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Blackfeather Woods Let's get down to business... - Printable Version

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Let's get down to business... - Burke - July 23, 2015

Burke had a perfect idea after accepting Misty in Black Feather Woods. Lately BFW had accepted three new members, Lusa's pups excluded, and they were all a bit of the same type. At least that is what Burke thought of them. He saw Cyn, Ayana and Misty as rather timid, kind even. Not really Black Feather Woods material you would think. But Burke had a awesome idea. He wanted them to keep their timid nature. Act as if they were lost and with that infiltrate other packs, if needed. In the meanwhile he could learn them killer fighting techniques and maybe even some poisons to get out of dire situations.

The large alpha male found himself pretty smart, and he already had a target. Redhawk Caldera. Sebastian was there, hiding like a coward. First his son was almost like an annoying fly buzzing around his pack, and then he disappeared. Burke wasn't going to let anyone annoy him and get away with it. He could send in Misty to Caldera. Maybe even Ayana. She would maybe be a good match for RHC. Misty might be too young. Oh well, the training would make him see which one would be fit tone scent there. Cyn could maybe search for Lusa's pup after training. Perfect.

Burke suddenly got a vision of a master plan. He loved that idea. How amazing would it be if he had a spy in every pack here in Teekon!? All brothers and Sisters. Burke suddenly felt deliciously evil. He howled through the sky for the three ladies in question. Without Meldresi around Burke was far more vindictive and ready to kill. The pups were starting to have their own lives. Burke needed a new ... project.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Cyn - July 23, 2015

Cyn's ears perked up at the howl. She took one last bite of the fat rabbit she had caught. It was a good meal and filled the female up. She wasn't full or hungry after the meal. With blood still covering her muzzle she followed the sound of the howl. On the way there she thanked the wild for her food.

The call wasn't too far away, so Cyn walked. Unaware of the rabbit's crimson blood the female got closer to Burke. "You summoned me?" She licked her lips and could taste the blood. She licked it all away and made sure that there was none of it left.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Misty - July 23, 2015

Misty heard Burke's howl and padded over to him and another wolf, who she hadn't yet had the pleasure of meeting. It was only her second day in the pack and getting to know all the wolves had proven harder than she had anticipated. She seated herself besides the female and faced Burke. She wasn't the best socializer and it was going to take a while for her to be completely comfortable around the other wolves, even if a few of them were new members like her.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Ayana - July 24, 2015

All in all it had been a good day. The weather was alright and Ayana tried hunting for the second time now, she felt like she couldn't just eat all the meat the others had hunted but wanted to actually be useful once and hunt herself. Also, Burke had just recently given her lessons in hunting and she felt a bit more confident now, although her mind still told her it was wrong and she wasn't worthy of taking another life. The idea of hunting was soon forgotten, however, because she wasn't being too successful.

In the middle of pursuing a small deer, she heard the howl. Burke was calling her in. For what? Ayana started to panick a little, what if he realised how much food she ate without hunting herself? He's probably going to kick you out of the pack. Finally. Time to be alone again, girl friend. You are not made to have friends, can you not get that in your little head?. Ayana decided to stop her miserable hunting and trot over to Burke instead. The light wolf was half scared, half relaxed. She was excited to find out what Burke needed her to see him for. Maybe the alpha was simply becoming insane without his other half.

Ayana eventually reached Burke, when she saw two other females sitting down next to him. She didn't know them, although she had seen one of them before. What was her name again? Can? Cyn? She didn't care anyway. "What's the matter, Burke?", she asked, completely ignoring the two females in the beginning. When sitting down next to them she started to feel a little weird. What was in Burke's mind? Ayana really wasn't too keen on plotting something with two others, she wasn't too good in socializing, especially not when it meant talking to females.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Burke - July 24, 2015

Burke seemed to have been right from the start that these females would need to learn how to be in a pack and work together. One by one each of them approached with a reasonable timeline. Burke was pleased. He sat before them and watched then all tickle in. They all questioned his motives, except for Misty. She had just accepted she was called. Probably because he had corrected her the day before, but Burke didn't held any grudges and looked better than yesterday to say the least. He had build his plan and he hoped it was going to succeed. 

"Ladies," he greeted with a surprisingly charming smile. He could be charming if he wanted to be. For once the three girls could see how Burke might be around Meldresi. He was very lovable around her. Anyways, change of topic. "Don't be scared. I called you here for a free lesson," he explained and looked at each of them for a second. "Now. You are all new members of this pack, sort of. As you all know Black Feather houses the Dark Brotherhood with its three branches; Assassin, Spy and Priest. I happen to realize that you are all pretty timid, towards me at least. Don't be mad. I am not judging you for it. I want to use it."

