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Mudminnow River what's this???? - Printable Version

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what's this???? - Ilya - October 25, 2015

All are welcome(Looking for friendly characters)!! This is for Ilya's naturalist trade and once developed it will be used as a pack activity. (: Anyone can join but I'm tagging a few wolves that Ilya both knows and doesn't know in order to broaden her experience and so she can make acquaintances. (: @Luke @Kieran @Haven @Vulpine

The black fae sat quietly at the banks of the river, watching it curiously as it flowed. "Hmpf," she muttered softly and stood to approach the water. She stuck her left paw in the water and carefully observed it. "Lower," she noted to herself, "and much colder," she added aside. She picked up a large, flat river stone sitting not too far from the waters edge and dropped it on its other side. On it were markings that didn't appear to have much meaning, but to her they were far different and meant far more.

Using her right paw, Ilya drug her furthest left claw across the large rock, creating two short, horizontal lines beside a group of similar lines. Some had more lines; some had less. She examined her markings curiously and cocked her head as she thought. "It's down three marks this week; I wonder why," she thought aloud, sniffing at the waters edge. "The rain has been pretty consistent, if anything it's rained more..." 

She sat and contemplated her new issue, and wondered what might be causing it to go down, flipping her rock back over and wondering if she should search for the predicament. If anything there would be a problem upstream.

RE: what's this???? - Haven - October 26, 2015

I'm always open to start threads with anyone! For Haven I'm currently working towards Counselor and Warrior, so if you ever want to spar or need some counseling just PM me and we can thread C:

Haven tromped through the forest, enjoying the day. The day was going pretty well for her, she had caught a very fat rabbit that morning and was feeling quite full. A good rabbit was always a nice way to start your day, but every time she ate now she thought of Sebastian and the coast and when they had hunted seal together. She planned on howling for Sebastian soon, she wanted to see him again. I can't wait to go back to the coast with him! And we can go to those hot springs or whatever they were called. She thought whimsically, not knowing exactly where she was headed.

Haven stopped when she came to a large river in the forest. Mudminnow, she recognized it from when her and Celeste had met there. The river brought back happy memories and she was glad her feet had decided to take her there. She suddenly heard a voice, it was faint but she could hear it nonetheless. She cocked her head to the side, intrigued, and began following the sound. She soon came to a small black wolf who seemed to be talking to herself. Well ok... Haven thought, finding it kind of odd to see a wolf talking to herself. Haven always needed someone to talk to, talking to no one seemed less satisfactory.

 Haven barked, signaling her presence and then walked forwards. She bowed her head, recognizing the scent of another pack. She didn't know which pack, for the only ones she had smelled before were Blackfeather and her own Grove pack. So she figured she ought to be polite, for all she knew she could be looking at an Alpha. At first she didn't know whether or not she should be scared of the wolf. Maybe she ought to have run away. But curiosity won her over, so she spoke to the wolf.

Hi I'm Haven. Are you ok? You were talking to yourself and wolves don't really do that often so... She trailed off, hoping the black fae wasn't mean. The grey and white wolf only wanted to make sure the other pack wolf was alright, and she was also very interested in meeting a new pack.

RE: what's this???? - Ilya - October 26, 2015

Ilya is always up for a good spar, and her history is sure to need some counseling! :p I'll be sure to let you know. If you ever need someone just to rolepla with let me know. (: Ilya is working towards Gamekeeper and Naturalist, currently.

Startled, Ilya flinched. The black fae stood in her surprise but then shook her head, chuckling a little. She hadn't expected anyone to approach her, and it was unlike her to be so caught off gaurd to not even realize there was a wolf nearby... Perhaps she was only upwind. She dipped her head slightly to the female and swished her tail in a friend manner. "Ilya," she responded with a flick of her ears. She sat down once again in an effort to retain their casualness, and crystal eyes watching her curiously, no sign of being threatened. The fur on her neck and back has raise slightly, and slowly it flattened itself back down, the fae licked her shoulder in slight embarressment before responding again.

"Yes, I'm alright," she chuckled again, her eyes narrowing as she examined the other wolf. She gave a side glance to the stone not too far away, debating on whether or not to bring it up. After a few moments of staring at the gray and white wolf, she decided that Haven meant no harm. "I am training to be a naturalist," she began to explain, tail swishing along the ground behind her. "I've been studying the water levels in hopes to track the rain patterns, although they haven't been making much sense..." Ilya trailed off, letting out a slight breath of frustration. "Talking aloud helps me think better, and honestly I didn't know you were close; I thought I was alone," she smiled in a praising sort of way, and then paused.

"I took you for a loner, at first glance, but you're too well fed... And you smell like too many of the same. Are you from that.. I apologize, Jade Grove? Is it?" She asked, tilting her head curiously. "I am Delta of the Pack of Lost Creek Hollow," she dipped her head politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Haven."

