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The Bracken Woods I feel like something will happen today - Printable Version

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I feel like something will happen today - Ragdoll - August 21, 2015

A simple task had been bestowed upon the yearling, a task which he'd successfully completed time and time again. Having been made a courier within the pack that housed his family, he was no stranger to traveling. The place in which the pack he was meant to deliver a message to resided was one he'd gone to several times in the past, too, which had given him the impression that the task would be an easy one. He'd run to the pack's borders, meet with one of their members to deliver the message, and then head back home. Piece of cake. The hybrid had only been able to complete a part of the task, however. He'd made it to the neighboring pack and informed them of what he was suppose to, then started back for his home. Never did his legs carry him back across the border, though, as he'd been captured. Not by a wolf, or anything of the sort, but by a human. They'd set out a non-lethal trap, aiming to capture and then relocate a bear. What they ended up with was far from being a bear, but was, instead, none other than Ragdoll.

For hours, he'd struggled to escape, but his efforts were proven to have been in vain. When the game keepers showed up, they were shocked to find what they believed to be a lost dog. Due to his lack of a collar at the time, the boy had been dropped off at a shelter, where he'd resided for a few days. They fastened a collar around his neck, and had been working to get him use to humans. Never did they even consider that he was anything more than a canine, and so they'd treated him as such. That proved to be a grave mistake, on their part, and led to his grand escape. Once out, he'd ran. He kept running, not bothering to look back, until he'd realized the area around him was unknown. While the hybrid's escape had been effective, his want to get away had distracted him from seeing exactly where he was going. Still, out of the hopes he held close, he kept going forward, believing that he would eventually find himself back home. That, of course, never happened.

Before long, Ragdoll found himself entering a land much warmer than where he'd previously resided. A cool breeze seemed to swarm around him, probably thanks to the night, but it was nothing like the place he'd gone away from. It was foreign, and yet he could not help but be excited about it. The place was a new one, and while it was not the home he'd grown up in, he found it to be interesting in its own ways. Wanting to see all he could, the boy made his way through the woods. Though his tail hung over his back like a sickle out of alertness, it also wagged back and forth due to his eagerness. There was no telling what awaited him at the end of the woods, or if there even was an end to the woods, and that fascinated him greatly.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Citali - August 24, 2015

She wandered north. There was a part of her that was curious as to what Frostfire Ridge might be up to, but she skirted the territory at some distance as she wandered with the hopes of finding northern foliage that might better thrive within her garden. Well, her half-formed, mostly and idea of a garden she'd not quite yet managed to get started just as yet. Phoenix Maplewood had only just been claimed. She wanted to get fully settled there before she toiled the earth, but it never hurt to keep an eye out for new and interesting things.

North it was. She'd not explored this area too much. She kept tabs on more of the southern lands if only because she found them far more useful for a wider variety of plant life. Alas, beggars could not be choosers and since she'd settled in a northern pack, she'd have to alter her preferences to accommodate what she had in the immediate vicinity. A weeks travel to find an herb would kill a wolf in dire need. Closer was always better. Always.

She did not know the northern lands broke into forest once more. The change in terrain was a pleasant surprise as she slipped beneath the trees and kept her nose to the ground. Trained in sniffing out herbs and other plants, she overlooked a variety of forest creatures or anything else that might have been worth her while. If she'd circled the hybrid wolf-dog a number of times before stumbling upon him, she had not the slightest idea, but when she finally happened upon him, the look upon her face was one of pure scrutiny.

With narrowed eyes, she shifted her stance, allowing the bulk of her big-boned body and thick pelt to match the equally intimidating tail that lifted high above her. A low growl seeped from between her lips as she examined the thing that was not quite a wolf and... collared? She knew not what that thing around his neck was, but in her caution, she kept her distance and her aggression. "What the hell are you?" she snapped. Animal certainly, just a half-breed of some kind she couldn't recognize.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Ragdoll - August 24, 2015

The scenery had gained the boy's interest, pulling his focus from everything else around him. The sounds that echoed throughout the woods filled his ears, and the earthly scent of everything around him filled his nose. His tail had lowered significantly, the need to be alert having fallen away, but it still swayed back and forth leisurely. His pace had become relaxed and slowed, having no destination in mind, as he did not even know where he was. Had the large female passed him by, he would have been left oblivious to her presence, as his senses and mind were a bit preoccupied. There was a small, nagging need to learn more about the land he'd stumbled across, and though he felt as if he'd only just scraped the surface of what it had to offer by wandering through the forest, that did not lessen his attentiveness to the details around him. The types of trees that surrounded him, the marks that had been carved into the trunks of some by the claws of others, and the noises the wildlife seemed to make from somewhere in the canopy. Never did he see any of the beings who were the sources of such sounds, save for a few squirrels and little brown birds here and there. Nevertheless, the inability to actually view most of the creatures did not deter or weaken his fascination with the unfamiliar land.