Burke had a pleased smirk on his face. "I would like to invite you to follow a lesson with me here today," he continued and looked at each one again, but eyes lingering on Ayana for a moment. "I'd like you to become spies for the sole reason you all three could play the innocent female act. If any of you is good at it I might reward you with the title 'Dark Sister' and a member of the Dark Brotherhood. It comes with a lot of perks."

RE: Let's get down to business... - Cyn - July 24, 2015

Cyn smiled. A free lesson? That sounded like fun and she could maybe get to be a Dark Sister. This was going to be good. She knew that spies would go an sneak around other wolves not in her pack. Sneaking around would be tough. Cyn was tough and she was ready to learn everything she needed to know about being a spy. Would Misty and Ayana want to be a spy like she wanted to be?

RE: Let's get down to business... - Misty - July 24, 2015

Misty shuddered a little at the thought of having to be accepted into yet another pack by a different Alpha. But at least she was going to be kept busy with something. She was getting a little restless from being cooped up in the camp with a bunch of wolves she hadn't really gotten to know very well yet. Please let me get a nice clan for my assignment. Please, please, please. she thought.  The good things that came of this news were that first, she was already an innocent she wolf, and second, watching a clan's activities and reporting back to Burke undetected would be easy. She had already done the same thing with the pack she was now a part of, observing their lifestyles from her old home in the mountain cliffs.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Ayana - July 25, 2015

Ayana wasn't sure how to react to Burke's idea. She knew he had something on his mind, but something like that? It didn't really sound like the responsible and rather quiet Burke she knew. The light wolf had the feeling that the Alpha was slowly changing into an even more powerful wolf than he already was, which could get dangerous.
The pale wolf raised her brows. So she seemed innocent and nice? Success. Nobody had even the slightest idea of her hidden darkness, she acted her role well, she even convinced Burke. Her plan seemed to have worked out, maybe Blackfeather was actually the pack she was meant to live in. But did she want to be a spy? Ayana, do not even think about doing this. Do you know what that means? Full commitment. You. Are. Not. Worthy. Of. That. Burke would trust you, the whole pack would. It's too dangerous and what's the use anyway? You get to be a dark sister, woohoo, as if that was something good to be part of some kind of .. creepy .. wolves. Ugh. Sometimes Ayana felt like her mind spoke out loud the things her heart felt, but this time it wasn't like that. Ayana wanted to be part of that community. She wanted to gain the trust of the pack, especially Burke. And she wanted to meet new wolves and new packs, anyway, no matter what the voices in her head were saying. She knew it. She wanted it.

Ayana stood up. She hated sitting down for too long. "Well, Burke.", she started, looking into his eyes directly. She could tell how much he missed Meldresi, his eyes had lost some of their depth, there was something like a veil infront of them. "I think that would be a good idea. Let's get training.", the white wolf said, looking at the two females aswell. She wasn't really keen on training with a pair of females, but it was the only way to actually be useful and do something for the pack. They didn't talk much anyway, none of them gave a direct answer to Burke, who seemed to be a little confused about that. Maybe in the end the two females didn't even want to become a spy so Ayana would get single lessons from now on.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Burke - July 26, 2015

Burke looked over the three females. Cyn and Misty seemed to have no comment. Weren't they interested? Were they so scared they didn't even dared to speak before him. Then Ayana spoke and Burke turned to her. "Thank you for the positivity, Ayana," he spoke. "That is something I can work with!" Burke looked at the others and then turned back to face them all. He wondered what was going on in their minds. The red paw print on Burke's shoulder had been dyed by Meldresi just before she left, so it was still holding on pretty well. Even with the mud and water. He had been a Dark Brother for a long time now, and it meant his fur was slowly taking on that color. 

He had the idea of having a few lessons before they could be send out to have a spy mission. He wanted to have them know about the wind and how it could betray someone, but he also wanted to talk about masking a scent. Eliminating them. Which was also important. But he was going to question them, see how they would do it if they had to get info about a person. "Cyn," Burke called out. "If you needed to get information on a wolf that usually stays on its own grounds how would you get that information?," he asked. Burke then turned to Misty. "Misty, If you find a wounded pack wolf what would you do?," he asked. That was a trick question. "Ayana, How would you approach a pack you were told to join?"

It was still a lesson so technically they couldn't do much wrong but Burke just wanted to know more about their thought process.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Cyn - July 26, 2015

"Hmm. I don't know. Sneak up on them when the wind is in my favor and make them spill while nobody can hear them. Or I would pretend to be a loner that is interested in joining and slowly get the information out of them. I would wipe my scent off, so they don't know I'm from Blackfeather." Cyn only knew a little about spying yet she wanted to be one. "I do want to be a spy, but I don't know much about it."

