Wolf RPG
I came to learn... - Printable Version

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I came to learn... - Scarlett - August 11, 2015

@Burke and possible other BFW wolves so I don't have to thread with myself ;D

Scarlett slipped out of the den, deciding that she would need to scout for a new one, she had stayed long enough in Raziel's home and she wanted to be more independent. She had been learning from the alpha how to look intimidating, but she wanted to feel intimidating and make her less soft. There was only one pack she knew of that could learn her that, one wolf in fact. The mate of her best friend, the dark brother Burke. But the catch was that she was technically not mated to Kove anymore. She wasn't protected by the safety of being mated to a dark brother. She wasn't sure if she wanted him to know that yet. But her want to learn was bigger than her want to keep that a secret from the Black Feather Woods Pack.

Her young were old enough to explore on their own, plus they had enough members to look out for them. Before dawn Scarlett made her way out of the valley. She instantly went into her travel mode and set her path. Before she disliked the dark woods but now she tried to embrace it. Her tiny paws trotted towards the border, she wouldn't dare to cross it. She did that once, to then be intercepted by Lusa. Oh yep. She howled for Burke and then sat down, waiting for the immense wolf to appear. Scarlett was a tiny female, he towered over her like a big bison. But she hoped he would be willing to teach her.

RE: I came to learn... - Burke - August 11, 2015

The heavy set male that was called had just trotted past the spot where the familiar female was waiting. His ears turned to listen behind him as he heard the howl. He stopped and turned. What did she want now? The howl was for him not for his mate. Burke's pale eyes squinted for a moment. He turned and casually trotted towards the call through the shadows. His big frame almost invisible. The grey male reached the red eyed female. The softie. How Kove could have mated that one was a miracle to Burke. He would never think that a dark brother would find love in that type of female. Burke appeared before her, looking big and imposing. 

"What do you want from us now?," he let out, sounding annoying because he was. They saw Kove's mate more than Kove himself. Burke had little trust in the male ever since he left to set up his own pack. He heard from Meldresi that Kove wasn't even alpha anymore. He created the pack like yesterday? And that white ghost called himself a dark brother. Burke was agitated. That male wasn't worthy to carry the red paw print.

RE: I came to learn... - Scarlett - August 11, 2015

Scarlett's big red eyes fell upon the male that approached her. Her instinct told her to just let her body fall against the ground in submission. Though the female knew that if she opened that mental door she hid all her hurt feelings behind she wouldn't feel anything. She wanted to be tough without those past demons controlling her. This pack had a history of mentally crazy wolves right? Maybe Burke would know. "I came to learn, or I hoped that you would make me want to learn to be more tough," she spoke quietly. She wasn't sure what the male would do or how he would react.

Scarlett figured he would laugh at her and maybe send her away. Or maybe the male would like her to be more tough and help her. That latter could totally be how Burke would react! The last time he was very gallant towards her. She had been surprised. Scarlett liked to think she was good at reading wolves, but Burke was close to a mystery for her. She liked to keep that mental door close this time, last time she opened it with the wrong reasons, to do good. No she had to do it for herself, not for others. So it should come from herself not from this anger she kept down... right?

RE: I came to learn... - DeadLusa - August 11, 2015

Lusa had came back to BFW after her travels. She decided she couldn't stay away from her Dark Rabbit, so she gave up the search. For now. She still wouldn't give up.

 She limped closer and closer to their borders, thinking about her foot. She may have a permanent limp in it. It was a scary thought. The infection was getting worse by the day. She needed to see Meldresi. Her scent was now back in Blackfeather, surprisingly.

 A snarl spread across her maw as she smelled a foreign scent, leading to a white glow in the forest. She swiftly limped over to the scent and saw Bruke speaking with that female she had met a while back. "Bruke, what's going on?" She swerved around to Bruke's side and examined the female. "Oh, Scarlett! What's the matter?

RE: I came to learn... - Burke - August 11, 2015

Burke wanted to charge forward and attack the female, she wanted to learn how to be tough? Well then she would need to learn to stand her ground and she was definitely not doing that. The heavy set male smelled only pups on her. Her appearance here on the borders was curious. What made her want to change so sudden? What was happening over there. He knew that the red eyed female protected his mate from their new alpha, as Meldresi told him after their reunion, but he wasn't sure if he liked that she always came here for favors. They were not some sanctuary. 

Then Lusa came from behind Scarlett. His face settled into a frown. Where was the female going with that broken paw of hers? Wasn't she with Peridot? Burke pushed it aside for now. Burke charged at her, since he simple found that she was too close. The tank of a male tried to sink his teeth into her neck or shoulders. He didn't see Kove as a dark brother anymore, so hurting his mate wasn't a crime in his eyes. Feeling rather evil he hoped to hurt the female, make her hurt until she would have the right posture. She wanted his help? Well then she got his help. Who did she thinks he was? NOT a member of Black Feather that is. "Scarlett here wants to be tough," he replied for her, smirking at Lusa. "Let us show her how to be tough."

