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Bearclaw Valley I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Printable Version

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I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Xan - July 23, 2015

Minor PPing by having Raz guarding the entrance. I can edit if you'd like. @Raziel

After his encounter with the sand-coloured boy, Xan was left rather wired. He still wanted to get rid of the other, but for some reason there was always someone guarding the entrance—which also happened to be the only exit that he knew about. Who did they think they were? Keeping him from going as he pleased. The boy wanted out, and this time, he was set on getting exactly what he wanted. He didn't bother crawling on his stomach as he'd done last time. No, he stood right up and started marching in the direction he knew the entrance to be, but came to a halt when he saw someone there. Not just anyone, either, but the silver wolf who brought in those smelly plants. He didn't like him because of that, and also because he felt the elder got too close to his mother. She was Alexander's caretaker, not his, and he didn't want him trying to steal her away. Half the time he didn't even want his siblings near their mother when he wanted to be with her, and he certainly didn't want the new, smaller lupine around her, either.

The young Inuit stood still, allowing a few moments to pass by. His gaze stayed focused on the larger male, eyes narrowing more and more as time went by. The wolf himself smelled bad, too, just like the weeds that were around the den. "Go," he suddenly said, using his second favourite word for nearly the millionth time. Seriously, he was starting to get tired of having to use it. Why didn't anyone seem to realize that they were in his way?

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Raziel - July 23, 2015

It's fine :)

Raziel disliked how Xan kept bullying the new child. Playing rough and outright throwing fists was entirely different, and the silver king disapproved of the albino boy's antics. In his opinion, he was rude, selfish and utterly insensitive. True, he was still a child and therefore still had room to learn, but being born this way was already not a good sign. Thank the gods he wasn't this boy's father; he didn't have the time to discipline him properly, though he wasn't sure if Kove would actually teach the kid a lesson. After all, Xan was the only boy of the litter and....ever heard of favoritism anyone? He didn't envy Scarlett's future; he wasn't exactly a Seer but he could see that the kid was going to cause her a lot of trouble when he grew older.

Why couldn't Xan inherit the better part of his biological father's personality? 

Raziel watched with bright and unyielding turquoise eyes as the arrogant albino child stood up and began marching in his direction, though he stopped immediately when he realized that the silver was the one guarding the entrance. If Raziel knew what the white boy was thinking, he would have scoffed out loud and snickered out of pure amusement. Raziel didn't need a caretaker, in fact, he was the one that was 'caretaking' Scarlett, not the other way round. And he had every right to 'steal' her away as he so eloquently put it (not that he knew what Xan was thinking), he had known her way before Xan even arrived into the world. 

Even if he couldn't mind read, he had noticed how Xan seemed to only want Scarlett for himself; seemed to think that Scarlett could only be with him. Selfish brat.

As the boy's gaze narrowed, so did the silver Roman's. Then Raziel laughed out loud, finally unable to keep his amusement in when the boy ordered him to go. Quickly regaining his composure, the regal straightened himself and met Xan's gaze evenly; he was the leader around here. "Go," Raziel said in a forceful tone, awaiting the boy's reaction. Who knew? He might let the boy out if Xan impressed him enough.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Xan - July 23, 2015

Xan expected to have things his way. Why he continued to think that way was a mystery, considering the fact that hardly anything ever went the way he wanted it to. So far, anyways. He didn't want the sandy child there, but the boy was not removed. He didn't want the silver one close to his mother, but he didn't leave. Now, here he was wanting out, and someone was in his way again. He was getting tired of no one listening to him, especially when he made it obvious that he wanted to leave the foul-smelling den. The Roman did not move when he'd been ordered to do so, which was really pushing it. Again, he was further annoyed when the male started to laugh at him. Did he think it was a game? Stupid man. It was not a game, not even close. The young Inuit had already played a game with the dark wolf—Cry, if he remembered correctly—and he was not in the mood to play another. The final straw was when the larger male tried ordering him to go, as being told what to do was not something he appreciated. He'd let his mother get away with it, for obvious reasons, but who was this guy to try and pull the same stunt?

