Wolf RPG
Sunspire Mountains pause it, play it, pause it - Printable Version

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pause it, play it, pause it - Cara - July 08, 2015

Slowly, as the hours turned to days and the days shifted into weeks, it became more and more clear to the young Moretti that an excess in idleness could result in impotence. Even though her ‘vacationing’ had released her mind from a heavy burden and had resulted in a much needed rest for the former Queen’s own health, it was undeniable to say the routine of --- having nothing to do really – was getting a tad old. 

Like a broken record forever destined to play on repeat Cara had slipped out from the den she had her beau had settled in (aka the love nest) and headed into the open area that sat adjacently to the Vale and further down, the Sunspire. Then, without further ado, she took off after the fairly fresh scent of a hare, her paws moving with the same mechanic and thoughtless manner that her days had progressed with. The unsuspecting hare, who nibbled idly on a blade of grass, would live to see – or waste – another day.

Knowing that the only way to prevent getting stuck in the stagnant pools of lethargy was to break from the routine that had begun to chain her, the pale female skidded to a forceful stop before plopping herself down to her bottom.

The holiday was over.
It was time to get into business.

Softly, Cara allowed her long front limbs to extend before her and drag her into a spynx-like position before her mouth parted to let out a howl past her lips. This time it was not her beloved ivory knight who she called for, it was her equally fair-furred confidant, @Alusia , who she was soliciting

Out of the wolves she had sought to rescue from the debris of the Spine it had only been the frosty femme who had stuck close by. The others, were sadly and for various reasons, destined to stay behind and scatter into oblivion in cruel silence.  

RE: pause it, play it, pause it - Alusia - July 08, 2015

Time was becoming the pale girl's worst enemy. Each day that went by, the longing to once again belong somewhere grew stronger. This roaming was becoming tedious and she felt within the fire that burned for acceptance of a pack. The desire to be surrounded by those she could call friends was strong, and every second it grew in size.

The white wolfess knew of the craving that lingered in her Queen's heart, the want for children. However they needed somewhere safe first, their own personal sanctuary. And so a mission was born, and the Alaskan wouldn't rest until it was complete. It would take time, but the end result would be more than worth it.

Clean crisp air filled the lungs of the pale wolf, as she ran with no cause. Water clung to her paws soaking her legs as she sprinted through a shallow creek, and the wind blew against her, shifting her fur. She did not stop as the howl collided with her ears, and summoned her to the one she followed. Cara.

The silhouette of her leader lying on the ground began to appear in Alusia's vision. As she drew near, her head lowered to show respect even though they were both loners. "Cara" she spoke calmly while sitting on her haunches. She pondered on why she was called today, and anxiousness rose within the girl.

RE: pause it, play it, pause it - Cara - July 11, 2015

And oblivion, was Cara’s greatest fear.

Having a natural, insatiable, craving for glory, attention and everything that would feed the vain monster that was her ego, Cara had limited patience when it came to staying on the down low and out of the limelight. And now, as the hasty weight of routine became more evident by the day, Cara felt the need to find release – ironically, from what she had sought in order to release her mind from the strain the Spine had unloaded onto her back.
And now, as the former Queen awaited for the pale silhouette of her second-right hand to appear before her, the desire to let herself and her companions rise from their confinement became overwhelming, like a time bomb whose digits receded with increasing speed Cara felt the force of the upcoming explosion tickle her bones and climb along her spine.
Suddenly, the soft sound of her name reeled her back from her thoughts.
Just in time for her to witness the final grains of sand to slip down the hourglass that held in her wild desires – the detonation.
“Al!” she woofed pleasantly, her tail lashing over the ground, brushing the blades of grass back and forth and her chest, inevitably, filling with pride as her friend, despite holding no rank over her – or whatsoever really—did not fail to present the former Queen a display of submissive respect.
“I was wondering where you’d gone today” she barked while slowly rising from her position to nudge the female’s cheek fondly as she continued to speak.
“What were you up to?” she asked, wanting to know if Alusia had also found herself stuck in the sticky fingers of routine. “I truly cannot stay idly sitting here for another second, Al -- not anymore” came the words, a determined bark accompanied by a slight curving of her lips.
 A smile that insinuated mischief. 

RE: pause it, play it, pause it - Alusia - July 15, 2015

A calm gust of wind swept by, leveling the furs on the pale girl's back while disaranging those on her chest. The day was quite delightful with the sky clear and the sun beaming down on the two young wolves. As the Queen connected with the snowy shade of Alusia's cheek, a relieved sigh of acceptance washed over the yearling. Anxiety consumed the pale girl as she grew in distress over being turned away or left behind to start her life over once more. For Cara was her one solitary friend and she would hold onto that bond until she could no more.

As the question of what she had been doing was thrown into the air, a faint smile crept onto the young girl's maw. "Wandering, trying to find something of which I have not already seen" the girl answered in a mellow tone as she studied the powerful yellow orbs of her companion and observed as it seemed Cara's eyes alone spoke of her restlessness. Not long after the question, came what Alusia was anticipating as her Queen spoke of what the pale girl felt inside.

"I am the same in this feeling" she spoke quick and true, and contemplated as to what Cara had in mind. Alusia's own smile turned to one that hinted wicked, but yet playful intent. "What do you suggest we do" she asked interested in what the youthful Queen would propose to cure them of their dissatisfaction.

RE: pause it, play it, pause it - Cara - July 17, 2015

There was no time for Cara to recoil from the outburst of emotion and clarity that came from her mind, even while having her heart placed in the wake of the explosion the female’s determination remained intact. It had been the disruption of routine, the eye-opening realization of the potential she still held on to, had left inside her a boom of encouragement, of hope. 

It had been a rude awakening, yes; but now by being self-aware of the possibilities she still held at hand and with her ambition as the catalyst for her goals, the passive state she had fallen into would come to an end. Though dormant, the feisty and relentless spirit that fueled her rise to leadership, all three times, was still present within her – and forever meant to be.
Regardless of the hardships, Cara was stubbornly tied to the idea of greatness.
After all, she had not given up on the belief that rising to glory was encrypted in her being, in her living purpose.
“And you think you have seen it all?” she barked with cynic amusement as Alusia went on to tell her of her whereabouts. Cara’s ears swung forward immediately, her eyes latching onto Alusia’s own, waiting for the response that her friend would give. Couldn’t she see the potential that laid before her eyes? Had the kaleidoscopes behind her eyes been twisted in a way that did not let her see the immensity of greatness they could achieve?
Finally as if with a gentle blow of the breeze the doubt had been vanished Alusia’s own lips twisted into an indulgent smile that assured Cara of her friend’s unconditional compliance.
“You’ll see” she purred with playful serenity, the whiskers upon her maw twitching with amusement as she recalled that her friend had not seen anything new in a while.
Oh, well she was in for a spectacle then because these were the things that were worth watching.
“First of all we need to establish” she declared. While their status as loners gave them the free will to move and wander Cara knew, by experience, that in order to raise an empire one must set strong pillars – one of which was the sense of belonging.