Wolf RPG
Radlands - Printable Version

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Radlands - Tuwawi RIP - January 26, 2014

For Xi! Not sure how Tuwa got up here but whatevverrr

Tuwawi was a mere ember amongst the great white fields at the base of a grand mountain. Its peak was shrouded by low clouds, the sky an unchanging plain downy grey. Neverwinter's Phi had heard whispers that this craggy ridge had a name like a place she had once called home: Sunspire. Transfixed by this fact, she began to ascend. The wind had been tempered, and the chill had thawed. Slowly, large flakes fell as a new snow began.

Many memories sprung to life as she trekked up the steep mountainside. Most belonged to Kindred and their life around their own Sunspire. However, there was one when she had entered the Valley. It had been raining then... on the mountain. A deep cut in her paw... a white wolf.

Tuwawi paused to lift her foot. Only a shallow crevice remained. She had almost entirely forgotten when that happened. What was that wolf's name again? Everything felt cloudy. Was she loosing her grip? Uncertainty rippled through the small redhead. Tuwawi was not a meek wolf, by any means, but she became inexplicably unnerved. Something haunted her.

RE: Radlands - Xinuata - January 27, 2014

Most retained an image of their own Sunspire. In the cause of a lone leaf wandering at the soft gusts of a passing wind, it was of this mountain littered with den holes and heavy musk. The aroma of community that extended near endless across the face of the dark peak. What white that would touch it, was minimal at best, always brushed away by the active inhabitants that roamed. Their shifts never ceasing with their tasks never ending. The mountain had always been living with the pack life, though it couldn't have been more distant to those that called the peaks their home.

Her own had been on the base much like the one she traveled from the flatlands. Closer to the earth that she might still find warmth, but close enough to the pack that she could hear their summons if need be. However rare it was that they called for her. The rock littered path too surfaced a memory in the likeness of her own. How she scuffed her nose the first time she walked the mountain, having misplaced a step when attempting to climb. None had laughed at her then, only looked to her with a disappointed eye. The first of many to burden her sight each time she looked to the face of her comrades.

But now she could climb with ease, and dare she proclaim, with skill at that. There was no grace in the flatland stride, but upon the uneven grounds there was a dance to behold. Only within the turbulent grounds did she find her comfort and ease in the wilderness. Only in this place that reflected her home, her own sect of the Sunspire that she could find peace. Standing upon the cusp of a lone pillar, she would breathe the air deeply and imagine its fragrance of home... then pause. There was something different in the air, a fragrance not her own though lupine none the less. Her ears came forward as the scowl returned to her face, marring its modest beauty once again. The memories of home dispersed when reality filtered its way back to her conscious mind. Reminding her that this was not her place; only a illusion of the earth. This land was little more than strange...

She growled softly.

RE: Radlands - Tuwawi RIP - February 01, 2014

A low growl cut through the silent snowfall as a large, golden creature crested one of the many outcroppings on Sunspire's side. Tuwawi's sky grey eyes narrowed with a distrustful look, regarding the ominous she wolf with careful intent. Her narrow muzzle lifted to scent the air in an attempt to discern if this wolf was friend or foe, but found her to be neither. Already uncomfortable on the mountain, Tuwawi shifted. "'Lo," she said easily in her husky voice.

Physically, the other woman was everything Tuwawi was not. Large, study, and formidable... the smaller Neverwinter Phi appeared to be but a yearling besides her, weighing in at only 75 pounds. She was not a mountain wolf, but rather one who preferred the open space of the plains.

"Enjoying the snow?" Tuwawi chuffed in an attempt to make small chit chat, something that she was out of practice. A wry smile crept onto her maw, eying the cliff side with an aloof gaze.

RE: Radlands - Xinuata - February 10, 2014

OOc: Before Xi'nuata joins NSV

In time the face of another crept into view. Small in stature but not completely dainty- a young one, perhaps, that had gotten ensnared by the mountain’s commanding arms, not wanting to release her without the cost of life. What few tended to understand, was that the mountain was no different than any other lonely beast. They desired company though awkwardly spoke it, bringing more harm than good when all they wanted was a moment of time shared. Perhaps this encounter might appease their host of the mountain and allow either if not both to depart without harm in due time.

Her muzzle shifted slightly to follow the gaze of the smaller female, having anticipated a sort of danger in her sights. But it was only the ledge. And the slope of the mountain- a beautiful sight, if she were to admit. One worth adoration instead of fear.

“The mountain makes for a more enjoyable setting,” she growled softly in turn. Her posture remained relaxed as she lowered herself to encompass the whole of her lounging stone. “Does it not appeal to you?” With a cant of her muzzle, she motioned to the ledge once scrutinized before.