The boy did not move, despite the tone of the elder. He held his ground, defiance written all over his face. There was no way he'd ever listen to the smelly wolf. "No," he stated, using another one of his favourite words. Alexander stayed where he was for a few seconds longer, before continuing his march forward. If the other wouldn't go willingly, then he'd force him to move. Maybe he could even get him into trouble with his mother, that way he'd have her all to himself. "Go," he repeated as he got closer, making it clear he had no plans of turning tail and running away. No, the child knew exactly what he wanted, and wouldn't rest until he got it. All he needed to do was get rid of the man blocking his way, and he'd be free to come and go as he pleased. Xan liked that idea.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Raziel - July 24, 2015

Raziel didn't care that the boy was annoyed. After all, there was nothing to be annoyed about other than the fact that the silver male was blocking the entrance on orders of Scarlett who was Xan's mother. The boy must be kidding himself when he thought he would be able to get Raz in trouble with the albino female. If anything, she would be in trouble for allowing this brat's insolence to get so far. Warm motherly love was allowed, but honestly, you had to be firm and strict and to deal out punishments to those who were deserving too. And Xan's punishment was long overdue.

He watched coldly as Xan did not move but stared at him with defiance. Stupid child. What could he do to the long suffering three year old? He was only a month old, and ten times smaller than the Roman was. Plus, the silver Alpha had endured much more at the arrogant whelp's age, he had been tortured already. If Xan thought he could force the Roman to leave his spot, he was wrong. The one month old would not be able to deal him anything that would hurt more than what his biological father had given Raziel when he was a month old himself, so obviously the silver would not move.

Xan needed a good sharp lesson anyways.

"Back off, kid," Raziel said sharply and forcefully when Xan pressed the stubborn button and refused to leave.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Xan - July 24, 2015

Too bad for Raziel, but the boy had no idea what had been said to him. Separately, he knew some of the many meanings to the words, but putting them together made absolutely no sense. Sure, he could move back, but what was he suppose to get off of? He wasn't on anything, aside from the ground, and he couldn't very well get off the ground... could he? No, that was absurd. In his dreams, the boy could fly and float, but while awake his paws could not leave the ground for extended amounts of time. The silver wolf was, to put it bluntly, not very smart. He couldn't even speak and make sense at the same time! Yet he still had the nerve to try and command Xan around—it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Brushing the elder's words off as if they were nothing, he kept walking forward. The Roman's tone should have been warning enough, but the child didn't see him as someone worth listening to. After all, he wasn't as smart as Xan.

Xan looked around the silver's large form, trying to see if there was a way to get by him. Sadly, he was much too larger. Though it wasn't something that could be helped, it didn't irritate him any less than when he'd first seen the smelly wolf's body in the way. "Go," he said once again, before switching to a new word. It took him a second to spit it out, since the word was still unfamiliar to him, and there was no way he was going to speak slowly around the adult. Alexander didn't want the other thinking that he was dumb, too. "Mooove," he eventually said, drawing out the word slightly. His patience was thin from the get-go, but the man's unwillingness to move was making it thin out even more.

Deciding Raziel was taking far too long, the boy started forward once more. If he couldn't go around the giant lupine, than he would go over him. He kept his mouth parted a bit, ready to nip at him if he tried to stop him.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Raziel - July 24, 2015

Raziel was much smarter than Xan, that was why Xan didn't understand him and thought the Roman as...less clever than the one month old pup. Oh, if only the pup said that aloud, that would make the silver Alpha's day. In fact, he would probably be dying of laughter throughout the whole damn year if he knew what the boy was thinking. Too bad he was still only a month old pup and did not know how to speak proper sentences yet, or the Roman would have the time of his life. He didn't care that the boy didn't want to play, because in reality, he was playing a game. He was playing the Roman's game, he just didn't know it.

Xan kept walking forward, disregarding his words. Sometimes, the boy was so stupid that Raziel wondered how he could manage to learn more words than his siblings who were ten times smarter than the boy. 

He watched, amusement evident in his turquoise eyes as Xan tried to look for a way out but couldn't as the Roman was much bigger than the tiny whelp. The boy told him to go once again, obviously now getting irritated. Then the boy told him to move, drawing the word out slightly. Still, the Roman refused to yield and stood his ground, just like Xan stood his. The boy moved forward, trying to climb over him. Raziel growled warningly, though he was rather amused by how his game was turning out. He would not yield, not until the boy respected him and knew not to cross him. He would keep flinging Xan off until the boy got it through his thick skull that he should not cross the Roman.

