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Jade Fern Grove how are you so basic? - Printable Version

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how are you so basic? - Fellway - September 28, 2015

At borders - calling @Pasha!

He was trying his luck with the Grove again. The black bitch had interrupted his previous attempts to make friends with the pack's littlest warden, but he would not be so brazen in his approach this time. Fellway hid, watched, and waited.

He wasn't one of those guys. Fellway had no interest in Pasha in a sexy choir boy way - he just.. wanted to be friends. He couldn't explain it. Something about the smell of the place drew him to it.

When it started to rain, Fellway bunked under one of the outlying trees that had managed to escape the others. A little drizzle wouldn't keep his lil' friend inside, right?

RE: how are you so basic? - Pasha - September 28, 2015

sexy choir boy way... dying... lmfao.

He snaked out and away from the depths of the woodland, this time not willing to be entirely confined. Sure, what had happened gave him reason to be cautious, but if anything Pasha was willing to be determined to stick to his guns. Besides, if his father and subsequent family had been out and about and checking on those borders, it seemed like a good idea for him to do it too.

Plus there was still that looming consideration that his father had put into him, that whole being a warden thing. Pasha now understood why wardens were important — perhaps if they had more, perhaps if a lot of things had been different then the misfortune that had come down upon them would have simply ceased to exist. Whatever other variables to the world there were, he had no inkling of.

And so there he was, meandering out along the borders again. Marching right along how he imagined his father would all proud and without the pallor of sorrow to rest at his shoulders. Pasha was learning... but there was still a lot to learn. As he rounded another bend along the varied scent markers, he failed to pick up on the notion that he was not alone. For nothing else, he was still young and his head sailing with the clouds, caught up in a daydream where he would no doubt drive away the foulest of ursine creatures from their door.

RE: how are you so basic? - Fellway - September 28, 2015

Lo and behold, there he was. The tip of Fellway's tail twitched involuntarily, and he raised his head above the fading grass that sheltered him from view. Against the steady hiss of rain, he called to the patrolling youth. "Hey - guy! " Had they exchanged names? Fellway couldn't remember the last time he crapped, even though he apparently did that several times a day. A mischievous grin pulled black lips over teeth that gaped in a smile. " Did that black girlfriend of yours finally let you out to play with your frands?"

lololol here comes trouble!

RE: how are you so basic? - Pasha - September 28, 2015

A few steady steps further and a voice called out to him, giving him pause. Pasha raised his head to scan over the grass, an ear cocked to listen while the other did its own investigation of the sounds around them. It did not take him long to spy out the flash of white against the dreary, damp wood, but the recognition did not come to him until the rest of the canine's words had reached him.

Pasha's brow furrowed at the question, the intent of it clear that sit with him well. "You again!" he answered, though it was hard to say if he was surprised or annoyed. "What do you want?" Wasn't that what he was supposed to, right? The comment was left to slide off, though the ire in him was left to linger in its wake. Girls were icky, okay, and when it came down to it Pasha really didn't know a lot of them that he wasn't related to, anyway.

RE: how are you so basic? - Fellway - September 28, 2015

Pasha stopped and Fellway crawled out into the rain, angling his ears towards the ground. Warden-esque words pew-pew-pewed out of the boy's mouth - sharp and commanding, if still a little raw. The grin widened to splitting point, then slackened somewhat. "Are you coming out to play or what, lil' man?" He did not answer directly - mostly because he wasn't sure what wanted from a child, exactly.

RE: how are you so basic? - Pasha - September 30, 2015

It was almost snake-like, the way that the wolf wriggled up to his full height and came out. The smile on his face was almost just as sly, but this too was something Pasha did not know what to make of. It was a smile and generally, those were things one would associate with decent folk. Yet the same logic did not apply everywhere, for if a bear could smile... well then, imagination abounds as to what the end result of that could have been.

"Why? I'm busy," he said. Maintaining those borders man, that shit was serious business. He couldn't picture anyone deviating from that for some ill-conceived notion of play, anyway. Not that it wasn't tempting... all things considered Pasha wouldn't have minded the opportunity. But he knew better at that point to consider risking it. If his parents weren't on guard before, they certainly would be now.

RE: how are you so basic? - Fellway - October 03, 2015

Fellway rolled his eyes. Something more was required - a reason for the police cadet to break ranks and venture further afield. The pale creature crept closer. "Well OK, but I've seen something strange. I'll show you, if you like - good guy that I am. Bet your old ma would be happy that you investigated." It was only half a lie - Fellway had seen quite a few strange things since entering the Teekon Wilds, although none of them really concerned Jade Fern Grove. His mind leafed through the rack of options whilst he waited for Pasha to take the bait.

RE: how are you so basic? - Pasha - October 03, 2015

is this where i break out with the jaws music...? >_>

The loner — Fellway, wasn't it? — crept closer to him. It rattled Pasha a bit, though he stifled the urge to back off from him. His ground held for now and perhaps it was a good thing that it did. Something of intrigue popped up and tempted him. Maybe it was the fact that they had their recent bear problem, but bears were definitely something that Pasha would have put in the strange category. Especially bears that had seemed some sort of hellbent to chase wolves out of their home and across the countryside.

The deliberation was brief; Pasha deigned it better to know than not.

"OK," he said at first, bolstering his own courage. "Where is it?" For all he knew, this may have been some backwards attempt and earning a little prestige to join them. Not that Pasha considered that possibility, as his interest lied firmly in keeping the others safe and sound. They had been through enough even if he hardly grasped the full concept of what that larger picture was. Tentatively, he stepped towards Fellway curiously and gestured for him to show.

RE: how are you so basic? - Fellway - October 04, 2015


Winner winner. Fellway yipped happily, whirling around and setting course for Witch's Marsh. A blind wolf hearing descriptions of the pair's behaviour would have figured Pasha for the adult. "Not far," the stranger promised, turning his back on the sceptical youth. There was a broad, dark ridge running from the base of his tail to the fluff of his ruff, disappearing beneath the bush of long hairs. He had decided on the closest of peculiar things he had stumbled across in the area, even if it ranked a little lower on the International Strange Scale - they could do some man-bonding, chat shit, good times, party on. Fellway still couldn't explain why he was so drawn to Jade Fern Grove, but he didn't think much about it, either.

RE: how are you so basic? - Pasha - October 05, 2015

Fellway may as well have bounced away from Pasha, so happy and eager to go and show him something. For anyone else, that could have possibly set off a red flag — who was that happy to go show off strange things? Strange things falling into the territory of the dying and dead, the stinky, and whatever else probably appealed to a growing atypical boy.

Keeping up with him wasn't really the hard part though. It was the nagging sensation at the back of his mind that said he shouldn't have been going out and doing what he was doing. After the little bear scare and the fact that it had shook them all up worse than a can of soda tied to a jackhammer, one would have deigned it a wiser idea to have not gone alone.

But children were hardly known for their ability to consider any and every possible outcome to a situation. Nor were they known for their ability to even consider those things to begin with. They weren't even five minutes away from the borders before Pasha sighed with discontent — that nagging feeling just wouldn't go away — and had to speak up.

"Hey, how much farther?"