RE: what's this???? - Haven - October 27, 2015

Haven found it a bit funny how she seemed to have caught the black she-wolf off guard. Haven wasn't exactly the sneaky type, and the black wolf's reaction surprised her. However she seemed friendly enough, so Haven nodded with a smile, Nice name! She chirped cheerfully, tail wagging slightly. She was always excited to meet new wolves, especially wolves of a different pack. The grey and white female was relieved when Ilya confirmed that she was fine. Oh good! You had me worried there for a second. She joked, watching as Ilya seemed to become more comfortable in her presence.

Oh cool! Naturalist that sounds like fun. She commented, but only to be polite. The idea of sitting and deciding whether or not she thought it was going to rain or not seemed pretty boring to her. Haven was more of a go out and do it kind of wolf. Though she understood how it could be fun to others. I'm sure it'll get easier the more you practice. I hope you get to be one someday! She smiled, golden eyes scanning the black female. After what Haven took as Ilya praising her, Haven puffed out her chest a little. Sorry, I hope I didn't startle you too much. I'm normally the one who gets startled.

Yeah I'm from the Grove pack. Jade Fern Grove. Though I'm the newest member so I can see how you could take me for a loner I suppose. I'm an Epsilon there, just recently promoted. Haven added with a bit of pride in her tone. She didn't want to sound braggy, but she was proud of the rank she'd accomplished. Oh I thought you might be from another pack, you smelled of other wolves. I've never met a wolf from the Hollows before. You seem nice enough though! Nice to meet you as well. She dipped her head respectfully, now that she knew the other wolf was of a higher rank than her. Haven's old pack, before the Grove, had always taught her to be respectful to wolves of higher rank than her, even if they were from another pack. Her parents had never been wrong before and so she didn't plan on snuffing off their advice now.

Well is there anything I can do to help you? With your water... tracky... thing? She asked, not quite sure what words she should use. But she wanted to be helpful, and in the process she might even make a friend.

RE: what's this???? - Ilya - October 27, 2015

Ilya smiled, glancing down at the mention of her name, even if it was just a polite gesture. It wasn't common. From what she remembered her mother told her it was a civilized name, given to wolves in captivity. Out in the real world she discovered not many wolves were born into captivity, and she learned quickly that she was different. She'd always liked her name though, it reminded her that she was in fact different than others, but she had adapted better than most. She dipped her head. "Thank you, Haven," she beamed.

"It isn't too hard," the black she-wolf shrugged. "You must be observant though, and luckily I'm just that." Ilya winked playfully and wagged her tail a little. Observant from a dark history, perhaps, but nonetheless. "Oh no," Ilya shook her head, "You didn't frighten me at all," she reassured the ashy fae. "If anything just a little caught off gaurd, I was far too wrapped up in my thoughts. I should've paid closer attention," she chuckled a little, shaking her head.

Her charcoaled coat glistened a bit as she shifted, her shoulders straightening as she moved to sit a little taller. Her smile softened as she noted the pride in the younger wolf's pride. She wasn't old by any means, but was definetly older than the wolf in front of her. And although she wasn't but a rank higher, she too had felt pride when recieving her higher ranks; it made her feel as though she was helpful to the pack. "Congratulations," Ilya responded, dipping her head. "I'm relatively new as well, you're actually the first outside wolf I've met," she commented, "In the territory, I mean," she added quickly. 

"Well, I was trying to decide what might be causing the drop in water... It's not bad, I suppose, but just not usual. I was thinking of travelling upstream, if you'd like to accompany me?" Ilya offered the female with a smile. Her offer was genuine, she wasn't offering just for the sake of being polite. She wagged her tail in a friendly manner and glanced over her shoulder up the stream. "I was thinking it might be blocked, somehow, but there aren't any humans for miles so I'm not quite sure what could have done it,"

It's a beaver dam ;)

RE: what's this???? - Haven - October 29, 2015

Haven was surprised to hear that Ilya was also new to her pack. Or well relatively new. Haven had just assumed that most wolves in Teekon must've spent their whole lives in Teekon. Now that she thought about it she knew how ridiculous it sounded, of course that couldn't be true. She shook off her shock, not wanting to sound stupid. She smiled, Well that's pretty cool! I'm glad I got to meet you and you met me and all. I've found that I really like this territory, and I think you will too. She said in a friendly and assuring tone.

Haven listened as Ilya explained what she'd been doing. She was more than happy to be invited to help out and follow Ilya upstream. She nodded, Yeah of course! I'd love to help. Plus I have nothing really better to be doing so. She shrugged standing up swiftly and stretching her legs. The grey and white female followed Ilya's glance upstream and began walking in that direction, assuming that's where they were going. Then she heard her the Delta female say something she hadn't heard of before. She thought for a moment, scouring her memory for anything to do with the word humans. But nothing came.

