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Silvertip Mountain This is the damage after the storm - Printable Version

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This is the damage after the storm - FitzDutiful - July 20, 2015

Any and all of the pack welcome. References the damage to the Silvertip lands. Depending on how many join this may be a round based thread, for ease. July 22 Edit: was going to reply to this before going away, but I'll leave it open 'til Monday for more to join if wanted. :)

The tornado had raged horrendously. It had scared him half to death though he had tried to put on a brave face for his pups. Despite the difficulty the mountain hadn't been directly effected, though the loud noises nearby had suggested that the world would be a different place. A rock had fallen across the main entrance to the den that he, Mason and June had shared - they had managed to escape via a back passage way but now they would require a new home.

As he had led the children out and away, the damage became clear. Rocks were littered all around the hollow. A landslide had passed through the very place the wolves made their homes, but there was more. As they left the hollow he saw the ice to one side of the mountain, still there - it was pure luck that had caused the glacier to form on a side of the mountain that wasn't their home. He didn't understand how it had come to be there, was it from the mountain top or had the tornado dropped it there?

Moving into the forest, he made sure Mason and June were still at his side. They would be exhausted, having trekked over every part of the damage so their father could assess the damage, but he wasn't letting them out of his sight yet. In the forest the debris lay everywhere. More trees were on their side than standing upright and a new river was running through the forest. Chances are it would dry up in time, but those rains had to go somewhere.

Looking around, he didn't know where to start. The prey, usually abundant here, would be scarce now - if they were still alive. He was thankful that they had more than one forest nearby that might still provide them sustenance. For now, he had to make sure his pack was okay.

Lifting his muzzle he howled into the sky, requesting his pack members at least let him know they were okay even if they didn't come to him in the forest.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Chaska - July 20, 2015

Short reply here

Chaska heard a howl, waking him from his restless sleep. The roaring of the winds had kept him up. He recognized it as the alpha's, and it's message was to answer back if whoever received was okay. Chaska was, besides a lack of sleep, so answered back with a positive response.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Zaria - July 21, 2015

Zhavvi had been accepted in the pack but that didn't mean she felt part of it. Not just yet. She couldn't speak their tongue or even ask for help. She was still alone and in charge of healing her wound on her neck. She was right that being on her own would calm down the evil spirit inside of her. Zhav didn't need to hide form her father, she could do as she liked and there were a few things she liked to do, or well needed to do. The storm was something she wasn't prepared for. Normally the Daughter of Rakharo wasn't scared. She was the warrior princess, but being all alone, nothing, stripped of her titles, meant that she was allowed to be scared, Zhavvi decided. The storm was luckily far away, but the slender girl had nowhere to find shelter.

The mountain, it was something that their wolves would burry their dead. Would there be burials here too? Zhavvi decided that she couldn't go too far up the mountain, plus she didn't trust the forest. Not really, there were weird creatures that lived there. Bigger and meaner than she was. She ran into one in the other forest. Often she slept under the open sky with her pack, but now she didn't have anyone to curl against. While the storm raged the forest was even scarier and creepier than it was on a normal day. Still the girl decided that she could take shelter on the edge of the forest. Luckily her stomach was full. For the duration of the storm she was curled up between the thick roots of a tree. Only when she heard the howl of her new Khal she unlocked from her frozen curled up state.

She was a bit stiff when she started to walk towards he howl. Zhavvi turned her walk into a brisk trot, responding to the call. When she spotted him Zhavvi felt a bit more secure and automatically walked closer. Her tail and head low as she was quick to sit down next to the Khal. Her fur was drenched and she was slightly shivering.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Ryuu - July 21, 2015

It had been horrible. The winds had howled like demons and the rain had pounded against her with fury. Ryuu had taken shelter in one of the caves of the mountain and waited there until the storm had passed. It had been frightful. She wished that she hadn't faced it alone, but here she was whole and alive, if not a bit shaken up. She was grateful that she had found shelter so quickly, wondering if the winds would have dragged her off the mountain if she hadn't or if there had been any landslides to take her down the side. 