Cyn used to pretend she was a spy when she was a puppy, but she had big paws when she was little and would trip over them making the other animal notice her. She then gave up on being a spy and forgot all about it as she grew. Now as a grown wolf she would just avoid sneaking around not knowing why she did avoid it. She did grow into her paws though.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Misty - July 26, 2015

why r u giving Misty the trick question? DX

Misty's eye's widened in horror. She didn't know anything about pack rules and how packs interacted with each other. With wounded loners, helping them depended on if you trusted them or not. Misty was just going to go for it and guess that pack relationships had to do with alliances and trust. "Um, it would depend on my relationship with that wolf or it's pack. If I could trust the wolf or if they were an ally, then I would help them. If not, then I would keep my distance." She said shyly. She hoped that she had answered the question correctly. She didn't want to make Burke mad, again. She shuffled her paws nervously as she waited for the other she-wolf's response and for Burke to tell them how they did.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Ayana - July 26, 2015

Ayana smiled. Did he do that on purpose? He must have. He was there when she asked to join Blackfeather, so he knew how miserable and awkward her try was. However, she did get acccepted, so her strategy must have been not too bad. The female listened to the other's answers first, noticing the shyness of the white wolf named Misty. She didn't know much about the female but it seemed like her personality wasn't too hard to understand. Cute. But don't think you're any better than her, girl friend. I bet her past was just as rosy as her words, not as dark and bitter as yours. If you're not going to let me stop you from this, at least make sure to make use of that.

After having observed the answers of the two females, Ayana explained her strategy to Burke."Remember how I joined your pack? I think I would do it this way again, maybe not as disrespectful, but I would try to make them feel sorry for me in a way. So they couldn't help but accept me, simply because of their manners. Of course I would first try to get to know things about the Alphas, about their values and concepts." Ayana wasn't sure whether Burke would be pleased with her answer, but she was excited to hear what the tank would say. Deep inside her she hoped that he was fine with it, although she knew that there was probably a better way to do it. She just needed to get some training and bring out the sneaky, two-faced side of her personality more. Ayana was rather scared of acting too bitchy because she didn't know how Burke would react to that.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Burke - July 26, 2015

Because Burke is meanie C: And he was totally asking Ayana a mean question too ;)

Burke was pretty pleased about all their answers, at least they had some sense in them. He quietly listened to their answers and slowly started to nod. "Yes, I'd like that idea Cyn. Good start, good start. You might even pretend to be a relative looking for the other, though then you will need more information about this wolf. Over all, yes. Especially about marking that you are from Black Feather. That was actually what this first lesson would be about," Burke spoke and then turned to Misty. 

His pale eyes fell on her for a moment, watching how scared she was, or at least... nervous. "Hmm yes, yes that could work. But as a spy you want to be in their good graces. Mask your scent and pretend to be a very helpful loner. Then they might trust you more. Especially enemies. If you have information about enemies it is even better!," he spoke, clearly excited by that idea of tricking the enemy. "Over all good thinking." Burke slowly turned to Ayana, smirking a bit because yes, he had been there when she got accepted. 

Burke remembered how she was against the ground, it was actually Meldresi that had been the one to allow her in. "Yes. I like that!," he let out. "That is what I all want you to learn. The two faces. Play the innocent, make them pity you, make them want to offer you a home, be kind and in the meanwhile you unravel all their secrets. Yes. Yes." Burke then glanced over Ayana once more. "Be way more respectful I'd say," he then commented. Because if it was Burke's judgement he had chased Ayana out that day. See, that was why he needed Meldresi, to see the other side. 

Burke then rolled his shoulders and nodded at the ladies. "Good, Good. I want you to work on this 'act'. I am not going to check up on you or order you to do it. If you want to be a spy it needs to come from yourself. You need to truly want this." Burke then wanted to work on his next topic. "Okay we are going to drop the spy topic for a moment. Black Feather only houses the best of of the best, of course. So we need to protect our lands! We are going to practice growling and looking intimidating. We will need Wardens and I am sure that you ladies can do such a thing too. If I jump before you, you make yourself as big as you can, put up your shoulders and hackles, raise your chest, bare your teeth, flatten your ears, raise your tail as high as you can and give me your most vicious growl!"

