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Great Bear Wilderness Fading Echos - Printable Version

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RE: Fading Echos - Mordecai - July 13, 2014

Anddd I've been awake the last twenty hours. Pretty sure I'm into my sixth second wind of the span. @______@
As the duo closed in, he picked up on the distinct scent of rather fresh rear end matter. It threw him for just a moment, at least until he pinpointed the source of the smell. Cara. Well, if that was how she intended to ambush them, then Mordecai couldn't really argue with it. It was either bad luck or genius, assuming that the elk wouldn't be thrown off by a smelly approach. The look on her face said it was the former and most importantly Mordecai made no verbal ruckus about it. There were worse things she could have stumbled into or through, no doubt half of those unpleasant items lingering in the tall weaves of grass around them.

As Kaname left to scout the group, he waited quietly before trailing after the dark-coated brute. It was only then that Mordecai realized the full size of the herd that they had come across, and it certainly wasn't that large the last time he had seen it. They had merged with another, doubling their size and letting their brood mingle. They must have joined together somewhere that they could have crossed the river; Mordecai felt a pressing need for them to lay their teeth into the elk before too long. He would not have been surprised if they had been driven together because of other hunters.

Spreading out at the command, he slunk low through the plain, his steps calculated and soft against the earth. Aside from sound and smell of the others, nothing else may have existed as he drew himself closer and closer to the idling beasts, studying them and trying to scent one that may not have been as well as the others. Where there was one sick ungulate, there were bound to be others, and perhaps in less favorable but not completely deteriorated condition. Up closer, the call of the bull elk was joined by another. Their cover of haze was a closing window.

RE: Fading Echos - Cara - July 15, 2014

She actually appreciated the fact that Mordecai didn't mention her misfortune, though if he head he would've recieved a throathy growl as a more vocal warning. She pressed her paw once more against the dew kissed blades trying for one last time to rid herself of the crap she had stepped on.

When she heard the elk callings, all other thoughts were buried at the back of her mind. It was time to get going. Her ears swiveled as Kaname gave the final command and the unsuspecting prey bellowed in the near distance. Giving a quick nod at both of them she fanned out to take her side of the field, her eyes also fluttering from animal to animal as she tried to pick one that seemed ill or weakened.

RE: Fading Echos - Kaname - July 18, 2014

I'm going to go ahead and speed this along so they don't spend the next few posts looking for a good elk to hunt.

He watched to see where his subordinates stalked, so he could fill the gaps they made. They must be certain to watch ever corner of the herd. Though the weak may be hidden in the center of the herd, where they could be protected by the strong. Especially the bull. If worst comes to worst someone would have to distract the male.

The ice-blue eyes of the assassin scanned the ungulates critically. A favored leg, dried blood on a flank, weak gait. Anything! The dark-brown wolf stifled an annoyed growl. They had to find a weak one, or just simply go for one of the females.

It took a while of weighing the odds, but he saw something. An old female was striding to a clump of grass to nibble, with a slightly awkward and heavy walk. An old injury playing up again? The assassin scanned, looking for any sign of his packmates. In the foliage he could see a flash of white fur. He walked swift and silent to the yearling, keeping his eyes trained on the injured cow all the while.

RE: Fading Echos - Mordecai - July 19, 2014

Works for me! Don't hesitate to push it along or anything. I'll have Mordecai hunker down in this post so you guys can spring the attack. :D

The herd was vast, and from what Mordecai could tell it was just as healthy. But he knew there had to be those that weren't as healthy somewhere, even if they were blending in. He settled down in a clump of grass to observe then, unaware that this companions had spotted their own ungulate for the taking. The herd, though groggily stirring, was still seemingly unaware that the trio of hunters had closed in on them.

And that was for the better. Mordecai was poised, really to spring and start the ruckus as soon as he found the right one. The one that they could take down easily and cart back safely before the carrion beasts of the sky would cause their trouble. And preferably, the one that they could make away with without any scavengers to pick fights with them. His gold eyes scanned through the herd once more, before out to the plain around him. Though he could not spot Kaname or Cara, he knew that they were close nearby, no doubt flanking their tasty prey.

RE: Fading Echos - Cara - July 19, 2014

Each of them had headed their own way, though they were apart they were all perfectly synchronized. While Kaname scanned one side and Mordecai rounded up the backside of the herd, the pale yearling slunked through the edges her eyes fixed on the very same target her chocolate colored superior had chosen.

While still keeping the older specimen in the corner of her eye, she tried to get a visual of Kaname of Mordecai, searching for a single sign that would give her the green light. She was probably the fastest of the team, her long legs and like figure would give her advantage over their bulky bodies.

