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Blackfeather Woods one class to another - Printable Version

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one class to another - RIP Leo - September 06, 2015

Set around this time. @Burke

It had become a routine. Soon after sessions with mother, Peridot and Leo were let out of the den. He usually would stay close to his sister, for he had bonded more with her, but today was a day of adventure for him. Right when they were let out to explore, Leo was quick to burst into the open and sprinted into the woods.

Farther and farther he went, until a fallen tree blocked his way. "No one will stand in a knight's way!", he said aloud. His mother told him about Moon names. His was 'Knight' a solider to Yumigami. Peridot's was 'Dark Rabbit' delicate and beautiful at sight, but fierce at the field of battle.

He looked up at the tree with a confident silver glare. He went up closer to the tree and jumped up, paws landing on the bark. He dug his claws into the bark and lifted his hind legs, his other set of claws also digging into the bark, After that was sort of a struggle. His sandy formed wiggled side to side as he tried getting over.

RE: one class to another - Burke - September 06, 2015

For what does he want to be trained?

Burke walked through the forest when he heard the child's voice. Burke went to look at who it was and naturally it was the excitable pup that came from Bearclaw. He wished he could send the ruined pup back where he belonged. Burke growled and bared his teeth because he was very annoyed with some certain wolves. He approached the pup from his front so he could see him coming. Burke looked as displeased as he looked before when he met the pup. He was just annoyed how happy the pup was. He reached forward and then grabbed the youngster by his scruff. 

He dropped him to the ground before him and his cold pale eyes looked down. "I promised your mother I would train you," he pointed out. He sounded grim. Of course because this pup had no future. What was a cheerful aspect was that he could correct the pup if he was doing something wrong. And boy, Burke hoped that he was going to do a lot wrong because then he could punish the pup.

RE: one class to another - RIP Leo - September 06, 2015

Thread for Warrior would be good :)

When he saw Burke come from the shadows, the boy's blood ran cold. The bigger wolf scared him a lot. He didn't enjoy his company. When he was seized from his scruff, he yipped from shock and fear. If only he had stayed with Peridot. He wouldn't have to take this alone. Now he had to deal with the beast.

He tucked in his tail and looked up at the looming male. His eyes were cold and his voice like a fire. How could he have believed he was the gentle Raziel? He was a complete opposite! "O-okay," he managed to croak out, "What w-will we do?" He felt himself growing hot with worry. Hopefully it was something he was good at.

RE: one class to another - Burke - September 07, 2015

Burke looked at the pup before him that coward down. He better be scared of Burke so he would do his best. It was also a bit of a pity that the pup was not tough enough. On the other hand Burke was quite a hypocrite, because if the male was more bold he would make sure to get to pup back in like. The large male stood before the young wolf that was clearly shaking. "Well, I wanted to train you to be a warrior but you clearly ain't one," he spoke and then nudged him, wanting to unbalance the pup. 

The dark male then looked at the pup. "You aren't even carrying yourself like a warrior or a knight," he returned with a growl. He bared his teeth and made himself even bigger. "I'm you mentor, always be respectful towards your mentor but now you look dumb right scared. Did you pee yourself yet?"

RE: one class to another - RIP Leo - September 08, 2015

In his mind he doubted the other male's words. He looked up at him, this time in the eye (which was hard to do) with anticipation. "You can! You can! I can be a warrior!" He was humiliated even more when he lost his balance and plopped on the ground. He was almost close to crying, but shook his head rapidly to get rid of the tears.

He lifted himself up and forced to stand straighter and have a more clear voice. "I can, see?" He puffed his chest, trying to look stronger. When Burke bared his teeth, he clenched his own, barely able to keep stance. When he finished, he went closer and shook his head. "I didn't and I won't." Maybe his words will show this scary male how brave he really was. "Can you teach me? Please? I promise I'll be good!

RE: one class to another - Burke - September 09, 2015

Burke watched the pup before him and was really nothing like Damien. He knew he shouldn't compare but the dark colored pup was raised in these woods he wasn't scared he wanted to work even if he grew tired. Burke heard the pup, but didn't really hear his words. His voice was so high and squeaky he rather not wanted to listen to it. Then he reminded that he would have pups of his own soon and they would also have squeaky voices, but then they would be his, far more tolerable. This was Grimnir's pup. Where in the hell was the wolf?!

Burke gave the pup a shove out of no where, just to see how the pup covered and counted back. "You will take the right stance how you were standing now was nothing like a warrior," he pointed out. Burke raised his shoulders, but kept his head lower. "If you raise your chin like you did your neck is open for invitation, ready to be broken and bitten. So keep your chin a but lower and make yourself big but not too big that you can't move anymore."

