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Blackfeather Woods Friend or foe, state your business. - Printable Version

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Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - July 30, 2015

For @Misty 

Ever since joining, oddly, Nemesis felt the urge to meet her new pack members. Mostly, she thought , to single out who to trust and who to keep at arm's length. That could be the only reason for her odd behavior. To make the right impression, she had to have her mindset right. And hers, dark. Plain, to the bone, dark. Her malevolent and cunning nature was something she prized. And she wasn't about to give it up in order to make "friends"

She loped along, going nowhere in particular. Ever since she had a mind of her own, her blood lust had grown, eager to have something to slice with her nails and rip apart with her teeth. The only way to keep it at a minimum was to channel her anger on something that was worth it. In this case, her revenge plan. She was only at the being of her seething and fuming when her nose twitched, gathering the scent of another nearby. She hunched, expecting an attack. It was in her nature to defend herself. Lord knows, she needed it.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - July 30, 2015

Misty was walking through the forest, sulking. After Burke had called a meeting with her and two other females to test their skills as spies, Misty felt she had done the worst. She hadn't even looked scary when he asked them to look intimidating, even her growl was pathetic. The other two wolves comments had just been pity. She was amazing because, even though she was shy and timid. She had known almost everything about the pack from observing them for only a free days before she had joined. But lately, she just felt like a disappointment, like she had made Burke regret letting her join his "pack of darkness". She was so miserable that even her sensitive nose didn't pick up the scent of another  wolf nearby.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - July 30, 2015

Nemesis halted in her footsteps, hearing the soft sound of another's footsteps growing nearer and nearer to her. She ducked down behind a tree observing the other wolf. Nemesis could tell by the female's scent that she was in Blackfeather Woods. But she certainly didn't look the part. 

From what she had seen, most of the wolves the habituated this territory were dark in colour, a portrayal of their nature. But this female was a pale sort of colour, different to say the least. The female seemed to be in deep thought,  with troubles of her own. Nemesis was about to turn away when something that Burke had said rang in her mind. 

"We look after each other". And she instantly felt guilty. It wasn't like her to ignore someone else's feelings dispite her normal demeanor.  

She straightened her posture, put on her "serious" face and approached the female.
"Greetings. I am Nemesis, I just joined Blackfeather Woods. And who might you be?"

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - July 30, 2015

Misty jumped at the sudden voice. She turned and saw a big she wolf standing beside her. "Oh...hi." She said shyly. "I'm Misty." She tilted her head. She's the new wolf. At least she looks like she belongs. She thought sadly. She sat down opposite Nemesis and curled her tail around her paws, fidgeting nervously. "So...um...what made you want to join the Blackfeather Woods pack?" she asked shyly.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - July 31, 2015

Nemesis tilted her head, not quite understanding why this female, Misty , was so unsure of herself. A Blackfeather should be proud, holding themselves up high, looking danger in the face and laughing at it. Nemesis had to get to the bottom of this. And help her.

"Ah, you know, abusive ex-pack..drama..bloodshed, the works. But tell me, what was your motive to join this pack. No offense, but it doesn't seem as your kind of pack.." Nemesis, could only try. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass Misty or hurt her feelings. But for the sake of curiosity, she needed to know.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - August 01, 2015

"My friends and territory are in the lowlands, and this was the closest pack. I'm trying a pack for 1 year and if I don't like it, I'm going back to being a loner in the lowlands. If I do like it, I'll stay in the pack. Though I must say, I don't know if this pack is the right fit for me. I'm an excellent spy, but this pack is a little excessive with the agression and darkness." She said shyly. Misty fiddled with her paws and looked down at the ground. "Maybe I'd be better off in a different pack..." she said sadly.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - August 03, 2015

Nemesis shook her head in disbelief. This she-wolf actually had the audacity to accept herself as a loner in the lowlands?  Nemesis knew of low self esteem, she had experienced it herself, but this was..pity. "Maybe you would. But something else must have drawn you here. Maybe your inner demons are pushing to be let out. And you should let them" She said, staring into the eyes of the female. "There is only one way to truly survive in this world, kill or be killed. You must know it, you say you were a lone wolf. Wouldn't you much prefer to intimidate and overpower others? To be strong and fearless the way you see your packmates? That's what Blackfeather will give you. And I can help, if you want". Nemesis didn't exactly know what she was doing, but she felt the urge..no the need, to unlock this she-wolf's potential. And believe it or not, once upon a time, she had been exactly like Misty. So unsure and so shy. But she changed, for the better. And Misty could too.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - August 03, 2015

