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Sleeping Dragon my beautiful dark twisted fantasy - Printable Version

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RE: my beautiful dark twisted fantasy - Wildfire - October 03, 2016

"It's definitely onto me now," she replied breezily. The failure didn't particularly bother her, as a seasoned hunter. It had been a spur of the moment opportunity and it hadn't worked out in her favor but that was all right. "We should probably move away and come back later sometime. They won't risk coming out for at least a few hours after that," she surmised.

Motioning for Freyja to follow, Wildfire led her through the meeting space to its other side, then parked beneath a tall pine. She then addressed the youngster's earlier question. "Herds move around a lot. But there's so many and they sort of cycle in and out, so there's always something to choose from. Something to chase," she amended with a playfully predatory gleam in her amber eye.

RE: my beautiful dark twisted fantasy - Freyja - October 03, 2016

Nodding in agreement to what Wildfire said, Freyja followed when she was beckoned. Once they made it, Freyja followed suite and sat alongside her mentor. Looking up curiously, she listened to the knowledge she had to offer.

“Chasing is my favorite part!” She said with a wag of her tail. Though eating was a close second. “Why do they go though? Why don’t they settle their pack?” She added as an afterthought with a questioning tone. It seemed strange that they uprooted so often.

RE: my beautiful dark twisted fantasy - Wildfire - October 03, 2016

"They migrate as the seasons change, moving from place to place depending on where they can find the most food. They eat grass and leaves," Wildfire explained. Probably Freyja knew that last bit but it never hurt to reiterate it with context. "Some wolf packs do the same thing, following the prey wherever it goes. But most are like us, establishing a territory and sticking close to it."

Something about that and the conversation in general caused an idea to pop into Wildfire's head. She was sure Freyja would love it. "Hey, what would you think of going on a short tracking expedition? We could check out the surrounding territories, find a lead and pursue it. I could ask at least one other wolf to come along," she continued, thinking aloud, her mind immediately going to Gavriel, "so that we could target a larger animal. We'd have to ask your mother and Heda, of course, but I'd love to take you."

RE: my beautiful dark twisted fantasy - Freyja - October 03, 2016

Though the idea of roaming seemed all too strange to the child, she nodded to the information. She knew there were going to be ideals out there that she didn’t agree with or completely understand and that was okay.

It did not take Freyja long to respond to Wildfire’s idea. Her heart thrummed at the thought and her tail wagged excitedly as she looked to the Trapper. “Yes!” There wasn’t much more for her to say and the two began to plot the trip and how they would get their permissions from the needed parties. Freyja was over the moon with excitement and could not wait to ask the Heda and her mother.