Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods this is my playground! - Printable Version

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this is my playground! - RIP Leo - July 02, 2015

Maybe @Grimnir? This thread is open to anyone, but be warned. Lusa may attack anyone who comes near (Not including Bruke, Grimnir, Ayana, or Meldresi)

 It was only his third day of living but he was already curious of everything. He had to admit, this place wasn't the best place in the world, but there was so many cool things to touch, smell, and taste. He had found many new things, despite his eyes and ears being closed. He wasn't the only little wolf here: there where two more. There was also another there, his mama. But he refered to her as the big climby thing. Everytime he was done eating he would climb up the big climby thing. The bad part was he would always fall off her, or she would push him off. That annoyed the crap out of him.

 Today he would investigate the other tiny wolves. Well, right after he was filled with nice warm milk. When he was finished, he started wiggling around, snout flailing around. He managed to bump into one. He smelled the total opposite of the milk maker, so the little creamball concluded he was male. His paws reached up over the other's back, and his tiny hind legs started to claw up his brother's back until he was draped across his back. Maybe he could take a little snooze here.

RE: this is my playground! - Peridot Bolverk - July 03, 2015

Ever since she felt the cold change the environment was constantly changing. Over the course of time she began to get used to these changes. At first it was always a bit stressful but there was always that motherly presence that was there in her time of need. This didn't mean she was free of struggle. As things changed she would also move to follow that change the best she could. The source of warmth that she detected weren't always the very same source. Smaller presences seem to always be nearby. Maybe she wasn't alone in this little struggle.

So once again the area was swifting it was only natural to move as well. Her movements led her to the two small sources once again. This time she'll try to get between these sources. Since they seem piled on each other all she had to do was get in the middle right? She would push up on the first source then against the second one. Intentionly she was hopeing to be between but in reality it would look like she was trying to shove off the brotherly source off the other. With the little strength she has there wasn't really much she could do but give a constant nudge to the little source of warmth on top of the other.

RE: this is my playground! - RIP Leo - July 03, 2015

 It wasn't long before he felt the presence of his sister. He could feel her nudging his side. He started to whine as he felt himself slipping of of the warm back. He tried planting his paws into the warm body, but it was no use. He fell flat on his back, paws up in the air. He was the littlest of the bunch after all, and it would be a breeze for his sibblings to punk him around.
 He started to whimper loudly. He had to get back there somehow! It was one of the most warmest places here! He rocked back and forth until he was back on his belly. The little pup determindly started scooting around the place, trying to relocate the warm place. Maybe he  should go back to the big climby thing? She was easier to track down, and did have food after all, and he wouldn't be pushed out of place. But no, he wanted to get back to the little pile. He scooted around the place until he was met by a tiny tail, not that he knew what a tail was yet. He turned around and again tried to paw up to the top, but he kept slipping off again and again.


RE: this is my playground! - Peridot Bolverk - July 03, 2015

The world as she knows it was shifting again. She thought she was getting closer to getting inbetween them but that wasn't the case. The top source vanished making this seem like a waste of effort. It wasn't that bad here but maybe she could find better. The best would be the stick close to any warm presence. She went back down and decided to search for a better spot than to be above her brother.

After a bit of crawling she sensed movement behind the brother she once tried to climb above. Again she thought the best was to get inbetween. Even if the sources were moving she would move too. It didn't matter how long or the amount of effort she needed, there is one thing she was sure of it was the good load of warmth she would have if she got between her brothers. She was going to constantly force herself between them, that is until she couldn't find both sources anymore.

RE: this is my playground! - Baldur - July 03, 2015

There was something jostling him. Baldur let out a whimper, protesting the constant nudging motion. He started crawling away from it. The further he crawled the colder is seemed to get. A little vibration from his stomach also alerted him to his hunger. The pup began letting out yips. He had no real sense of direction and so couldn't get back to the large warm pretense of his mother. Baldur turned in hopes of getting back to his food. Whimpers grew in strength as the little brown pup continued to search.

RE: this is my playground! - RIP Leo - July 04, 2015

He felt his brother moving away from him, making him cry out loudly as if saying, Don't leave me! He took a few tiny steps around the place, but he couldn't find his brother anymore. But his sister was still there! He felt his rump touching the other, so he turned around and tried squeezing under her warm fur.

RE: this is my playground! - Peridot Bolverk - July 05, 2015

What she tried to obtain became impossible to have when the sources spilt from each other. Now there was no way to get between so what was she going to do now? Stick with one? It would be better than being out there where there was nothing warm. That source was nudging to get under her. Since she didn't exactly want to stay on the hard floor she decided to try to climb that brotherly warmth. It would make it easier for him to get under her but then she would be on top like a blanket. Maybe it would be comfortable, it is better than nothing. Still it wouldn't stop her from making good use of the source.

RE: this is my playground! - Baldur - July 08, 2015

Eventually he came back to his squirming siblings, his little nose touching the tail of his brother. There was movement above his sibling. Baldur wasn't sure what to make of it. Instead he shoved his nose beneath the body he ran into, attempting to crawl beneath it. He was so cold! It wasn't a pleasant experience. He hoped that by hiding beneath his brother he could warm up again. He also wondered if he could get milk from him too. He was so hungry.

RE: this is my playground! - RIP Leo - July 30, 2015

Jeez, I'm sorry about the wait! Last round??

 They all made a dog pile. Peridot decided to finally go on top, and Baldur went on the bottom. Little Chevalier was sandwiched in the middle, but he liked it that way. The creamy boy fell asleep between his siblings.

 His mother, seeing the commotion, lifted a paw and guided them to her belly. Finally! When he felt the warm fur of his mother, he curled up i  a tiny ball and quickly fell asleep.