It was not until his gaze had settled upon the female did he stop moving, and instead took to looking her over. She was large, more so than what he was use to seeing on a regular basis, and her posture unnerving. The aggression in the way she presented herself, as well as how she spoke, came through loud and clear, forcing the hybrid to take an unconscious step backwards. His tail had lowered even further, and it's previous motions stilled, but he did not yet tuck it between his legs. The response was one he was use to when meeting a new wolf for the first time. Aside from a few further up North, who were use to watching races from afar, many had no clue as to what he was mixed with, and some even mistook him for something other than a wolf altogether. It was a mistake he was use to, and one he could not blame anyone for. Ragdoll had learned from a very young age that he was not quite like his siblings, and had grown use to the stares of curious eyes, and the hostility of those who either believed him to be something he was not, or had deemed him an abomination after learning of his origin. It was nothing new, which allowed for him to approach the inquiry with a sense of familiarity, but with a reminder of caution alive and active in the back of his mind, too.

"A wolf, mostly," he responded, tone calm, but laced with a strand of his own uncertainties. Not of the blood that coursed through his veins, but of how the woman would react to learning such a thing. From his experience, not many took kindly to hybrids of any sort, especially those who didn't appear as wolf-like, similar to himself. They could grow use to their presence, even tolerate them to a certain extent, but there had often seemed to be an edge to their actions and tones. "A dog by blood, too, though," the yearling then added, feeling it best to just get it done and over with. It wasn't as if he'd be able to hide it, after all, since there wasn't really anything about him that traced back to his wolf ancestry. A dog in appearance, but a wolf at heart. Too bad the inner workings of oneself could not be viewed by others, since that would've been useful to him growing up. "I'm a hybrid, but most just call me Ragdoll." A swift transition was what he'd attempted, but after hearing himself, he wasn't sure if it'd be good enough. No matter, the ball had already started rolling, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion, particularly when one feels they are unable to prevent it from moving onwards. "Who are you?" he inquired, needing not be told what she was, as it was already clear enough. A wolf, through and through, and one larger than himself, at that. Seeing that was enough to keep him from approaching her directly, with the addition of her belligerent bearing towards him, of course. Ragdoll was no fool, usually.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Citali - August 24, 2015

He humbled himself quickly. She took note and adjusted her own posture accordingly. Her tail lowered, some, but she wished it to be made very clear she retained authority here for as long as it would take for her to discover what type of threat he posed. If she could accept him, (and that was a huge if,) she'd treat him just as she did any other wolf. She was very much stuck in her ways, thought too highly of herself, and was quick to let every other creature know it. She'd treat him much the same.

Words fell from his mouth. Quick explanations as to what he was. Part wolf. Part dog. Her nose wrinkled as she cringed at that latter part. No doubt his intelligence was stunted by that lesser breed, but perhaps there was a touch of obedience that lingered within the lesser canine flowing through his blood. Perhaps... Perhaps it didn't matter since he was thoroughly male. Her Amazon heritage left her rooted very firmly in the idea that males were very much the lesser gender. Pair that thinking with the fact that he was part dog, and she was somewhat convinced her present company was somehow lost. No doubt there was a place for him some hundred thousands of miles away.

"And does that explain the noose around your neck?" she asked, referring to his collar. She'd not seen one before, but it looked uncomfortable. Suffocating even. She'd seen wolves get tangled in vines or ivy or other things before near to strangulation. She couldn't imagine him to be any more content to wear such a thing. In fact, it made her feel short of breath just to look at it. Noticing this, she turned her gaze sharply away and tried to think of other things.

A question raised towards her. He'd offered her a rather peculiar name which she in turn decided there would be no harm in returning the favor. "Citali. All wolf." A blend of breeds, but at least her wolven heritage was pure and unmuddled by human hands. The fact that she was all wolf also explained why she was in these wilds. For him? The dog part left her confused. Weren't those supposed to be all, "Yes, Master", "No, Master", "Let me perform this humiliating trick for you, Master"? "Where have you come from?"

