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Fox's Glade i'm up - Printable Version

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i'm up - Regipre - October 26, 2015

Perhaps @Hiraku or @Pippin? Anyone's welcome, though! :)

Her warm pink tongue passed over the place where her leg had once attached to her body and, for the first time in a week, Reggie did not taste fresh blood. When she was satisfied that it was clean, she moved on to the rest of her body, grooming herself meticulously, like a cat. There was a slight silver lining to all of this: with one forelimb out of the way, she had slightly easier access to her chest and belly.

When she was done, she sprawled next to the stream with a sigh. There was a single dried fish next to her but she didn't eat it. Over the past several days, she had proved to be an excellent fisher (catlike, indeed). It had a lot to do with the fact that she literally couldn't go much of anywhere or do much of of anything, allowing the young coyote to give fishing practice her undivided attention. The only other thing she really did was sleep.

Presently, she wasn't tired, nor hungry, nor did she feel like fishing. After lying there awhile, she slowly pushed herself upright and decided to practice walking. She used her hind legs to propel herself forward and her single foreleg to maintain balance. Rather than step, she hopped. It looked and felt ridiculous but Reggie supposed she would get better at it over time. At least she was only missing one leg and not two eyes, like that poor Swift wolf.

RE: i'm up - Bandit - October 26, 2015

Pippin liked to see more of the world that just one tree with a family. He left his own mother at a respectable age and was now roaming around. The Coon was watchful of predators once he was down from the trees. He often spend his nights by the river and tried to find anything edible. Often the raccoon wasn't dirty from a bit of meat a wolf left though Pippin preferred insects. 

He had been making a little home in one of the trees close to where the three legged coyote pup was struggling. Pippin watched in amusement at the silly youngster. Surely it was not much amusement for the pup itself but for the raccoon it was like reality tv right from his couch. Seeing the pup hop around made him less frightened of her. So the fat ball of fluff climbed down the tree to check it out up close. 

He had his teeth already bared in a bit of a wicked grin. He might look cute from the outside but he could be rather terrible once met in person. He plopped down a few paces away from the coyote before he let out a snicker.

RE: i'm up - Hiraku - October 26, 2015

Hope you don't mind an extra fox

A lot was on Hiraku's mind. First, he had another nightmare on Scratch's death. Second, he was chased by that white wolf again. And third, Kit entered his mind once again. A mix of guilt and fear kept him alert and ready to continue further. Still a bit out of breath, he walked normally through the glade. It seemed like a nice place, but he was bound to find a problem. He always did, and that, along with that bloody white wolf, has kept him on the move.

While continuing further, he noticed a three-legged coyote, and felt his stomach drop. The poor wolf Swift got added into the mix in his head, and he faltered from walking. He didn't want the same thing to happen...again. Yet, it wasn't a wolf and instead was a coyote. She wasn't sobbing, so at least she could react sensibly. He spied the area around (which was much-easier than the woods from before) and found a raccoon observing, something of a grin on his face. He tried to think what that grin was for...and felt chills go down his back, the scar across his nose aching. That cat did the same face before the two of them scuffled. He started to walk slowly towards the coyote, keeping the raccoon in his eyesight.

RE: i'm up - Regipre - October 28, 2015

She bobbed forward a few more feet when a sudden phantom pain caused her to screech to a halt, her face pinching somewhat. Her breath hissed sharply between her teeth as the twinging peaked, then began to ebb away. Although it started to fade, Reggie suddenly felt weak. Her hindquarters sank like a stone and she instinctively lowered her head, allowing the blood to flow there better.

Movement caught her attention and the young coyote turned to see a raccoon leering at her. Immediately, the darker fur on her cape prickled like quills and she sat up straighter again, blinking as she fought against the subsequent wooziness. Before she could say or do anything, a third animal, a red fox, walked onto the scene, like this was some sort of critter convention.

Regipre couldn't run. She couldn't fight. Just as she had done with Lakhesis, she quietly appealed, "Please, don't hurt me." The odds of getting out of this one alive were slim to none, though. She didn't like the way the raccoon was looking at her and the fox could easily dispatch her too. If either one (or both) decided to attack, the young coyote wouldn't have a chance.

RE: i'm up - Bandit - October 28, 2015

Pippin felt like he could have his revenge now. All those times the wolves were hunting on him or even coyotes, now he could just grab a rock and kill the pup. But his though process was soon interrupted because a red fox showed up. Pippin jumped up from his slouching position. He didn't even get to comment on the pup with three legs. That one was definitely not going to survive. Pippin liked surviving so he dashed off to one of the trees and climbed up to a branch. He looked down on the two of them. 

The fox could eat him so maybe he would spectate to see how the fox would eat this pup. Maybe he even got a piece of its meat. The coon looked down but his grin was back because he evaded all danger. "Like that won't get you killed. We always live in fear because of your species," he called out to the coyote. Coyote, wolf all the same. "You totally deserve this," he stated.

RE: i'm up - Hiraku - October 28, 2015

There was no need to take calculations on the coyote. Crippled, young, and alone, he could kill her with one good bite to the neck. A combination of pity, wariness of her friends, and a somewhat-good nature kept him from doing so. It was the raccoon that he was concerned with. In a normal battle, he had the better speed and agility, but knew those things had nasty weapons in the form of teeth and claws. As he could climb a tree, he had more maneuverability to get the upper hand...or paw in this case. he would have to keep an eye on him.

