Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Topsy-Turvy - Printable Version

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RE: Topsy-Turvy - Avannon - August 29, 2016

Avannon almost dropped to the ground as shock filled her mind. She stumbled forward after him and with one last ounce of strength lunged at him, her jaws wrapping around a hind paw and closing violently around the limb. She clamped down hard feeling her teeth slice into his flesh and his blood flowing into her mouth and into the fur around her mouth and chest. She snarled savagely and shook her head, thrashing it back and forth while teeth still dug into flesh.

RE: Topsy-Turvy - Judas - August 29, 2016

Judas felt something wrench him back, a searing pain in one of his hind paws. He cast a surprised glare back to see the one he had claimed grabbing clamping her jaws down on his paw. He pulled his paw forward, trying to get it free while snapping at her face. He cared not if he injured her.

RE: Topsy-Turvy - Avannon - August 30, 2016

Avannon yelped, her voice echoing through the territory as a set of fangs tore through her face. She released his paw and collapsed on the ground. She knew she had almost lost an eye from the blood streaming from the corner of her eyes down the side of her face and dripping on the ground. She looked up at him as he ran "I will find you one day and I will find a way to ruin your life. This i promise" she said as she lay on the ground bleeding. She focused on what hurt, and realized that her lower regions hurt immensely, and her face was going numb where the gash was. She whimpered and planted as panic took over her while body, flanks heaving. She stood up and slowly limped toward her home, feeling completely numb. To get away from the pain of what happened she began to detach herself from reality, the only things she thought of were ryujin and Jolon. She had promised him She wouldn't allow herself to be claimed, she broke her promise! Ears lay flat against her head and she lifted her muzzle to the sky and howled, a bitter mournful wail echoing through the air.

RE: Topsy-Turvy - Judas - August 30, 2016

As soon as he felt release on his paw, he bolted forward as fast as he could, doing his best to ignore the searing pain until he was far enough. His run slowly turned to a limp, a trail of blood trailing behind. Looking over it, damage had been done that would take time to heal. Seeing his wound, it brought his good side back. He could only look at it in horror as he recalled what he did. "What have I done?"

Thank you for this dramatic thread