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Ragdoll - August 25, 2015

He caught the slight change in the way the woman held herself after he'd adjusted his own posture, but the difference was only a small one. Her body language informed him that they were not equals, but that she was above him. It was a concept he was use to, and despite his father's wishes for him to fight against it once upon a time, he'd never been able to bring himself to. When it came to the aspect of dominance, the part of him that housed the domesticated side of his bloodline came to light. Fighting against it was not something he was currently capable of doing, and he doubted he'd ever be able to. Besides, going along with the role of a lesser being was often easier, and didn't cause too many problems. As long as he'd accepted his place in the world, he'd be spared of any reprimand and left to go about his day. That was, especially, the case when dealing with those older than himself, like the woman he currently stood across from. Having drawn such a conclusion, he allowed his head to lower slightly, but not so much so that speaking would be difficult.

At the mention of the 'noose' around his neck, his eyes snapped up to look at hers, confusion evident in his gaze. It took a second for the meaning behind what she'd said to hit him, and once it had, he'd averted his gaze away from her face so as not to come off as attempting to challenge her. That was, perhaps, the last thing he needed at the moment. "It's called a 'collar'," he informed her, the memory of when it'd been placed around his throat engraved in his thoughts. "Humans put them on creatures that they think belong to them, or when they want to keep them tied up somewhere." The latter had been the reasoning behind his receiving of one. The workers at the shelter had attempted to keep him indoors, but due to a combination of overcrowding and his behavior, he'd been moved to one of the outdoor kennels. They'd been cautious in their efforts to make the place escape-proof, but not cautious enough. "I forget it's there sometimes," he commented, trying to glance down at it. Once he'd looked up again, he noticed she had turned her gaze away, and was, once again, confused. He hadn't believed himself to say or do anything that might have offended her, leaving him lost as to what her reasoning was. No matter, he did not verbally question it, feeling that mentioning it would pose the risk of worsening the matter.

As the woman returned the favour and offered her name, as well as added that she was purely a wolf, the boy gave a dip of his head. The motion was one of greeting, and one of respect. "It is nice to meet you, Citali," he voiced, as was his common way of going about meeting unknown wolves. Ragdoll was unsure, even at this point, whether the feeling was a mutual one, but suspected it not to be. He allowed for his past experiences, and the demonstration of the wolf's form, to guide his beliefs, and was yet to be given a reason to think otherwise. When a new question was presented, he wasted no time in answering her. "Up North, from a pack known as 'Caribou Summit'," the younger responded, needing not a moment to recall the name. Even then, he could still remember every inch of the place, but the way to get back was lost to him; plus, he wasn't so sure he even wanted to go back. "Humans got ahold of me, and when I escaped, I ran. Somehow I ended up here afterwards." Despite his acceptance of the situation, the way in which he'd ended up in the Wilds still nagged at him from the back of his mind. During his grand escape, he'd paid little to no mind as to where he was going, so the explanation behind how he'd reached the woods he was currently in was something completely lost to him.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Citali - August 26, 2015

A collar? She'd never heard the word before, but it sounded absolutely barbaric. The way she described it made her cringe. She withdrew a few paces, as if the idea of it was something unclean. As he explained it, a collar sounded awful. Claimed? Tied up? Did these human savages not know sharing scents was claim enough with pack? Or that loyalty earned properly did not require such restrains as 'tying up'? "It sounds awful," she sputtered, the words escaping her before she could think to stop them. She frowned then. "So which are you? A dog or a wolf?" What did he wish to be?

Her permanent frown lightened somewhat as he bowed and kept his manners polite. This appeased some inner part of her that demanded the respect of her station as a notable healer and some other part of her that required others to fan the flame that was her rather large ego. She shifted on her paws, contenting herself with his presence. So long as he could keep it up, they'd have no problems here whatsoever.