Misty kept her eyes on the ground. "I doubt I have any demons inside of me. I'm more like a weak pup than I am a Blackfeather wolf. Maybe I'd be better off in a tamer pack. I feel ashamed that I keep disappointing Burke. I've always been an outcast, and I always will..." She felt like crying. But not in front of this wolf, not in front of anyone. She'd go be alone later. Howl about her feelings and hope Skyshire and Leo heard her. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this life. She wasn't brave enough. She wasn't vicious enough. She was just shy, little Misty.

misty is just dragging herself in the dirt : (

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - August 03, 2015

You're making me sad lol :'(

Nemesis wanted to laugh, "Well all have demons, honey. Let me tell you something. The quietist have the loudest thoughts. All it takes is a spark to get you going. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, it'll get you nowhere, trust me, I know" She said warily. She could fully recall days when her depression spiked, and left her wanting to end things right then. But she didn't, she kept going. "You know what "tame" packs are like? Tell me, because I don't see them, there are none. There's just you and your urge to keep going. If you were so weak and so..alone, How are you still standing before me today? If you were that bad, you never would have made it past puppyhood. And disappointing Burke? I assure you on this, the only way you disappoint Burke is if you don't try. Give life your all. You'll be surprised how much you can change." 

She took a breath, determined to make Misty see her point. "Now lift your head and stand tall, you were accepted into Blackfeather Woods. Only the best do" Nemesis retook her posture, regal and ready, shoulders back and head high. She only hoped that Misty could see that Nemesis was trying to help her, hwich was a rea thing for her to do.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - August 04, 2015

I'm sorry. I'm making myself sad too. : (

Misty growled slightly. "I've only had family and friends for 5 months of my entire life! From 3 months old to 7, I had to scavenge what older wolves didn't eat. I didn't learn from a mentor until I was 7 months old and I grew up alone! I still don't fight very well and I'm not very intimidating. All I'm good at is tracking and observing. I've seen how other wolves act and I'm not like them. My brother should've killed me when he killed Mom. Then I wouldn't have disappointed everyone close to me."

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - August 04, 2015

Nemesis listen intently, a good spy? Well that is interesting...
"Okay, so you say that you're a good tracker and observer? Then put that to use. Many wolves can't do a damn thing. But you can. Have you talked to Burke about being a spy? You can use that to your benefit, you know"
She didn't want to push the girl into doing stuff she didn't want, but to Nemesis, it was a waste of talent. Sure, there were more pathetic lowlifes out there, but she recognised that everyone had a purpose and everyone could do something, no matter how small it was.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - August 12, 2015

Misty sighed and sat down again. "I've talked to him about being a Naturalist. Me and a couple other wolves tried out to see if we were good enough to go on a mission, but I'm pretty sure I failed. I'd rather be a Naturalist than a fighter anyways. It'll put my observation and tracking skills to good use." She said in a more upbeat tone. Hey, at least I made a new friend, or at least an acquaintance. She thought to herself. Maybe we'll be able to help each other out in the future.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Nemesis - August 19, 2015

Last post for me! Thanks for the thread! You can reply then i'll archive it :)

Nemesis felt a sence of satasfaction. "Good, I have a feeling Blackfeather needs more naturalists and outriders than warriors and spies right now. Good luck, I have confidance that you will make it here" She smiled and turned away. She walked a few steps before turing back. 
"You should remember that we all start somewhere. Some are different than others. I will see you soon" She said, with utter honesty. Nemesis didn't have friends but Misty was someone that she could one day consider as. Smiling, she silently loped away, leaving Misty to her thoughts.

RE: Friend or foe, state your business. - Misty - August 19, 2015

Misty blushed. "Thanks." Nemesis' last words repeated in her head a few times after hearing them. So I could fit in here....She shook her head to clear it and smiled shyly, "See ya..." She watch Nemesis pad away until she couldn't see the female's dark outline in the forest anymore. I think I just made a new friend. She thought happily as she padded in the opposite direction towards the lake.