Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Angels overhead - Printable Version

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Angels overhead - Thistle Cloud - August 22, 2015

Thistle traversed the inner territory, digging and moving things about. Cleaning up what she could. She had piles of wood, and stones and plants...trying to figure out where to put everything. She needed to move it from the center of their territory. She had to smile as she dug things out of the ground, that were halfway covered. Sometimes the ugliness of things uncovered precious things. Pretty stones and shells. Those she put in another pile just for the little ones, and maybe even Charon or Levi if they would like.

Her fur was covered in ashes and dirt. Her paws hurt from digging and moving and the corners of her jaws were bloody slightly from grasping so much of the drift wood and branches that had torn up the land. She hadn't made it to her den yet. They would probably need a new one. Or she might just decide to move them, she had been thinking about it. But she would confer with everyone else before making such a decision. She lowered her gaze and began to wrestle with a rather large branch that lay partially in the dirt, the rest of it sticking out like some crazed dead paw reaching towards the sky.