Ears turned, listening as he elaborated on his origins. First a pack. Then taken in by humans. She could not help but shiver. The mere mention of such beasts was repulsive. It didn't how many time they were spoken of, she could not get used to nor accommodate the thought of their kind. "And what do you plan on doing now that you are here?" she asked. It seemed he was in the midsts of a journey of some kind. This was just one stop on the way to something else.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Ragdoll - August 26, 2015

The human practice of placing collars onto other beings they'd 'claimed' was something that had been with him since birth, more or less. Once he'd been weaned off his mother's milk, a collar had been secured around his neck. That particular one had, of course, been torn off of him before his departure, but the fact remained that it had still once been wrapped around him. Perhaps that was the reason as to why the one he wore now was so easily forgotten, and not usually suffocating to him. Due to that, he could only partially agree with the woman's statement of it being awful. To him, the feel of it left his mind far too quickly for him to think it to be especially bad, but the meaning behind it's presence did irk him. Such a realization made his answer to her question that much more difficult to produce. Was he a mere dog, or a wolf? In blood, he was both, but at heart... "A wolf," the boy answered, having taken some time to think his answer over. His appearance was that of a dog, and his blood a mixture of both, but he often did not feel like he possessed even a remnant of his canine background. Running over the land, free as can be, it made him feel far more connected to his wolf ancestry than anything else.

Ragdoll managed to catch sight of the shiver that ran through the wolf's form, having reminded himself from the beginning to pay close attention. The source of the action was unknown to him, and he bothered not with any assumptions, fearing for the possibility of them being misguided. Whatever had caused it was none of his business, leaving the idea of pursuing it to seem like prodding. Having known her for no more than a few minutes at best, he restrained himself from voicing his curiosities towards her actions. Instead, he tried to keep his focus on each thing she said, every question asked. No amount of attentiveness could prepare him to answer such a question as her latest, however. Momentarily stumped on how he could answer, the yearling kept his mouth shut while he thought it over. Now that he was there, he didn't really know what he was going to do. He hadn't given it much thought, in all honesty.

After having allowed some time of silence to fill the space between them, he'd finally found his voice, as well as his answer. "Explore the area, most likely," he told her. "I want to get to know this place and those in it, and then maybe settle down somewhere. I know it won't be like the home I was taken from, but if enough are nice like you've been, I'm sure I'll like it here." With that, he offered a small smile, though the look in his eyes was one of pure excitement. To him, it seemed as if Citali had been more than nice enough, and he was sure that if anyone else he met was even sort of like her, he'd be able to get along just fine in the new area. It did not make him miss his previous home any less, but it did allow for the idea of trying to find his way back retreat to the back of his mind.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Citali - August 26, 2015

She awaited his reply. It took him some time to gather the words, but once he found them his answer was simple. "A wolf." Well then. That wasn't so hard now was it? She released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and shook her head. "Well then. You'd best befriend a beaver and get that thing off of you. Wolves don't run around with human nooses about their necks." No doubt, he'd run into significantly more trouble should he have first encountered anyone who was not herself. That thing was a dead give away that something was amiss. First impressions and all. They counted.

Of course, now that he knew what he wanted to be, it was time for him to start going about it. His present interest, in addition to her added task of ridding himself of that "collar", was to explore. Well then. It seemed he'd come to the right wilderness, though any wilds would do. She parted her mouth to comment on it when the sound of her voice suddenly shifted into that of a snort. Why was it that so many were starting to think she had a heart? "Please. My questions and advice are purely out of my own self interest."

"Speaking of," she continued, realizing that if he wished to be a wolf he might also have in him, somewhere the power of intimidation. If he were to accompany her? Hmm... Strength in numbers and all that. Her idea didn't sound half bad as she thought it in her head. "There was a pack up on a ridge not too far from here. Or is. I'm not sure of the state of it anymore. Shall we explore it?" He had said he wished to explore and Citali was curious as to the state of Frostfire Ridge. To sweeten the deal, she added, "There's a nice view up there. It might help you pick a location to try next."

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Ragdoll - August 28, 2015

He couldn't deny that she had a point. Wolves didn't wear collars. They weren't things that came from nature directly, they were man made items unaccessible to creatures of the wild. Aside from that, they were dangerous. If left on a still growing body, surely the end result would be suffocation. Even without that, if it was to get snagged on something, and he couldn't get free again, that'd more or less be his end. Still, never had he considered ways to remove it. He'd been persistent in trying to bite at it when it was first put on him, but his attempts had been useless. He was not an owl, he could not twist and turn his head around enough to be able to get a good grip on it. While he believed her to be serious about it's needed removal, he wasn't so sure if she actually meant for him to go out and befriend a water-slapping rodent. That was probably a terrible idea, even if she was serious. The reality of the matter was that, the second the deed was done, he'd most likely make a meal out of the beaver, and then feel somewhat guilty for eating his little helper. He'd have to find another way to rid himself of the collar, but for the time being it was there to stay.