RE: I came to learn... - Scarlett - August 11, 2015

Scarlett was getting worried when Burke wasn't answering her. The red eyed female let her ears fall back, giving her an insecure glance. That was exactly how she shouldn't have looked. Scarlett wasn't realizing that yet. Her ears caught a movement and she watched the dark female approach that stopped her last time, Lusa. Though now she was limping. Scarlett frowned lightly in pity. The pale female wanted to reply to Lusa's greeting but then Burke charged at her. She tried to dodge his attack but she wasn't fast enough to completely dodge it. She escaped his jaw with his teeth scraping over the nape of her neck and a mouth full of white fur.

Scarlett looked startled and shocked at the same time. Her ears fell back, and her tail got between her legs. Burke looked really scary when he wasn't pleased. Her red eyes moved from Lusa to Burke. She didn't want to be attacked again. She slowly lowered herself to the ground and looked up at the two BFW wolves. "Don't hurt me," she squeaked. "I'm here to learn!," she spoke again, mostly to Burke because she expected Lusa not to attack her.

RE: I came to learn... - DeadLusa - August 11, 2015

She only sat down and shook her head at Burke's words. "I can't Burke. You know that." She wasn't in the mood for fighting. She was physically and mentally unable for a brawl. She wished not to damage her paw any more than it already is.

 She went up once more and sniffed the albino female. Puppies. "Burke, she has children to are for. We can't harm her. What if the other Alpha, Kove was it? What if he wants vengeance for hurting his mate." She went closer and lowered her voice in a low whisper so Scarlett could not hear. "We're not ready for an attack."

RE: I came to learn... - Burke - August 11, 2015

Burke spat out the patch of Scarlett's white fur and growled at Lusa. "I can do as I like," he spoke. "She came to our lands, she wanted to learn but she obviously not learning. She is being her scared and timid self, telling us not to hurt her. It is pathetic. She wanted to be though. I don't give a flying fuck for her pups, they aren't part of this pack. She came here, I didn't go to search for her," he snarled and stepped threateningly towards Scarlett. He was so sick of these shy wolves that thought they could come here for some lessons to be mean. That was not how it worked. 

"Just because you keep leaving this lands, Lusa, doesn't mean I stop protecting them. She reeks of a whole army of pups. I wonder how many children they have there. If you don't care for your daughter I will dump her at the border. Bet Scarlett here will adopt it and nurture it. We allowed you and Grimnir to have pups because we believed in your mateship. Grimnir is absent again and sorry to be blunt but your other pups are probably dead by now. Since you leave our protected lands with a broken paw you can also defend it. I'm sure of it. This isn't the first time you go away from safety while being in a vulnerable position. I'm kinda sick of it. I run the paws under my body to provide your food and security and you leave. We aren't a hotel. So if you want to stay you better start helping your pack out." He wanted to take it a notch further and say that she wasn't worthy to be a mother if she left Peridot all alone without letting the pack know. But losing the other two wasn't technically her fault so Burke shut up. He was not in a good mood.

Burke turned back to Scarlett and glared at her, pissed off. "You fuck off now. Especially your mate Kove. We see you more than him. That is not how it works. You are not in our pack. The next time you come to our borders I will make sure that your blood is used to mark the border you are standing on," he snapped. This Scarlett might look dandy and cute, but she was misusing Black Feather and Burke was going to put a stop to that. Hopefully she would learn something from his display because that was what being tough was about.

RE: I came to learn... - Scarlett - August 13, 2015

Burke seemed to be really pissed off. The red eyed Beta was pretty certain about that one, since she was not the only one that was attacked by his verbal fire, even his pack mate Lusa was under attack with the alpha male. Scarlett could only hear how much he cared for Lusa's young and his pack. He did care by making sure that they were protected even from her. It was a wise lesson! She shouldn't allow others to hurt her little ones by being at their borders! And especially strangers couldn't be trusted, not even injured ones.

Burke's last comment was scary though. So the pale female made sure to sped away from the dark pack. Her travels weren't unfruitful. She had learned immensely from Meldresi's mate, though she might have ruined any other visit ever with Meldresi. She would howl from further away next time. She didn't want to have her blood staining these borders. She just wanted to be more tough. If only the girl realized she was already very tough with what she had gone through. Scarlett made sure to run away as fast as she could.

-Scarlett exits-

RE: I came to learn... - DeadLusa - August 13, 2015

Her ears flattened upon her head as he finished his little speech. "Are you kidding me? Do you really think I wanted  to leave?! Think I want to abandon Peridot? She is the only  child I have left. She was starving, so I left to find food. And I did." She growled and stood up. "I'm not letting my last child die from starvation!"

 She watched Scarlett's glowing pelt fade. Lusa was curious. Her scent was covered in a warm puppy scent. Maybe she would know were to find Knight. When she saw the BCV wolf's pelt fade completely, she went back into Blackfeather. She wouldn't stay for very long though. She would loop around and follow her scent before she went to Bearclaw.

Lusa exits

RE: I came to learn... - Burke - August 15, 2015

Burke growled. "You are in a /pack/ when do you understand we are here to help?! You could have howled for me or Grimnir, ANYONE, in this pack to get you food. You aren't even thinking clearly. And you are making your foot worse," he pointed out before she left. Grimnir and her were just the same never accepting help from him. What had he even done wrong?! It made his mood worse. He wasn't going to crawl through the dust and mud for the girl to accept his help. 

Burke huffed softly and went back to Meldresi. He had far better things to do than learn Scarlett how tone tough or be angry with Lusa. He wanted to have Meldresi pregnant.