FitzDutiful's call reached her faintly. Ryuu assumed that the storm was now over and hesitantly took a step out of the cave. The sky was still grey, but the winds and rain had stopped. She howled in reply to let him know she was all right before making her way towards him.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Mason - July 22, 2015

It had been scary and frightening and all types of other bad words. The noise alone had lifted his hackles, but then they had almost been blocked in. Despite his father’s calm (or perhaps because of it) Mason allowed the fear to flood through his body and trembled. Luckily, hero of the hour, Fitz had found them a back route out of the den and shepherded them to safety.

Now he followed his father, past tumbled rocks which littered the ground. He could barely concentrate, with one paw being placed in front of the other being his main goal. He could only imagine how tired June felt, and he walked close to her. Trees rose around them, but some lay like wounded soldiers, toppled in their prime by the force of nature. His interest piqued, Mason perked up a bit and began to look around more – this was the furthest he had ever been from home. He was a bit upset to leave the last place their mother had been seen, but after weeks, his young mind had already caused the contours of her face to meld into a generic brown and grey wolf. It was only her bright eyes which he truly remembered as they had been – so similar to June’s. 

One wolf replied to his father, and another appeared. The slender lady looked cold, wet and  dripping. Clearly she had not managed to find a shelter as good as his family. Mason padded towards her dejected figure and cautiously edged himself between her and Fitz’s bodies. He leaned against Zhavvi softly, intent on providing her with a bit of warmth, despite his much smaller size.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - FitzDutiful - July 28, 2015

Sorry for the wait guys, I think there's only five of us actively there, so no rounds. Post order @Chaska @Zhavvi @Ryuu @Mason - Chaska if you don't want to participate after the initial howl that's fine, just let Zhavvi know she can take her turn :)

One by one the majority of his wolves responded. Chaska sent a howl up, saying that he was okay and FitzDutiful smiled. The male usually came running expecting an emergency but today he seemed content to just let his alpha know he was okay. It wasn't the first time he was thankful that wolves could howl long distances.

Zhavvi was next and she quickly appeared. She looked absolutely soaked and FitzDutiful's heart went out to her, as did Mason's. His son leaned on her softly and FitzDutiful also licked her to help her warm up. He pressed his body to her side, wiling warmth to flow from him to her. She was as important to him as any other pack member.

Ryuu's howl had pierced the air too, his caretaker was safe and she came. FitzDutiful watched and June wandered over to the female to greet her. He still hadn't heard anything from some of their other members though.

"Is everyone okay? Has anyone heard from Bindi, Issun or Tatum?" he asked, not expecting Zhavvi to reply. He turned to Zhavvi explicitly. "Zhavvi hurt?" he asked, enunciating each word slowly for her.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Zaria - July 29, 2015

Zhavvi was surprised that a younger wolf was coming up to her. She was not used to wolves smaller than her since the Khalas she had lived in had not any other youngsters really. This pup only seemed a few months old. What she didn't expect was the pup helping her to get warm. This was a very different culture than the one she came from. With her previous pack no one would really keep her warm. It was a hardened culture. She made herself a bit smaller and leaned back against him as she trembled.

Zhavvi felt definitely a bit better and cared for when the pale made warmed her side and even licked her. It was weird for her to experience such licks from another wolf not being her father or uncle. She accepted it though because it made her feel a bit more loved and appreciated. Maybe this Khalas wasn't so bad? The slender girl still trembled a bit which was mostly because of the crazy storm that had gone by.

She looked at the Khal--Alpha when he asked her something. She didn't knew what hurt meant so she thought he was asking if she was okay. Zhavvi intently nodded that she was more than fine. Not realising that she was basically telling the alpha that she had been hurt. She nodded and wagged her tail a bit, which might be a bit contradicting.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Ryuu - September 04, 2015

When Ryuu arrived, there were a few wolves with FitzDutiful. She gave the Alpha a nod and wondered if this was all that had survived or if others were still making their way here. She hoped more would appear. It would be terrible if this was all that was left of the pack, especially since they were a new one. She nodded to Fitz before taking a seat near Chaska. She liked the male, he had been very friendly with her. Besides Fitz, Chaska was the only one she felt she was starting a friendship with. "Are you all right?" She asked Chaska. She was worried about the others, but didn't want to bring attention to herself. Looking over the young male, he seemed like he was okay. After he had helped her with the collar, Ryuu would take any chance to help him. He had done a great favor for her. 