Burke was going to test them again, but first he wanted to see their growls. Burke walked a pace away from them and then trotted back then suddenly he jumped before Cyn and made himself big. Then he jumped to the side before Misty looking down straight into her eyes, and after that he jumped before Ayana, now even baring a bit of his own teeth at the golden female. He jumped from Ayana to Misty, back to Ayana, then to Cyn, Misy, Cyn, Ayana, Cyn, Misty. It might have looked ridiculous but he wanted a few growls before he could make a real statement about their growling and vicious looking skills.

OMG I am laughing so hard. Burke is also known as BunnyButt because of his docked tail and then it reminded me of THIS! XD #Dead

RE: Let's get down to business... - Cyn - July 26, 2015

XD Grrrrr!

Cyn was happy that she got the question right. Inside she was jumping with joy. She ignored the party inside of her and listened to what Burke had said. Growls? This was going to be simple. Cyn lips moved off her teeth showing the pearly whites. Her ears moved back and her tail raised straight up in the air. A snarl escaped from her. She put her fury and hate into the growl. She could feel the echo of it in her head and chest. Her fur was raised higher than Cyn thought would be possible.

Everytime Burke stood in front of the girl it seemed that it only got more powerful. Cyn felt powerful and dangerous. All of the things that made her angry flashed through her mind. Her birth parents, anyone she didn't know, how the fights would always pick her, basically life in general. Who didn't get angry once in awhile at their past?

Afterwards she calmed herself with things she liked. You have some serious anger issues. Her mind was kind of exaggerating. She didn't have serious anger issues she just gets mad easily.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Misty - July 26, 2015

Misty just stands there, unable to look intimidating. (Does puppy bark as her growl) There is no way in the universe she's gonna do this right. She's too darn shy. I think of her as the wolf version of Fluttershy from MLP. 

Misty had never been mean before, it just wasn't a part of who she was. Misty tried to do as Burke said, but ended up looking more pathetic and scared than intimidating. This is exactly why I don't do fighting. She thought to herself. I can't even look like a worthy opponent, much less  fight like one. She didn't even dare make eye contact with Burke or look at him. She was obviously not good at this and she was probably making him regret letting her join the pack.

self esteem and confidence lowering party thrown especially for Misty. : ( yay

RE: Let's get down to business... - Ayana - July 27, 2015

Omfg, that moment when Flower farted tho hahahhaha and imagine the wolves making that goat sound the deer made lool (Idk it's name, it's not Bami, right?

It was rather hard for Ayana to take this situation seriously, she watched Cyn get angry, she tried really hard to impress Burke, maybe a little too hard. It was like she tried showing off her anger, making it seem like she was really sure of her power and agressiveness. Misty on the other hand was like the opposite. She literally just stood there like a scared rabbit, making the sound of a dying cat. Ayana felt sorry for her, but couldn't hide a little laugh in. Misty was cute, but it seemed like the white wolf did not fit in this pack whatsoever. Ayana knew that the pack was ruled by the Dark Brotherhood and - although her coat was definitely not dark at all, which worried her - Misty probably would never become a part of them. However, Ayana had to admit that it was hard for her to imagine being part of it herself, she simply did not look like a dark sister at all, although this could actually be one of her advantages while being a spy. She would maybe ask another pack member how to convince Alphas of another pack. She could use some more training in things like respect and making a wolf feel sorry for her.

Burke annoyed Ayana for a second, he jumped around like a bitten deer. Make use of your annoyance. Think of him as an alley, he's dangerous, vicious, he's threatening you. Make him disappear, make him respect you. Make him feel sorry for what he's doing, scare him. Do it, do it, NOW! For once the voice in her head was helpful. Ayana shut out anything she had learned about respect and thought of when she was a lone wolf. She met other wolves during that phase and knew how to seem dangerous. It was hard for her but it helped.

Ayana did not even have to try. The anger rised up inside of her like it had always been there. The monster finally came out - like the time when she and her brother ... - and was ready to fight. Burke turned into a lone wolf in her mind, she didn't know him and he was disrespecting her. She pulled her muzzle back and her long fangs were visibl, ready to kill. Deep inside of her a growl was forming, getting stronger and deeper than she wanted, until it eventually came out of her like a thunder in the distance. It was extremely hard for Ayana to control her anger tho, now that she got so aggressive, but she tried her best in hiding her feelings and made it look like she was simply acting mad. She hoped that this time she could convince Burke again, although he was a specialist in finding out what was really on a wolve's mind.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Burke - July 27, 2015

It is Bambi actually! Grrrrr! mEEEEEEEHH! :'D 
Misty, don't force your character to be any different than you picture her. If she is too shy/timid then so be it! There is no shame in that.

