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Bramblepoint The shape of brat pop to come - Printable Version

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RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 11, 2016

peregrine sought to assure lasher that the problem lay not with tongue but with loins, but never before had such a thing happened beneath the druid's loving touch, and he was not quick to believe the dark wolf. yet the gentle, playful clip of the panther's teeth provoked a diverting growl from the earthen servant -- he too flashed his fangs in the direction of the ebon god and darted aside, rump lifted in a bow of play.

if peregrine chose to follow, lasher would lead him on a merry chase indeed.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 11, 2016

Soon Lasher was growling, his rump thrust into the air as he bowed playfully. Peregrine canted his head, lips twitching in response to the display, then rolled to all fours. He feinted toward the ocher wolf, swiping out a broad forepaw as if to sweep Lasher's legs out from beneath him. Despite his remarks about his age, he was feeling rather spry lately, what with the pups always keeping him on his toes. He was more than up for a chase.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 11, 2016

he felt the strike of peregrine's paw against his legs; he stumbled, whirling in a tight circle with a laugh and fake snap in the panther's direction. regaining his footing, he continued to career wildly through the woodland, enjoying for the moment the basking in peregrine's presence -- he indulged himself with an increased speed, chuckling breathlessly.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 12, 2016

When Lasher bolted into the trees, Peregrine followed. He was neither lithe nor swift, yet he could dog Lasher's steps until he tired, as any hunter worth his salt could do. In the meantime, he moved at a steady clip, peering around himself and taking in his surroundings, though he primarily kept his senses peeled for any sign of his quarry. It was likely Lasher would double back and attempt to ambush him, he felt. It wasn't something an elk would do, yet Lasher wasn't something to eat, at least in the conventional sense.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 12, 2016

hurr hurr kat

peregrine followed at a modulated pace, and lasher slowed, glancing over his shoulder with a lolling tongue. though he did not immediately think of turning 'round, the druid found the nearest shadows and slipped easily into them, backing between the trees with ears cupped to listen for the panther's pawsteps. the chase had become a seek-and-dispatch, though he had no fear of the devil's teeth 'round his throat.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016


His senses tingled and Peregrine slowed, then stopped. He scanned the woods slowly, which took longer than normal considering he could only see out of one eye. Everything had gone quiet, eerily quiet. His hackles prickled as his ears twisted at their roots. He had a feeling Lasher was hidden nearby—in fact, he was no farther than five yards from the stowaway—but aside from the other male's pleasant scent lingering in his nose, there was no other telltale sign of him.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016

lasher sought to quiet his breathing, for through the twisted branches before him had peregrine paused, presenting the view of one dark flank. the ground 'round the druid's paws was littered with twigs -- he dared not step in any direction -- and yet he must, else the panther would find him and all would be lost. thus, gingerly, the man began to move through the wood in the opposite direction of the devil, and here he would charm himself in obscurity until he could at last leap from the boles onto the other man!

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016

Peregrine thought he heard the slight shift of spry paws upon the forest floor and he went rigid, listening with all his might. He heard the wind soughing through the trees, their branches still bared to the early spring sky. He heard the pleasant din of birdsong. He even heard a wolf howling off in the distance. His jade eyes squinted suspiciously, hearing no more sounds of Lasher's possible passage.

But he felt a tingle creep up his spine, sensing that the other man was near and nearing. The Alpha's nostrils flared as he whirled in a circle, single eye sweeping the surrounding forest, trying to pluck out its secrets.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016

lasher made as if to step, but was frozen by the panther's swift turn. cunning and want rose in his veins; he made no more attempts to tread, merely standing quietly for a long moment before he moved again, with slow strides, circling peregrine through the thicket of trees and branches, his eyes melding rather seamlessly with the darkness, save for the glint of sunlight through the tangled wood.

he bit back a heady little laugh, and paused again, eyes fixed upon peregrine.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016

There! He spotted movement in the underbrush, a dappling of sunlight and shadow over chocolate fur. With a huff, Peregrine sprang in that direction, crashing through the boscage and paying no attention as various objects jabbed and dragged or else clung to him. A playful growl bubbled up from his broad chest, vibrating in his throat before bursting between his teeth, which he clipped in the direction he thought his quarry to be.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016

he was spotted!! lasher turned and attempted to lunge away, but peregrine caught him with the pointed strike of a well-honed hunter, teeth clipping painlessly into his fur. an answering laugh spilled from the druid and he whirled to nip along the devil's jet cheek. "good hunting!" he cried, eyes alight with the joy of it all and the contentment he had simply being near the charismatic redhawk.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016

