soft whine just barely escaping from her throat. She shifted on her paws, tense and uncomfortable with the feelings she was experiencing right now. She was used to feeling things for her daughter, but anyone else? It'd been a year at least since Ambrosia had had a friend, and the she-wolf was definitely feeling the effects of that.  "I don't believe you'll be like that. You are obviously filled with emotion and kindness. You're right, nobody should close themselves off from it. I know I did, and I'm paying for it now." She spoke softly as she pressed against his side supportively, her long tan and black fur mingling with his grey.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Sebastian - March 18, 2016

Sebastian noticed that Ambrosia was getting closer to him and even nuzzled against his shoulder. He turned his head to look at her, she looked a bit sad to him. He hoped his words hadn't caused her to be sad. Though she soon responded, revealing that she had been closed of too. "Well, you can make it right by having some friendships now. I am sure the other wolves I recruited are very open to new friendships. I wouldn't want to accept a mean wolf in my pack, one with no morals. They can just go to my father's pack," he stated with a firm nod. He glanced to the side, Ambrosia latched against him (basically). Sebastian felt his face heat up a bit. Last time this happened was with Haven. He wondered where she was right now. Not anywhere close, she would have heard his howl. He didn't have much hope that Haven and he would ever be a couple again. "You already have me as a friend, Am, so not to worry, you are not paying for anything. You're doing great!," he encouraged, mostly seeing her as a friend still. Sebastian was a typical male who was blind for any signs.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Ambrosia - March 19, 2016

Feeling his pelt grow warm, Ambrosia shifted away before he felt her own fur warming, just enough to keep their fur barely touching. Still frustrated with herself, Sebastian's words did little to calm her embarrassment. "It's hard to know what to say anymore, how to act...." She admitted sadly before wrinkling her nose and shaking her head, she spoke again softly. "I'm glad to have you as a friend, Seb. You're kind to a strange wolf and I'm grateful for that. I'd like to have you in my life for as long as you're willing." As she finished her words, her ears flicked back to the snapping of a twig and Brandy's scent finally flooded over her. Ambrosia turned slightly irritated, meeting lemon eyes identical to her own that shone with surprise and amusement. In her jaws, three speckled ducks and a hare dangled, but kept her from speaking as she padded closer to deposit the prey in a pile between the three. She said nothing of their closeness, but watched them with her yellow eyes gleaming happily. Ambrosia, aware of her daughters thoughts, only became more embarrassed. "Nice catch, Brandy. I see you stayed focused." Her tone was kind, but strained: Brandy couldn't have picked a worse time to show up.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Brandy - March 19, 2016

Brandy was trotting back towards  where she and her mother were camped out, somehow having managed to fit all three ducks and her one grey hare. When she got close, she could see a grey blur next to her mother... Very close to her mother, actually. As she got closer, she realized that it was Ambrosia pressed up against Sebastian, the two speaking closely. The yearling padded closer, amusement lighting up her lemon eyes. She could see the way her mother looked at Sebastian, but didn't understand it; her mother had never been this close to anyone in Brandy's life, and seeing her so downright intimate and open with this male was amazing to her. However, it sparked hope and happiness in the young bronze she wolfs heart. Her mother had always been lonely, maybe finding someone would be good for her: be it friend or more. That, and now Brandy could be more independant without worrying her mother would be worse without her. She stepped on a twig to announce herself, seeing Ambrosia flick her ears back and turn as she came close. The two girls met eyes before Brandy dropped her prey between her and the two older wolves. "Hello Sebastian. You'll be eating with us, right?" Brandy smiled, friendly and excited at the presence of the kind and gentlemanly alpha. "I've caught more than enough, once I explored a little bit." She could tell her mother wished she'd stayed away longer, but Brandy felt a mischievous pride well up in her belly.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Sebastian - March 20, 2016

Sebastian sat with Ambrosia latched against him. He was about to get a tingling feeling that she was knd of lingering in his personal space. He smiled at her kind words. "Well, I will be around here. Not planning on going anywhere at least," he pointed out. So technically it was up to hear if she would stick around. Still he was glad that she was so loyal. Only moment later Brandy came back with not only one thing but four. Sebastian's pale eyes glanced at the many things she caught. Was she a super wolf? How could she manage to catch so many things? Did she steal it from somewhere? He didn't want to disrespect the young girl but Sebastian was pretty sure that catching four small prey was quite impossible to do. What would she do with her caught prey after she went after the other? There were coyote's and foxes all around...

Sebastian stepped forward and tipped his head a bit. Oblivious to Ambrosia being flustered really. He had stepped forward towards the food after all. "Hello, Brandy. Um, I guess so?," he spoke, seeing that she had more than enough. Sebastian licked his lips, growing hungry now seeing the fresh meat. Sebastian grabbed one of the ducks and set it down between his paws at he laid down. He left the other things for them to pick from, it was clear that he had no interest in it meaning that they could have it. It felt weird to claim something that he hadn't hunted but very secretly it did feel good. He was giving them protection in return after all.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Ambrosia - March 20, 2016

Ambrosia grabbed one of the ducks, laying down by Brandy and ripping out whole feathers carefully to put in her nest before tearing into the cool flesh. It was obvious from the dirty feathers that Brandy had done what she taught her, burying the prey she caught and coming back for it later: it allowed to hunt much more, much faster. The tan and black she-wolf was very proud of her daughter, and partially of herself for teaching Brandy to thrive where she went. The duck tasted great, and it was amazing to have a full belly and know that her nest would be lined with feathers, not to mention on her HOME land again. She felt safe, happy, for the first time in ages and she had Sebastian to thank for that. She'd sprawled out in a dying ray of sunshine to groom when Brandy went into the water, watching her with shining lemon eyes as she stroked her tongue across her silky fur. She hoped Sebastian would stay longer, glancing over at him and smiling kindly.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Brandy - March 20, 2016

Brandy felt satisfied at having caught enough to feed all three of them, and getting a good meal for herself. She plucked and ate the remaining duck after tearing into her rabbit before finally feeling full and ready to rest. Hunting all day had tired out the young she-wolf, but then again she would definitely sleep good in their first night home, with feather-softened nests. When she'd finally finished, after cleaning her face and paws, Brandy stood and stretched for a long moment before slipping paw-by-paw into the water. She only went up til the water was at her knees, a shudder running down her spine. The Spring water hadn't yet had a chance to warm up, and had gotten even colder with the sun beginning to set by now, but she kept pushing herself  till the water reached the top of her shoulders. She waded around for a while at that level before submerging completely to swim like a fish underwater.

RE: Getting Acquainted - Sebastian - March 20, 2016

Sebastian feasted on his own duck. He did not think of the feathers as bedding material but mostly as annoying things that would get stuck in his mouth. He tried to spit out the feathers as he plucked the bird but they often stayed stuck on his wet tongue. It looked actually surprisingly cute. Sebastian eventually just started to eat the bird. It was fresh and juicy. He really enjoyed the meal, fishing it fully. He even started to chew on some of the larger bones. He knew the smaller ones could be dangerous.

Once he was done and saw the Ambrosia was resting, yet still looking at him, and Brandy was going for a swim he did not want to intrude on their private time. "Thank you for the meal Brandy, and for the good advise Ambrosia," he spoke, as somewhat of a goodbye. He would have to do other things still, and he couldn't slouch. Later he could, now he needed to finalize his claim. 'I will see you around! With that said Sebastian moved away at a calm pace, scouting for some good camp sites.

I am going to end it here! Feel free to reply once more to finish up on your character side. This was super fun!!