 Those bites did not hurt him, they were nothing compared to his father's beatings.

"Little warrior," Raziel smiled.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Xan - July 24, 2015

Xan thought he'd planned everything out, but he hadn't expected the elder to toss him off. The impact, though nothing serious, stunned him for a moment. He was done playing nice. He would teach the wolf that he was in charge, just as he'd done with the sandy child—though he hoped this one learned quicker than the other, because the day would not last forever and he wanted to get back before the moon came out. He pulled his ears back, but for once it wasn't due to having heard a loud or annoying sound. This time, he was fed up, and his mind informed him that folding his ears back was a good way to show that. Then, he let out one of his little growls, showing his tiny milk teeth as he did so. In no way was he even kind of threatening, especially when up against an adult. Even up against other children, he probably didn't look too scary. His body was small, as were his teeth, and his growl sounded closer to a cat's purr than it did anything else. Still, he thought himself to be ferocious, and was almost certain the elder would think the same thing. Oh, how wrong he was.

For a second, his ears perked back up, hearing a new word. He recognized 'little', and knew what it meant, but the other he wasn't sure about. W-or-ee-er. It sounded strange in his mind, but it also interested him a bit. He wanted to know what it meant, whether it be good or bad, but didn't bother asking the silver wolf. The way he spoke was weird enough, he didn't want to risk thinking it meant one thing, when it actually meant another. Plus, he felt his mother, for example, would be honest with him if the word was an insult. At the idea of the word meaning something negative, his ears fell back again. He let out another little growl, before marching towards the Roman one more. This time, though, he was more focused on biting him, rather than clambering over him.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Raziel - July 24, 2015

Raziel watched with amusement as Xan flattened his ears and growled, baring his tiny teeth as he did so. It was all the Roman could do to not burst into laughter right there and then, he did not want to make fun of Xan but it was hilarious to see him this way. He was a month old pup, ten times smaller than the three year old adult. His growl sounded more like the purr of a feline than a real growl of a wolf, and well, his milk teeth? Really? That was about as non threatening as...a bundle of grass. Sorry, terrible comparing here but it was true. Xan was not threatening to the older wolf in any manner, nor was he ferocious. In fact, if he was anything at that moment, he was cute and adorable. Raziel deciding to commit this moment to memory so he could laugh at it later.

When Raziel spoke, his fluffy white ears pricked again though a moment later, they fell back against his tiny skull and let out another one of his growls than sounded more like a purr and marched towards the Roman once more. Oh, Xan was playing his game the way he wanted it to be played, it was almost like the boy could read the older wolf's mind. But then, that was to be expected, the albino boy was still a boy after all. 

Raziel allowed Xan to bite him, he didn't care if he bled, the boy couldn't do worse than what the Roman's biological father did to him. Plus if it would let him vent off steam, why not allow himself to be the punching bag? His sole purpose here was the amuse himself by watching Xan and to keep the child from leaving the den, nothing else. So he would allow the child to bite all he want, but if he started clambering over him once more, he would fling him gently to the ground again.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Xan - July 25, 2015

Xan had been enjoying himself at first, certain that the other was learning who was in charge. That changed, however, when he realized there wasn't any noise coming form the elder. He wasn't yipping or complaining as the lion-boy had done, he was just lying there as if nothing was going on. Huffing, the young Inuit stopped and took a few steps back, staring daggers up at the silver male. He almost felt bad for the other, since he was obviously incapable of seeing the threat before him. Quickly, though, those faint feelings were subdued. He was a giant, and yet he couldn't see a threat when the pale child presented himself. The boy's mind quickly worked it so that, due to the elder's size, he had no excuse for why he couldn't see the completely non-threatening boy as the danger he was.

An idea slowly started to weasel it's way into the child's mind, then. Going at the silver wolf head-on wasn't going so well, so he thought back to what he'd done to Leo. Biting and yanking the younger's ear had given him some good results, so he wonder if the same thing would work on the Roman. His two-coloured eyes worked their way up Raziel's form, not stopping until he'd locked onto his ears. They were significantly higher from the ground than the little lion's had been, but Xan wasn't one to give up easily. At times, his determination could prove to be a good thing, but given the current situation, he'd probably be better off without it. No matter, the boy took a few steps backwards, before running forward and launching himself onto the elder. Of course, his little jump didn't get him much farther than it would have without the running start, but to him it made all the difference.