Suddenly a young bull pricked its ears and swayed his heavy head from one side to another, looking for any sign of trouble. Cara knew their time was running out, if the young bull alerted the herd they would take off running before they could get any closer.

With the clock ticking against them,she quickened her pace and gave a low bark to announce she was going in. Her paws flew over the ground barely making a sound, she was able to cut the distance between the targeted cow and her sigh ease, just before several individuals of the herd cried with alarm.

RE: Fading Echos - Kaname - July 19, 2014

He was about to reach Cara, when one of the younger bull's raised its head, scanning the undergrowth. The yearling took a chance and sprung forward, barking to alert them that she was attacking. Kaname followed her, not matching her speed, but acting to chase of the rest of the herd away so they could take the weakened female without resistance.

The elks noticed Cara first, bugling with alarm, alerting the rest of the herd. Kaname snarled, chasing those closest to the female off first. He snapped at their rumps, careful to dodge their long spindly legs. They could kill a wolf by kicking if they wanted to.

RE: Fading Echos - Mordecai - July 21, 2014

He heard her bark, and scarcely saw the flash of light color against the vivid green before he tensed. Almost instantly the herd began to break up and scatter to the four winds. Before he really understood what was going on, Mordecai found the herd turning towards him in a panic, and that was the time that he chose to spring from his grassy nest to snarl at them. The elk ahead of him bellowed in response, turning away from the loop they had intended to make on the two that were picking their way through their large grouping. Not fearing their hooves, and perhaps a touch recklessly, Mordecai barraged his way through the turning ungulates to spy out his herd crashing party through the fray.

He spotted the beeline that Cara made towards one particular female, and began chasing off her would be protectors. He tore after one bull not unlike a raging bear, laying teeth into his hide briefly to give him a reminder of what it felt like to be hunted midst a valley of canines. A wound like that would give no lasting defect, but it would serve as a scarring memory. At a young elk, barely out of its first year and headstrong, he tripped up by singling it out; anything that would distract and dismay the spreading out herd and stop them from reemerging on themselves would be good for them.

Once he was satisfied with their fleeing, he joined the others in their pursuit of the doe. It was only up closer that he spotted her weakness, and let out a short bark to announce his rejoin to their group. She would tire easily, no doubt startled gravely by Cara's ambush. Kaname's presence and his own would only serve to push her panic over the edge, and Mordecai salivated at the moment they would bring her down together.

RE: Fading Echos - Cara - July 25, 2014

Frost, Earth and Stone united as one; while Cara zoomed behind the doe's ankles, her companions Kaname and Mordecai followed close behind ready to assist at the time of the kill.

Suddenly fangs met skin, Cara had managed clench her jaws around the old doe's meaty thigh. She tried to hold on but the animal's flying kicks made the whole ordeal almost impossible. The game of tug-of-war between the two was about to be over, the doe's flesh was ripping. She needed help; unable to turn or call her packmates she whipped her tail all around, hopefully they'd jump in before the doe slipped from her grasp, leaving a chunk of meat in the yearling's mouth.

RE: Fading Echos - Kaname - July 25, 2014

The others safely scattered, heading into the forest. His task completed, Kaname turned back to the cow, just as Cara let go of it, a piece of it's meat in her mouth. Knowing that the white yearling was indisposed, he lunged towards the elk. Aiming for her neck, he fixed his fangs into her flesh, using his body weight to pull her down.

RE: Fading Echos - Mordecai - July 26, 2014

Cara grasped at the doe first, and Mordecai moved swiftly to close the gap between himself and them. He saw Kaname's dark form gain on the wounded, latching on as Cara tore skin from muscle and bone. By then that gap between them all had closed, and like Kaname he lunged for the open, bleeding side of the doe.

His teeth made purchase, and Mordecai hung on for all he was worth. The doe faltered a bit but still tried to shake off the two males, baying at the herd who now moved to regroup and abandon her. He felt a hoof skim past part of him as her pace slowed, and the thrashing increased. Purely for the agitation, Mordecai jerked himself, tearing at the tender flesh and hopefully starting her descent towards the ground. There he hoped Cara would be on the receiving end, and would solidify the kill.

RE: Fading Echos - Cara - July 26, 2014

The little taste she had gotten of the ripped flesh in her mouth was enough to send adrenaline rippling through her body. She instantly lunged forward, lookig for the perfect spot to sink her teeth on now that Kaname and Mordecai had the doe under control.