He remained silent, even as a snort sounded from the woman. It confused him, for a moment, but he was relieved of said feeling once she explained herself. Whether it was to benefit herself or not, he still appreciated her assistance. In his mind, he still deemed her to be a nice wolf, but his thoughts were not voiced. Her response the first time around had been enough, and he didn't want to risk annoying her to the point of her departing. Or, worse, lashing out. There was no way he'd be able to take her on, even if he had been a creation of two pure wolves. Citali was simply too large, especially in comparison to his lithe body. Ragdoll would be crushed in a second flat, no doubt. Possessing a joy for living, he felt it best to keep to her good side, rather than risk doing something that would displease her.

The boy's interest was piqued almost instantly when exploration was brought up, but faltered slightly at the mention of a pack. "If a pack is still there, wouldn't that be trespassing?" The potential angering of the woman was enough, he didn't want to have an entire pack of wolves after his hide. Still, the deal was tempting. Almost too tempting, really. Her last statement was just enough to unbalance the scale, leading him to choose risky exploration over guaranteed safety. "I guess checking it out wouldn't be too bad... If the state of it is up to be doubted, then maybe there's a good chance no one remains." That'd certainly be wonderful luck.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Citali - August 30, 2015

I'm thinking... one more post from you to fade? I can start a new thread in the next location if he choses to continue. :]

The collar was a nuisance, but it was no longer any of her concern. She had other objectives on the brain so, at the moment, she had other priorities to attend to. With lifted ears she simply waited for his ears and mind to synchronize is such a way that he could form words with which to reply to her suggestion. He wanted to explore? That mountain wasn't far. If it was still occupied, he'd get more than his fair share of adventure. If it was vacant? Well, then. At least they could enjoy the view.

His question was innocent and valid, but it didn't keep her from laughing at the thought. "Ha! Hardly. If Tezcacoatl's twin version of himself still runs that mountain we'll skirt the edges. If he's abandoned his foolish dream and the pack is gone? All the better for you." She shrugged. "The view up there really was quite nice..." A pause... "I admit that begrudgingly, you know. Those words do not leave this forest."

She listened as he verbally reasoned with himself. It seemed as though he was mostly on board with the suggestion. She watched him with lifted brow before she goaded him further. "If it's too risky for you, I suppose I could always ask a real wolf to accompany me..." Her eyes drifted as though contemplating her options.

RE: I feel like something will happen today - Ragdoll - September 07, 2015

Sorry for the wait with this! ×-×" Sounds good to me, though. I'll have this archived.
Also, minor pping of them leaving, and Citali leading the way. @Citali

As laughter exited the elder woman's mouth, his face twisted into a look of obvious confusion, with a pinch of worry mixed in. Confused, by the obvious, and then worried about the possibility of her not being quite right in the head. That, however, was a thought he disregarded as quickly as it'd come. She'd already made it clear she was fine, in all aspects, and so thinking such a thing was foolish. Calming the thoughts bouncing around in his skull, he then worked to make his face relax into a more neutral expression. The words she'd spoken had caught his attention without any hesitation. A nice view would, without a doubt, be good for him. The land was too new, too unfamiliar, but a look around from an elevated level would be helpful for him to decide where to head to next. That was only if it was an emptied land, though. Realizing that, the corners of his mouth fell into a small frown, and he found himself hoping it had been abandoned. Deciding against voicing his current thoughts, he instead gave a nod to show he understood her sentence, and would not breathe a word of what she'd said to anyone. That wouldn't be hard, either, given that he didn't even know anyone he could tell.

If there'd been any slivers of hesitation towards the journey remaining, they were chased away by the last thing to leave the woman's maw. Though he'd been called many things before, her sentence had struck a nerve with him. It was something he would probably never get use to. Roughly, he shook his head, then looked to Citali's face. He held her gaze for a moment, before averting his eyes and lowering his head back down. "I'm coming," he informed her, a wildfire of determination burning within his chest. "I'm as real a wolf as any, I can do it." He felt he had something to prove, then, and he wouldn't back away from doing just that.

For a moment longer, he stood there, simply watching the woman. When she'd started to move, he followed closely, the idea of falling behind too unappealing for him to allow it the chance of happening. He continued like that as they headed towards the place she'd spoken of, allowing silence to fill the space between them. Whatever the place held in store for them, he told himself he would not turn away. Ragdoll was many things, but of those things he was a wolf. And a wolf wouldn't be treated as anything less than what they were.