The boy made no move to try and get over to the other side of the Roman. In fact, his want to go outside had, once again, been temporarily forgotten thanks to his strong sense of pride. It was almost as if he needed to make sure that Raziel knew he wasn't a kid to be messed with or laughed at, though it was difficult not to find humor in his behavior. Especially as Xan started to, quite literally, climb up the older wolf. He was going to reach those ears, and he was going to bite down on them as hard as his little jaws would allow, and no amount of times being tossed off could stop him.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Raziel - July 27, 2015

wanna fade soon?

Raziel watched, concealing his amusement, as the child stopped trying to injure him and took a few steps back, staring angrily at him with those queer eyes. He almost felt bad for the child since Xan obviously thought he looked very threatening when in reality, he was looking cute and adorable and didn't frighten him in the slightest. But those feelings were extinguished quickly when he remembered that the boy was an arrogant pompous jerk that needed to be taught a firm and sharp lesson. Xan would learn to respect him by the end of this fight — if what they were doing could even be called a fight — whether he liked it or not.

A smirk graced Raziel's hardened features as the boy determinedly took a running start and launched himself onto the silver male. It didn't really help Xan for whether or not he had took a running start, the result would have been the same. He wouldn't be able to make it high onto the Roman's body if the keeper of secrets didn't allow him to, but Raz decided not to shake the boy off too roughly yet, wanting to know what kind of mischief or clever strategy (for a boy) Alexander's queer might had formulated.

It was unusual for a boy this age to demonstrate so much pride, and it would most likely be his fatal flaw when he grew up. Pride was the most terrible flaw out of them all, and if the boy didn't stop being so arrogant, he would die early in his adulthood, Raziel was sure of that. A warm chuckle rumbled from the Roman's chest as Xan started to attempt to climb up him, digging his blunt claws into the northerner's thick silver fur. He shook his head, not sure whether to feel amused or exasperated at the situation. 

Raziel allowed the boy to make a bit more progress before he twisted his head around and attempted to grab the boy's scruff. If he managed to do so, he would lift Alexander off him and place him on the ground, then he would growl the most guttural, fierce and terror-inspiring growl he could and hope that the youngster would learn his lesson, or Raziel would have to resort to more extreme measures that he hoped he would not have to use.

RE: I’ll confront and fight for the souls in this street, whoa - Xan - August 20, 2015

Apologies for my delayed response. Last post from me~

The boy was as determined as ever to climb up the older male. If he could just reach those ears, then it'd be all over. Sadly, he didn't get to them, as he was suddenly grabbed by the scruff and pulled away from his destination. Letting out a growl of protest, he squirmed his body around until he was placed on the ground, clearly unhappy with the Roman's actions. In all his time alive, the adults had been getting in his way and preventing him from doing things he deemed worthy of interest. He'd grown accustomed to his mother being the one to usually prevent such things, and had grown to tolerate her actions when it suited him. The wolf blocking his path now, however, was one he would not permit to get away with such an act. He was weird, smelled funny, and he showed more interest in Xan's mother than the child would allow. Mommy-thieves and fun-destroyers weren't allowed to act like they were higher in the hierarchy than himself, he wouldn't let them. Too bad for the little Inuit, however, as he was still far too small to do much about anything.

Such a realization was bestowed upon him when the larger wolf let out a growl unlike any he'd heard before. Sure, his parents and siblings would growl here and there, but it was never anything like the one that left the silver lupine's throat. Had he been a bit bigger, perhaps the child would have stood against it, defied the point the elder was trying to get across. Given his current age, though, he could not. All the boy could do was step back with wide eyes and a tail tucked between his legs, and then thank every spiritual being in existence that his siblings were not there to witness his posture. No sounds left him as he stood there, just staring at the man in disbelief. Then, he took a few more steps back, before turning and heading off to hide away in the den somewhere. The more distance placed between him and Raziel, the more his fear turned to anger. Someday, he planned to get back at the older wolf, though only when he was older himself. For the time being, however, he simply hid himself away to cool down, watching and waiting for the beast to leave.