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Blacktail Deer Plateau evolution of consciousness - Printable Version

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RE: evolution of consciousness - Peregrine Redhawk - September 07, 2014


Tyler and I quote it all the time, ha.

Her answer made him chuckle and skim his nose across her forehead. "Good," he rejoined fondly. Peregrine didn't expect her to say the words back just now. He knew she would say them when she was ready, which might be two minutes, two days or two months from now. Perhaps she'd never say them. Maybe they weren't her style. But he knew she felt similarly — her actions gave her away — and, no matter what, nothing would stop him from letting her know exactly how he felt.

"I love you," he repeated, "despite all your imperfections." He smiled teasingly. "I love your eyes, your smile, your fiery spirit. But most of all... I love dat ass..." Because romance and sappy sayings were totally his game, but so were dirty jokes.

RE: evolution of consciousness - RIP Fox - September 07, 2014

Fox grinned as he spoke. He was far, far more romantic than she would ever be. She did not know why it was the way it was, but she liked it anyway. She was content with how she was, and she was just as content with the way that he was. They were just a basketful of contentedness. Unless, of course, they were discussing the nuances of permitting other litters to be born. But those thoughts were about as far from Fox's mind as they could get right now.

Smiling as he said the final thing he loved about her, Fox squirmed around so "dat ass" was right up in his face. Then, with no shame about it, she farted. Not knowing what kind of reaction that would get her, she rolled to her feet as quickly as she possibly could and took off. "Betcha he doesn't love dat stinky ass."

RE: evolution of consciousness - Peregrine Redhawk - September 07, 2014

I should be getting ready to go but I couldn't resist posting. Lol, these two.

A wolfish grin stole over his face when Fox thrust her hindquarters in his face. He wanted to take a bit, juicy bite out of it. When she farted unexpectedly, it not only burned his nose but his eyes as well. They watered. And he could taste it.

But he was a man, so of course he found it hilarious. He bounded to his feet, laughing, and bellowed, "Damn it, woman, what did you eat?!" before loping after her, the rancid scent still lingering.

When he caught up to her, Peregrine tackled her rear end just like he would fell a deer. He even went for Fox's throat, though instead of administering a killing bite as he would with prey, he gave her several soft, tender kisses she definitely didn't deserve after that stunt.

He continued kissing and stroking her for a few moments, hopefully luring her into a false sense of security. Peregrine then abruptly pinned his mate to the ground and sat on her head, simultaneously releasing a very cacophonous burst of anal acoustics. "Just returning the favor, love," he said as he did it, then stepped off her.

RE: evolution of consciousness - RIP Fox - September 07, 2014

Fox squealed and giggled when he caught up with her, and she quickly crumpled to the ground once again. She started to bite at him when he went for her neck, but she softened when he gave her kisses instead. Relaxing was the worst idea in the world, but she didn't realize that until the loud toot was farted right in her face. “You!” she barked, sneezing and shaking off her coat. Peregrine's fart hadn't been as rancid as Fox's, but it certainly had been louder. Anal acoustics indeed.

Once her laughter had died away, Fox gave Peregrine the most convincing bedroom eyes she could muster. “Is that enough foreplay?” she asked, wiggling her bum-bum just so. Perhaps it was a bit of... untraditional foreplay, but Fox was willing to bet that they weren't the most traditional pair in the world.

RE: evolution of consciousness - Peregrine Redhawk - September 07, 2014

When his mate asked him if that was enough foreplay, Peregrine rolled his eyes playfully and said, "Woman! Your nasty ass gas broke my bone." The Alpha male snickered. Of course, it wasn't true... though that smell did still linger in his nostrils, tempting his gag reflex a little.

She wiggled her rump and that was all the encouragement he might have needed to get into the mood. "C'mere, you," he said both affectionately and gruffly, pressing himself against that booty and then quickly wrapping his arms around her slim hips. "I hope you're ready, baby," was all the warning he gave before taking her.

He made good on his earlier promise to fuck like bunnies and it wasn't more than ten minutes later when he rolled off her and sprawled lazily in the grass, basking in the afterglow of their intense coupling. "Don't get comfy," he warned her and himself, "'cause we're going for round two as soon as I'm ready for launch again."

RE: evolution of consciousness - RIP Fox - September 07, 2014

It's really jarring to go between this thread and the one with Lasher. <__<

Fox, as usual, was a lady of few words. Her communication was through body language, more often than not, especially when their particular bodies were entwined with one another. Once their bodies became two again, Fox licked his nose and curled herself up next to him. She flicked an ear in his direction when he mentioned round two, but she was already half-lidded and dozing off by that point.

At some point—Fox was unsure how much time had passed—she rolled over so that she was facing Perry. She couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep from this angle, so she poked at him lazily with a paw. “Tell me about the plateau,” she said sleepily. “I wanna know everything.” Fox had, more than once, told the story of the creek and how it had come to be, but now that she was here, she only knew the most recent history.

RE: evolution of consciousness - Peregrine Redhawk - September 07, 2014

Lulz, this post wrote itself. I guess that's a wrap? :P

Despite his warning, they both drowsed, floating in their respective bursts of oxytocin. Peregrine didn't say a word or move a muscle until Fox spoke again an uncertain amount of time later. He twitched in response to the sound of her voice, then made a murmuring noise in the back of his throat as he rolled onto his side to face her.

"It's big and flat and it juts into the air," he drawled lazily, then paused and asked, "What would you like to know? Can I tell you after we fuck again?" he requested innocently, trying to nudge her into position without even standing. "You can just lay there and take it easy. I'll do all the work," he promised her as he kissed along her spine, then hunkered down behind her.

"I don't think... oh, wait... got it!" the Alpha male declared as he successfully docked with the Alpha female. "Oh, baby," was the last thing he said before rather forcefully taking her scruff in his mouth and having his way with her.

And when he finished the second time, he toppled off her and lay motionless, quipping crudely, "Dat foxhole though..." before pressing his cheek into the dirt and beginning to snore.

RE: evolution of consciousness - RIP Fox - September 07, 2014

Woo! You want to start another? I've implied in another post that Fox knows about Atticus waking up, but they haven't talked about the thing that happened with Lasher...

Well, that wasn't exactly what she had meant, but considering she had taken things too literally in the past, she couldn't really fault him for it. When he promised to do all the work, Fox couldn't really refuse that request, and she lazily sprawled on her belly while he fumbled around to putting things where they needed to go. She winced a bit, if only because two sessions in one day was pushing it, but once things got going, she didn't even notice.

When he so majestically began to snore his head off right next to her, Fox grinned and joined him, the two of them making rather loud sawing noises together. Fox dreamt of tiny versions of herself and Peregrine suckling at her teat, and she was happy.