RE: one class to another - RIP Leo - September 10, 2015

When the shove came, he was only partially ready. He had lost his balance, but quickly regained it. This was harder than he thought. He would have even more pressure with this guy as his mentor. He'd rather have his mother or Peridot teach him. At least they were a little more nice!

When Burke spilled out the requirements of a good stance, Leo started to freak out. Chin down. Ok. He lowered his chin to a bit more, his extra long hairs tickled his neck. Need to be bigger, not to big. He fumbled around with different stances, thinking of ones that were big but not too big. He stood a little higher and let his tail go straight. "Uh, is this right?"

RE: one class to another - Burke - September 10, 2015

Burke watched the pup fall over and felt his gaze harden. Burke tried to keep in mind that the pup wasn't even 3 months old so he should not expect the things he did with Damien but still. He was rather impatient and he rather not train this soft-ling of a pup. The dark male sighed as they probably need to start with play first, but Burke detested that with someone he disliked. He could be very playful towards the others but not Grimnir's pup. He hated Grimnir especially because he was not sure what the wolf was doing or who he was injuring now. 

"Better, but not good enough," he spoke. "Your muscles need to be loose. The more relaxed you are the easier you can move," he added. "Try and jump away from my attacks," he then spoke and instantly moved his muzzle forward to push him over. But Burke wasn't going to keep it easy. He was slowly baring his teeth using this exercise as an excuse to nip or graze his teeth over his body if the pup wasn't quick enough. At last he would learn.

RE: one class to another - RIP Leo - September 11, 2015

The word better made him happier, but the words 'not good enough' made him frown. He thought that he had it so perfect too! Was there anything to make this guy happy though? Maybe not. He was not aware that Burke did not like him because of his father.

When the brute's head went forward, Leo was not quick enough to dodge. He got a hard nip to the chest. He hissed at the contact, but decided to suck it up and do this right. The second time, the little lion was able to get out of the way. Burke's teeth only brushed against his shoulder fur. After a getting into a sort of rhythm, Leo graduated from teeth brushing against him to not feeling anything at all. His eyes glowed with pride and he smirked with a sort of arrogance.

RE: one class to another - Burke - September 12, 2015

Burke got the pup a few times which was good. The pup was getting faster, so at least he was learning. The dark male knew that he would have to thank Burke later for that. Since his father clearly wasn't around to teach him this. Once Burke saw that smirk he corrected the pup for a moment. He did not have the right to smirk like that yet. "Keep yourself focussed," he snapped and went on, but this time more dynamic. Not just from one side but also other sides and circling the pup. Burke was a pretty strict member but later on this Chevalier would at least be disciplined. He wanted the pup to be bruised so every time he would lay down he would be reminded to always be alert and focussed.

RE: one class to another - RIP Leo - September 13, 2015

He quickly put on his most serious face when Burke had corrected him. He didn't want to be in too much trouble. He hated being a bad person.

He once again started panicking as Burke's motions were no longer the sides, but all around. He once again felt the hard nips as he tried to dodge. He did his best not to yelp from shock, but it did happen a few times. He focused a bit more, trying to notice a pattern, or at least were the teeth set. He had gotten a bit of it, ducking down and pulling back if it was over him, swerving around his behind to avoid the backwards attacks, and dodging the side attacks just as he had before. He was getting better the longer he did it. But the longer he did it, the more exhausted he got. His tongue lolled to the side and he panted heavily as he continued dodging. When would it end?

RE: one class to another - Burke - September 13, 2015

Burke stopped when the pup was really starting to look exhaust. Even though Burke got him good for a couple of times the pup did surprisingly well. Burke stepped back and then looked over the youngster with his pale eyes. He nodded shortly. "That was good. We will practice this until you can avoid all," he explained. "Another day though. I will see you soon," he spoke rounding up the training. He couldn't over work the pup, his muscles were too young to have a full work out, and the pup did get some of that full work out. 

Burke looked at the cream colored pup before turning away and trotting off. He had other duties to the as an alpha. The borders, guiding the new members, and also looking after his beloved Meldresi. The immense male left Chevalier where they had the training figuring he didn't need a guide home. He was also pleased that he kept his promise to Lusa. 

I will archive after your post! :3 This was fun!

RE: one class to another - RIP Leo - September 13, 2015

Thank you! :3

He was relieved when Burke said they were finished. He flopped to his side taking sighing heavily. That was harder than he thought. Who would've known that dodging could be so hard.

He looked up at Burke and nodded his head, indicating he understood. He was to winded to speak. He waited on the ground, watching the grey form leave. Only when he was gone did Leo pick himself up and head home. He had to tell Peridot about this, so next time they could train together.