Once her spot had been chosen she dove for the neck, more specifically the nape. Her sharp canines pierced through the skin, and while blood began to leak onto her mouth the doe gave cried for mercy. But she had none to spare, her fangs reached the bone, and her jaws clenched as tightly as she could. Crushing the vertebrae and the nerves that ran in it.

The doe's senses had been cut, she fell limp into the arms of the three wolves , the wound in her neck finishing her off. A last attempt to call for help was made though all the doe could do now was cough blood until finally her heart gave out. Cara stood next to the head, her sides heaving as she recovered her breath. Her beautiful features were now coated with a layer of red.

RE: Fading Echos - Kaname - July 27, 2014

The cow ready for the killing blow, Cara lunged on top of the elk, severing its spine with one swift blow. Kaname let go of the creature, letting her fall to the ground, mouth spilling blood. The dark Gamma barked with excitement, tail wagging happily. They did it!

Nearby, he noticed the herd gathering in an attempt to save their herdmate. It was far too late for that, she was dead, her spirit long gone. Hoping to push the herd away, he mock charged at them, baring his blood soaked fangs, growling deep in his throat.

RE: Fading Echos - Mordecai - July 28, 2014

And just like that, they became successful in their hunt. When the doe had been sent fully towards the ground, Mordecai had released his grip on her and watched with anticipation as Cara put an end to its life. Just like that, he no longer cared about the gender or entity that had been, and was focused on the rallying between his packmates. He beamed a bloody, toothy grin towards the yearling before ultimately becoming distracted by Kaname's bold display of charging at the reforming herd beyond them. A dry laugh escaped him, though it was done absently. However, his amusement remained.

Mordecai's attentions resumed to the carcass before him. Though instinct told him to wait for the return of his darker-haired superior, he couldn't help but pick at the strands that were already loose from the warm meal. It would do them good to fill their bellies a bit before trying to haul their catch back; Silvertip's caches would benefit all the same from their addition. None of them would go hungry tonight, he believed.

RE: Fading Echos - Cara - July 28, 2014

this was so much fun! should we wrap this?

A lash of her viperine tongue was enough to clean the drops of crimson from the edge of her nose. Her eyes fell onto the body that laid beside her, her chest swelling with pride at their job. She then raised her head and searched her companions faces, eager to see their reaction.

All of them shared the same grins on their faces. Tonight they'd dine in heaven! It was impossible not to rejoice. Her lips parted into a smile and her tail began to wag happily. After a few more seconds enjoying their sucess she motioned to the doe's body "We should begin hauling her back" she barked with a happy tone, loosing their kill to another predator now would be devastating.

RE: Fading Echos - Kaname - July 29, 2014

Sure! Cara you could fade out if you want, and we can assume they went back to Silvertip.

Giving one last bark towards the herd, he turned back. His tail was held high, wagging furiously in a prideful gesture when he examined their kill. They had done well. The pack would boast full bellies as they went to sleep that night.

The Gamma noticed Mordecai nibbling on the open wound on the cow's leg. He chuffed, gesturing for Cara to get a bite as well. "Get a mouthful of meat and then we'll bring this back to the pack." He instructed before tearing a strip of meat out of the haunch.

RE: Fading Echos - Mordecai - July 31, 2014

Also sounds good to me! It was nice to thread with both of you~ <3

Nonplussed with Kaname's indifference to his picking, Mordecai readily pried the doe open a bit more, so that they could easily take what they wanted. He himself tore off a favorable chunk and stepped away, gnawing at it. It had been awhile since he had the chance to savor something warm and fresh, so it was just as well to say that he gobbled it down in a fair bit of time.

Once he was satisfied with everything, and the others had taken what they wanted, he stood ready to help with the haul. Though the adrenaline of their hunt had long left him by then, the fill of food had not dulled him. There was still work to be done. Like a sentinel he watched their surroundings, heartily aware that they could have not been alone. But nothing screamed at out him that they were being watched either, which was all for the better. They had been lucky in more than one way he decided, both in the capture and kill of their quarry to the fact that their meal had gone undisturbed.

RE: Fading Echos - Cara - August 01, 2014

last post

She was happy to oblige to Kaname's command. She too stripped a piece of flesh from the doe's shoulder. Cara savoured the meat with delight, this hunt was the beginning of something good for the Silvertip wolves. Tonight they'd dine together and go to sleep with their hunger satisfied.

Then after a piece of her price had been claimed she strapped her jaws around the doe's neck. With a flick of her tail she invited the two males to do the same, they had no daylight to lose, they had to bring their treasure back as soon as possible.