Burke was actually really surprised by Cyn and Ayana, it made him growl back a bit. It was more an excited growl than a vicious one. Misty on the other hand was too afraid to really let out her inner vicious wolf. Pity, but not something punishable. She wouldn't be Dark Brother material but not every wolf in Black Feather needed to be in the brotherhood it was just a perk. He didn't see Misty killing anyone which was a requirement to get into the Brotherhood. But what he saw with Cyn and Ayana, he was very pleased. 

His stump of a tail wiggled a bit. Cyn was getting into her growls each time, and Burke was proud of her. Ayana seemed the most aggressive. Burke liked that aggressiveness very much. She had another tank of fuel inside of her. Burke's pale eyes eagerly glistened. He slowly stepped back nodded. "Good Ladies. I'm pleased. Very pleased," he spoke. Misty had at least tried so he might as well praise that. If he was going to talk her down now she might become more timid. 

"Alright. That anger, those growls, bared teeth. Perfect. If a loner reaches our border without saying he or she wants to join our pack in her first sentence, you will go for their neck. Instantly. No one comes to our border to mock us and disrespect us. Make them bleed to death on our doorstep. It will send the right message," Burke spoke passionately. "Ayana and Cyn I would like you patrol the borders more. It will be good practice. Misty..." How could even say something nice without hurting the girl. 

"You did good. But I sense that you are not entirely comfortable doing this? Are you? Because Black Feather is a dark pack our lands even have the bare minimum sunlight. You remind me of Scarlett, she also doesn't like violence, fighting and being mean. She has a pack called Bearclaw Valley. Maybe that pack is more to your liking? Feel free to stay here in Black Feather, you are accepted after all, but if you aren't comfortable and happy here... you might want to check out that pack where you feel more at home."

Because he was more focussed on Misty he didn't see Ayana's pure anger and rage or what she tried to hide. he had seen a part of her extra fuel but he didn't look into it further. "You three are all invited for the next training. We will probably head out of Black Feather to learn how to mask our scents," Burke spoke, ending their lesson.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Cyn - July 27, 2015

Cyn felt proud that Burke was happy with her growls. She smiled and looked over at Misty who could hardly even make a noise. She reminded her of a shy doe, cute and not at all harmful to anyone. Ayana's growls were good too. All three of them probably looked like two bears next to a doe and trying to see who could make the most noise. In Cyn's mind it was a scene worth laughing, but on the outside she only smiled. She felt bad for Misty and couldn't even laugh at the squeaks she made.

Go for the neck. Got it. Cyn would do just that if she ever caught a lone wolf crossing the borders without permission. Even if the loner got permission they would have to have someone in the pack next to them or they would die. Patrol might actually be fun sometimes, but it would mostly be serious. Cyn's smile dissappeared.

Training? Yes! She could become a spy after that. It could take awhile, but Cyn was ready to wait for it. After the lesson she looked at Misty. "Don't worry. If you don't want to do anything dangerous you don't have to." Her smile reappeared.

~Fin for Cyn~

RE: Let's get down to business... - Misty - July 27, 2015

Misty looked down. No, he was right, she wasn't comfortable doing this and maybe she would be better off in the other pack. But she liked this pack because it was close to home. She didn't want to move any more out of her comfort zone than she already had. The pack that Burke mentioned sounded like a good fit for her. If Burke decided to let her be a spy, she hoped that would be the pack she was assigned to infiltrate. Though she didn't want to actually join that pack. She had already pledged her loyalty to Burke, and she intended to keep it that way.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Ayana - July 28, 2015

Ayana was pleased with the lesson. She knew now that she did want to become a spy, however, she was unsure whether a dark sister was what she was meant to be. The female was ready to find out her destiny, she would wait and let time decide. Everything seemed fine for now, Burke was pleased and her mind was quiet.

The light wolf trotted away, thinking about her next steps. What should she do to train herself? Maybe ask Grimnir for a lesson on muder? She laughed a little. She wouldn't have to do much to get him angry. Ayana smiled. Then her mind wandered to Lusa and her pups. Had they found Chev and Baldur? Maybe this was her next mission for now, supporting Lusa, her first friend. The female trotted over to Lusa, not forgetting her mission to become a spy. She was excited. It seemed like she had found her place.

RE: Let's get down to business... - Burke - July 28, 2015

Burke watched the females tickle away, though none had the manners to thank him. Well then. At least two of them showed great promise he hoped they would practice on the borders and try to fool others with their acts. Overall the alpha male was really pleased. He went his own way. His plan was working and maybe even good enough to succeed. A grin came upon his face, yes. 

Burke let out a content hum and then decided that he deserved some rest. He was going to take along nap in his warm den, at least that den smelled a bit of his perfect mate. 

End Thread.