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Sleeping Dragon if momma knew how you'd turn out; you too wild - Printable Version

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RE: if momma knew how you'd turn out; you too wild - Wildfire - September 22, 2016

In spite of her age, Freyja showed good form as she stalked up on the smaller beast. Wildfire hung back and crouched, watchful. Her heart beat faster as the pup came closer and closer to her quarry. The Bandrona honestly expected the groundhog to wise up and scurry away long before Freyja got anywhere near it. When the pup managed to close the distance without alerting her prey, it gave the yearling a little thrill of pride.

It was nothing compared to how she felt watching the young girl capture and (somewhat messily) execute the over-sized rodent. "Way to go, Freyja!" she cried out once it was dead, hastening to stand beside the smaller hunter. "I'm really impressed!" she said genuinely, amber eyes bright as she exchanged a pleased glance with Portia over the youngster's head. "You show tons of promise. You're already well on your way to becoming an excellent hunter."

Wildfire pressed her smudged snout to Freyja's cheek, then rocked back onto her haunches and smilingly waved a paw over the kill. "Now go on and enjoy your spoils! You earned 'em." Nothing tasted as good as a fresh, hard-earned kill.

RE: if momma knew how you'd turn out; you too wild - Portia - September 23, 2016

Such the optimist, Portia was, but her high hopes had paid off this time as she watched the child sloppily kill the creature. It wasn't anything graceful like Wildfire, perhaps, but it certainly did show promise. As the foxy Bandrona shot her a cheerful look, Portia returned it with a wide grin, her tail wagging behind her. "Marvelous, Freyja," she said with a bright look in her green eyes. "I can tell you now, I didn't catch my first prey. My poor mother had to chase after it for me," she added, winking playfully at the child. She sat down beside the pair, gazing between the two with her features lit up in excitement. 

RE: if momma knew how you'd turn out; you too wild - Freyja - September 23, 2016

She was bathed in praise and her heart sang in this moment as she took a moment to soak it all in. As she did this, she bowed her head to take the first bite and relished in the moment as she enjoyed her first mouthful of groundhog. She looked onto the others as she did this and in an uncharacteristic moment, she invited the other two over to help her eat it.

The trio enjoyed the small morsel, exchanging stories and lessons as they enjoyed each other's company.