Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods Blood! - Printable Version

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Blood! - Cyn - September 15, 2015

For anyone and everyone that Cyn hasn't met yet! I warn everyone that does not know her personality, she is a fighter and when she doesn't know who you are she will get agressive. Even if Cyn has already met you, just join in!
Cyn had smelled the scent of some new wolves on the floor. She growled at the smell. She had to be careful with trespassers. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. The voice inside her head chanted. Lately it had gotten more and more aggressive and she tried to not listen to it. Her instincts told her not to and just leave the voice alone. Cyn thought that she was slowly going insane having to listen to the voice everyday and it was slowly chipping away at the sanity she had left.

The femle had also gotten injured by a falling tree that had crushed her back right leg. She had wrapped it up with some leaves and other things she could find just so she could take care of it right away. Vines had held the wrap together and it was not too bad for someone so inexperienced with the feild of medicine. It still made her limp, but it made her feel much stronger and it was almost like a battle scar. She had survived weeks without talking to anyone. She had only checked in with Burke twice. She didn't mind being alone.

RE: Blood! - Adelina - September 16, 2015

Hope you don't mind me joining

After filling most of the cache's and getting some rest, the gray female decided to go for a relaxing walk through this new territory she now lived in. She studied where certain caves were and other major locations such as the swamps and Redgrove, but it was long before she became distracted. The scent of another wolf drew the wolfess from her path and she slowly started towards the stranger casually walking up to her. It wasn't until she was decently close did Adelina see the leaves and vines wrapped around the girl's leg.

"Are you hurt" the question was a stupid one considering Adelina could see that the other was injured, however she wondered if she had properly taken care of the wound. The gray female wasn't a healer and didn't have many medical plants in her stash, but she knew how to treat an injured leg. It all depended what the wound looked like...if it was an open wound then the leaves would help, but if it wasn't a visible injury and was a break or sprain then the wrap the other had put together would be useless.

RE: Blood! - Cyn - September 19, 2015

That's just fine!
 Cyn heard a set of footsteps behind her and her head spun around to growl at the other wolf. Her lip lifted over her teeth just to make her look even more threatening. A dumb question was asked by the other wolf and that was even more of a reason to scare her. She had caught Burke's scent on the female and growled. She had joined the pack. Her ears were still back as she watched the female as she turned to face her. A pain shot up her hurt leg and she crumbled. Her body had hit the ground with a big thud and a whine coming from her throat. Cyn's eyes were wide with fear of her not being able to move her leg again.

More whines escaped from her as the pain doubled and shot through her leg a second time. She needed help, badly. Hope rushed through her as she remembered the female that was in front of her. She prayed that she did not scare her too badly. Even though Cyn hated to show weakness she could not help showing it now. Had she stood on the leg too much and it was broken? She had no clue. "I'm sorry, please help me." She whispered so quietly that you had to listen carefully to hear the apology.

RE: Blood! - Adelina - September 20, 2015

When the other turned around and snapped at her, Adelina's hackles instantly raised and a growl began to bubble up in her chest. It was clear the other female didn't want her here and so the gray furred woman began to turn around, ready to run off and make use of her time rather than waste another breath on this rude bitch. However the sudden sound of the other crashing against the earth and whimpering was enough to cause a sigh to come out of Adelina before she spun around to see what had happened. Sure enough there was the pathetic wolfess lying on the ground asking for forgiveness and help.

Adelina's tailed twitched in annoyance at the stranger's sudden change of tone. The older woman had a feeling the other was only acting this weak due to needing help and would go back to being some jackass once her leg was healed, but Adelina was never one to turn down a packmate in need. "Do you mind if I undo your leaves and take a look at the wound" she asked with a soothing and gentle tone in hopes the other would cooperate.

RE: Blood! - Cyn - September 26, 2015

Cyn shook her head no and felt bad for being such a jerk to the woman. She kept a mental note to thank her and not be an arse wipe towards her. She didn't mind if the woman looked at her wounds and helped her out. She would help her out like she did her any chance she got. A small smile appeared on her face as she watched the wolf tend to her wounds.

Cyn watched, but also she learned. She learned what to do with a wound like hers. She would use this information to help the rest of her pack if they ever had a deep cut. Her attitude had changed majorly.

RE: Blood! - Adelina - September 28, 2015

When she received her permission, Adelina carefully began to unwrap the leaves making sure not to graze the wound or harm the female in any way. Upon first glance it appeared to be an easy enough wound to treat, though there could always be a more serious problem with the bone. The woman quickly inspected the leg, then looked around for water and was lucky enough to have a small stream nearby. "Can you get to that stream" she asked and remained long enough to hear an answer before trotting off to her herb cache to receive the few herbs she knew could help heal a wound.

Upon returning to the other female, several herbs were clenched between Adelina's jaws. She began chewing and mushing them into a paste that tasted absolutely vile in the woman's mouth and reminded her as to why she never became a healer.