He made contact, the points of his teeth sinking into Lasher's shoulder without breaking the skin. Peregrine grinned and backed away almost immediately, tail swaying through the brushwood as he enjoyed the taste of victory (literally, several of his friend's furs on his tongue). He took a few more steps backward out into a clearer area of the wood, then looked down to find dozens of burdocks fastened to his black pelt. His eyes closed slowly and he sighed.

"Wanna help me with these?" he inquired, quirking a brow at his companion.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016

they pressed through the wood and peregrine found himself peppered with the rounded little seeds that clung to one's fur. "only if you return the gesture," lasher joked -- he would have done it either way -- and set about grooming the burdocks from the dark fur, preening sundry bits of debris from the rich pelt as well as untangling whatever knottage had settled into the man's withers. in silence he worked, delightedly and warmed by the renewed bond between the two of them.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016

You get post #3,000. :o

Lasher emerged, equally resplendent with little burs clinging to his seal coat. Peregrine laughed and bobbed his head, agreeing to his companion's terms. He waited for Taltos to step up to him before arranging himself to return the favor. They worked in silence for a while, a pleasurable give and take. Peregrine combed his teeth carefully through the other's pelt, trying his damnedest not to tug on Lasher's skin. Soon there was a heap of prickled balls at their feet.

A sudden shiver passed through him at Lasher's delicate touch and he pulled away, abruptly overly sensitive to the ticklish sensation. "Thanks," he murmured, touching his muzzle to his friend's snout. "I think I have to go now," he breathed, the slight reluctance coming through in his tone.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016


he had fallen into the lulling tongue of peregrine's teeth passing through his fur, as he himself laved his tongue and the tips of his fangs through the black pelt, and had he a guard, it would have come down in this moment. as it was, lasher had erected no such thing -- he allowed the familarity of peregrine's body transport him to a more heated place, but understood when the other pulled away, though the tremble of the panther's flesh beneath his lips was a memory lasher would put aside for a solitary time.

aware of the boundary between them, though he wished to toe the very line, lasher pressed his muzzle to peregrine's cheek. for a moment, he said not a word, merely holding the other's eyes for a long second, and then smiled openly. "this was very diverting. i am glad for the time. shall -- shall we do this again? another day?"

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016

Peregrine didn't mind the touch. He welcomed it, even, and returned it with another sweep of his own snout. He let Lasher hold his gaze for several beats, then drew back slowly. He offered the other man an apologetic smile. He didn't really want to leave but he wouldn't make Fox and the pups wait on him.

"Sure," he replied easily to Lasher's invitation. "What if we have a standing..." He almost said date but he discarded that term. "What if we agree to meet on a regular basis? Once a month?" He threw the time frame out there for Lasher to take or leave—perhaps it was too frequent or not frequent enough—and canted his head patiently.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016

emboldened by the second gesture, lasher nevertheless reined in his innate passions and brushed his lips this time across the side of the other's chin. "once a month." he would come more often, had peregrine suggested it, but the panther had young pups and duties at the caldera. "i would like that very much." a short of shyness overcame him then; his cheeks warmed beneath their ecru pelt and he turned his eyes down toward the earth for a moment, before returning them to peregrine's handsome face.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Peregrine Redhawk - April 13, 2016

Taltos agreed to the timetable, leaving Peregrine to look upward and squint at the sky for no particular reason as he said, "Well." He paused, licked his lips, then dropped his gaze. "I'll see you at the end of April then. Here?" He waited for a nod of assent, then murmured, "See you then. Take care."

He brushed past Lasher, offering a parting nip to the peak of one ocher shoulder blade, before slipping into the trees back in the direction of his home and family.

RE: The shape of brat pop to come - Lasher - April 13, 2016

"farewell," lasher murmured, tantalized by the third touch granted him. his eyes followed the caldera leader as he moved away with strong strides; taltos himself remained where he was for a short while, reveling in the warm energies of that place until he had taken his fill, and came away to donnelaith.