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Chaska - September 04, 2015

Well, I was going to stay out of this, but I guess I will come in.

After he made his return call, he started to go back to rest. But then he thought, maybe he should see how the others were. So Chaska lifted his tired body from the ground and trotted out to the origin point of the call. There, he found Fitzdutiful and his two pups, as well as Zhavvi. And not any soon after, Ryuu came to his side.

"I'm fine, besides being a little tired from it all. And no, I haven't heard from any of them. That is worrying" he answered to Fitz's, and in a way, Ryuu's question. "How are you feeling?" he asked, directing to to Ryuu.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Mason - September 10, 2015

I’m sorry if this was waiting for me – I had expected it to move on without me in my absence in July :o

It appeared that Zhavvi was not hurt, for all that she was soggy and cold. Mason listened to various others pop up, and then he focused his eyes on his father. Quite honestly, there wasn’t much else he wanted to say or do. He felt tired and scared – his home had been demolished. Luckily it seemed most of the pack fared well, and therefore he had little worries that they would be okay in the long-run. Dad would find them somewhere better to live – he was confident of that. 

He continued to lean against Zhavvi softly, and listen to the words of adults swim around his tired head.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - FitzDutiful - September 15, 2015

Last round and we can wrap this BWP up :D

It had been an exhausting night, and some of their pack were missing. It was a worrisome time but what could they do right now? As he looked at his exhausted pack he realised that nothing would be done tonight. It would be suicide to ask them all to look for pack members right now, instead it would have to be done first thing in the morning. "We'll be heading up to the bat cave to seek shelter. Any of you that want to are very welcome to join us. First thing in the morning we'll see the full extent of what has hit us and assess where to go from there."

With that, FitzDutiful lead his family - and whomever wished to join them - to the cave to seek shelter from the rest of the night.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Zaria - September 15, 2015

Zhavvi kind of kept herself against Alphas Fitz and Mason, but more against Fitz because she didn't want to give the other a cold. The female didn't understand everything the male was saying but it sounded good. Zhavvi moved with Fitz like his shadow. She wanted to be out of this horrible storm. She didn't know what to say so she kept herself quiet. The lithe female wasn't really that weather resistant.

Hopefully these rains would soon quit and she could go back to work on her poisons. The girl was used to warm weather after all, and her thin coat showed that.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Ryuu - September 18, 2015

She was glad to hear that Chaska was okay and smiled warmly when he asked the same of her. "A little shaken up," Ryuu admitted. "But I am unscathed." She looked around the clearing, hoping for more wolves to appear. "I am more worried about the others." 

She listened as Fitz explained what they were going to do. He wanted them to head back to the cave and plan what to do in the morning. Glancing up at the moon, Ryuu frowned. She felt that it was important for them to start looking immediately, but she understood somewhat the reasons behind Fitz decision to start in the morning. They would be able to see better then. They also could not follow any scent trails. Ryuu took a sniff at the soaked ground. The water had washed away all scents.

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Chaska - October 12, 2015

Chaska nodded to his alpha. The plan was simple enough. He agreed with everything. Though he did have the same worries as Ryuu. Where were the others that hadn't arrived, or answered the call? Only time would tell what had happened to them. His smile withered away to a solemn look.

"I worry for them too"
was all he said in reply to Ryuu. "But we can only wait." Inside, it was eating at his emotions. He felt they should search now. But that was only his fear of losing another family. And he hadn't lost everyone. He still had those around him at that moment. And no matter what, he would do his best to protect them

RE: This is the damage after the storm - Mason - October 19, 2015

Mason turned his head from Zhavvi when Fitz spoke. It appeared they were off, and he dutifully stood and moved off when FitzDutiful did. He flicked his ears back to listen to his packmates as they spoke of the others. He didn’t know many more than the handful around him, due to his young age. He did not have the capacity – yet -  to care too much about anyone else. His immediate family and friends were safe. He walked close to Zhavvi and his Dad, tail dull, making sure his little sister was also following close behind.