I'm sorry and I hope this doesn't sound stupid, but what's a human? Haven asked, looking down at her paws as she walked. She was thinking of what a human might be. Ilya said that humans couldn't be blocking the dam because there weren't any close by. That meant that if they were close by, that they could be blocking it. Were they like beavers? Or maybe some weird type of rock that dammed up rivers. Or maybe they were big and fat like the seals she'd seen at the coast with Sebastian. The young Grove wolf pondered these ideas while waiting for Ilya's answer.

RE: what's this???? - Ilya - October 29, 2015

"I already do,"
the soot-colored female smiled, staring down before shaking out her fur and looking down the river. She began to walk, making sure that Haven was following.

Ilya chuckled a little at the young wolf. "You'd always think there'd be something to do, but sometimes there just isn't enough," she murmured softly, shaking her head. "I usually have trouble finding things to do, I feel as though the pack always has enough food and our borders are usually secured. What else to do than explore the territory?" It was partically a joke, but serious enough. Ilya was beginning to spend a lot of time around the territory, looking for new things and tracking the old ones. The river was one of those things, and she quite liked it. It was cool to drink and soothing after a long trek from her den. 

Her stride halted momentarility, as if she'd forgotten how to step for a split second. "What's a human?" she repeated quietly, shocked. Somewhere in her she wasn't surprised that such a young wolf hadn't heard of a human before, especially in these territories where humans didn't inhabit. And thinking even further about it, Ilya remembered how different her past was from others. "Well..." she murmured, tilting her head and staring forward as she walked. "They aren't awfully big creatures, although some of them can be very overweight. They're taller than us, but rather weak," she explained, thoughtfully. "They don't have much hair, only on their heads and a bit on their legs,"  she continued. "You'd know, if you saw them. They don't look anything like us. They walk on two-legs and wear pelts to keep themselves warm," 

The she-wolf thought carefully as her tail swug behind her, remembering the vague interactions that she had with them as a pup, and the dreadful encounters she had when she was about Haven's age. "They don't seem like a threat, and up close they are quite kind and gentle. They don't have claws of sharp teeth... Or really even muzzles. But I'd never battle one. They carry these... Well, I'm not sure what they are. But they're loud, and it'll kill you without even touching you. Leaves a small crater wherever they aimed." Her thoughts sent a shiver down her spine. "I doubt you will down here, but if you ever come across a human; run."

"Oh," she remembered, shaking her head, "and they like to build these walls in the middle of rivers. I guess to keep the water for themselves? I've never understood it.  It's sort of like what a beaver does but more... strange... And for no reason, as far as I'm concerned," she shook her head again with disapproval. "Strange creatures, humans. I'm glad they don't inhabit near these lands."

RE: what's this???? - Haven - October 29, 2015

Haven understood what Ilya meant. It seemed like the pack never really needed much of her, well except for when Scimitar had told her she was to be the Jade Fern Grove recruiter. She hadn't been all too successful with that. But she would still try if given the chance. I totally get that! It always seems like the pack is set and ready, and there's not much for me to do. Exploring's kind of my go to thing nowadays! She chuckled playfully, a big grin on her face. She liked talking to Ilya, and she was glad that she had found a friend.

Ilya stopped when Haven asked about humans, and Haven had to stumble over her feet to stop as well. She backed up towards Ilya and listened to the human's description. They sounded really ugly, and not at all like she'd imagined. She nodded, now feeling a bit smarter. Alright thanks, good to know. She said, it seemed like the black fae had had a run in with humans before. Haven didn't want to press her about it right now, though she was curious. Maybe if we get to be better friends I'll ask about it, she thought standing up and walking forwards.

Haven tried to imagine a wall in a river. Kind of like a beaver dam, but not. She shrugged off the thought, knowing that she wouldn't understand even if the really tried. They sound pretty weird. I'll definitely make sure to watch out for them. She said as she walked upstream after Ilya. Finally they came to what seemed like could be the problem. Oh! Found it! She yelped sarcastically, bounding towards what she recognized to be a beaver dam. I'm not sure exactly what a human dam looks like, but I'm pretty sure this one was made by beavers. She joked in her sarcastic tone, looking at the pile of sticks and mud in the middle of the river.

The Grove wolf was rather excited to see the beaver dam. She hadn't seen one since her old pack at Ivory Falls, and even back there she hadn't seen many. This one was rather impressive. She took a step forwards sniffing at it, then batting at it with a paw. A small stick cracked loose and she watched it wide eyed as it was carried down stream. Once it was out of view, Haven lost interest in it, and she turned back to the older female. Awesome! So what should we do? I'm not sure if I want to tear it down. Someone really worked hard to get it up. Maybe we could put some small holes in it on that side or something? I don't know it's up to you Miss Naturalist. Haven shrugged with a smile, tail wagging slightly.

RE: what's this???? - Ilya - October 29, 2015

This is supposed to turn into a pack activity, in a new thread of course. I would glady invite you to come join that thread when we begin it? (: I'd like to finish out to 10 posts though, if we haven't already and we can start another with Ilya and Haven if you'd like! (:

The black fae chuckled, her tail wagging with amusement. "If you do I think you'll be able to handle them," she mused, her eyes sparkling. The pup had spunk. Ilya was by no means old, but it was nice to see someone so young and so excited. "Just watch for the loud sticks," she warned and looked back up towards the river. 

She continued to pad along, curious and eager. She spoke with the gray and white wolf as they walked, keeping her senses alert for any danger. Now that she had really gotten to thinking about the humans, she was a little on edge; even though she knew there was nothing logical to be worried about. They walked for a while, and Ilya learned a little about the Grove, and shared some things about the Hallow... No confidential information, just who was in charge and her favorite spots. Mordecai and Harlyn, for one, and goofy Luke as second in charge. No Betas, but it was a new pack and Ilya assumed they would be appointed in the future- she didn't mention that though. She told Haven about the small pond surronded by oaks just outside of camp, the strange vines that coated the trees, and the strange boulders. She even mentioned her den, and gave her some advice about den building, even though she assumed Haven had already known about it. Use a rock for the bottom of a den, if at all possible. Makes for cool nights during the summer and easily insulated during the winter with pelts. She hoped she'd kept Haven intertained, for it was a while before they reached what appeared to be a dam.

Ilya chuckled, wagging her tail with excitement. "They're made out of some smooth rock, it's made by them though, not a natural rock," she explained briefly, and then began to sniff at the dam. "I would like to destroy it now, but it's too big," she muttered, looking across the whole river. "Too thick, and if the beavers grow angry there aren't enough of us to fight them off," she stood and looked it over for a while. 

"We may just have to return to camp. It isn't causing any harm. I'll  just alert my alpha and we'll take the pack to destroy it," she decided, but then grew a bit concerned. "I suppose you wouldn't be there to contribute though, which you seem to be interested in..." her thoughts faultered for a moment, unsure of what to say.

RE: what's this???? - Haven - October 30, 2015

On the way to the dam, Ilya had told Haven a bunch of things about her pack. The Hollow wolves sounded nice, and the territory sounded lovely. She listened intently when Ilya gave her advice on den building. Haven in turn told Ilya about the Grove. She told her about how her Alpha was Scimitar and his sister Kaskara was the Beta. She said it was a very nice family pack, and there were quite a few pups. She told her about the territory, how it was very dense and pretty, and in autumn it looked like a sea of oranges and yellows. Haven's own den was in an indented tree not too far from the rest of the packs. Maybe it was time she upgraded to a rock floor like Ilya said.

Haven nodded as Ilya spoke about the task at hand. Ilya seemed eager to take it down, but it was in fact, too big. She got a little sad when she said that they might have to go back to camp, she was enjoying the little quest they had been on. But then she had an idea. Do you think your pack would mind if I tagged along and helped out? I'd love to see how it turns out, and be of any assistance if I can. She asked, then adding quickly, But of course I'll be fine if this is a more packy kind of thing. I don't mind sitting it out, as long as you tell me how it went. She smiled, tail wagging in a friendly manner. She really liked hanging around Ilya, and hoped maybe they could meet up again.

Yeah ok! Its up to you whether or not Haven can come to the pack thread or not, but of course I'd be up to it. And maybe after this thread we could start another towards Haven's Counselor trade? I don't know just asking xP

RE: what's this???? - Ilya - October 30, 2015

"I'll have to get back to you," Ilya smiled and dipped her head. She gave the fae a friendly nudge on the shoulder and wagged her tail happily. "It was nice meeting you, Haven. I wish you safe travels back home and good luck," she told her. "I will let you know if it is okay with my Alpha, I'd love for you to come help." Ilya dipped her head in farewell again and began back towards her camp to alert Modecai of the dam.

Sorry it's sort! Just a quick ending. (: I would love for that! I will message you and we can think of something! (: @Mordecai This thread is finished, if you could please close it! Thank you!

RE: what's this???? - Haven - November 02, 2015

Haven nodded at Ilya's comment. She hoped that the Hollow pack would let her help with unblocking Mudminnow. She'd become pretty interested in how it could turn out. It was nice meeting you two! And thanks for inviting me to possibly come help out! I'd love to! She smiled and watched her new friend run back up the river, probably to go find her Alpha. The grey and white wolf looked at the dam for a moment, she was excited to see how the pack could work together to take it down. It reminded her of how in her old pack, they always did big group things together. She smiled to herself at the good memories, and then bounded back in the direction of Jade Fern Grove.

Great! I'll archive it :)