As he came closer, he answered the coyote's plea. "I won't" he calmly stated, trying to not let his voice rise too loud. He then brought his attention to the raccoon, a smirk inadvertently forming on his face. "A bit cowardly, aren't we?" he called towards the raccoon, "Talking about all of that and not even making an attempt to avenge your species?" For some reason, he wanted to irritate the bandit. Maybe it was due to that cat from his past or Scratch's own demise running through his head, but it was the first time he was actively trying to antagonize another.

RE: i'm up - Regipre - October 28, 2015

I should not have laughed out loud at the image of a raccoon grabbing a rock and smashing Reggie with it. But I did.

Their responses could not have been more different. The raccoon threatened her, his remark about her species causing Reggie's ears to fold backward. Why did every other wild animal out there seem to hate the coyote so much? Before she could think on it much, the fox declared that he meant her no harm. He then spoke to the masked bandit, although taunted might have been a better term.

Regipre blinked slowly. Was the fox instigating the raccoon? She felt hope blossom in her chest, along with a little bit of gratitude. Maybe if they distracted one another, she could somehow slip away into the underbrush. Of course, they could (and would) come after her if they didn't kill one another first. But it was really her only hope. The young coyote really couldn't have been more weak or helpless.

Her other option was, of course, to pick a side. The choice was obvious. Although the raccoon was clearly quite feisty, the fox was larger and swifter. Besides, he meant her no harm, whereas the coon had openly antagonized her. Reggie would just have to forgive the fox for trying to egg the raccoon into making good on his threat.

After quickly weighing her options, Reggie said to the vulpine, "I'll catch as many fish as you like if you protect me from him." Her golden eyes swept to the raccoon, then back to the fox's sharp features, and the whelp unknowingly held her breath. It was a huge gamble but Regipre had played her only card.

RE: i'm up - Bandit - October 29, 2015

Hahaha. I thought it was a funny visual as well

The raccoon let out a snort when the fox returned some words to him. He might have thought of avenging his species but the Fox couldn't know that because he was thinking it. He had only spoken to the coyote that she deserved this, not that he was going to actually make her pay for it. Pippin could be mean but he wasn't a brute. Yet -- Now he thought about it, he might be a brute. Because killing would be the easy way out for the pup. 

Pippin quietly reached for a pinecone when the coyote pup spoke to the fox. Then once he had a good grip on it he threw the pinecone towards the fox head. "Who says I should avenge her? She might have deserved losing a leg but she won't do much killing with three paws. You on the other hand would," he pointed out to the red colored fox. Pippin readied another pinecone and threw it once again to the fox's head. "Protectin'? From me? I prefer insects over you," he pointed out to the coyote pup. "Who is known as the sly creature? Not the raccoon but the fox. I'm telling you, I might be a bandit but don't make deals with a fox. Eveeerrrrr,' Pippin returned. The raccoon just found it amusing to make the pup even more hesitant.

RE: i'm up - Hiraku - October 29, 2015

The fox moved to avoid the first pinecone as it sailed past him. He felt himself grin a bit more that he thought he got on the raccoon's nerves. "True," he agreed with the raccoon's statement before noticing a second pinecone. He moved enough to avoid it, but the wind grabbed the projectile and plunked it on his head. Hiraku staggered a bit before regaining his bearings, admitting to himself he was being too careless. "Like I need to be more brain-damaged than I already am," he muttered to himself as he straightened up. At the very least, he knew the raccoon wouldn't fight him, though he can cause a headache...mentally and physically.

At the mention of him being sly, he chuckled. Animal stereotypes was something he and his brother got a lot of. It was particularly funny with Scratch, as he was always the biggest of cowards...and cannot hide even if his life depended on it. Maybe that's how he got torn apart. "Sly, somewhat. I prefer the term crazy. By the way, I prefer voles over coyote." He glanced at the coyote. "So I guess you're really not in danger, are you?"

RE: i'm up - Regipre - October 29, 2015

The raccoon's spidery little claws grabbed for a nearby pine cone and Reggie's shoulders went rigid. He lobbed it at the fox instead of her, along with some feisty words. The young coyote's lips pressed together as he dished out a few mild insults, some of them directed at her and the rest at the red vulpine. The latter didn't seem overly perturbed by any of it; he leaped to the side, avoiding the missiles, grinning all the while. He was as swift as Regipre had suspected.

The fox's quiet quip about brain damage caused a puzzled expression to drift across her features, though the next moment, she resumed her poker face. Neither creature had paid any attention when she'd chosen sides, so maybe this was her signal; she should try to sneak away. Even as she began to assume her creep mode, the fox said the word sly and turned to face her, including her in the conversation again.

Reluctant though she was, Reggie drew in a breath. The last thing she wanted to do was upset either of the other animals, prompting them to attack. She wouldn't be able to escape unnoticed, so she had to play the game. She wasn't one for conversation but she would have to fly by the seat of her pants today if she didn't want to get eaten. She didn't think she would survive even a small wound at this point.

"I guess not," she said rather tonelessly, not sure what else to say. She definitely wasn't about to join in the banter. "What are your names?" she asked inanely.

RE: i'm up - Bandit - October 30, 2015

Pippin internally cheered once a pinecone collided with the fox head. What a success! But then the fox ruined his play of trickery for him telling the other that she wasn't really in danger. Well that was no fun. The raccoon watched the two from above. Now this was all boring again, perhaps he could thrown another pinecone at the fox. Or maybe throw it at the three legged pup. Maybe it would unbalance her and make her trip over. That would be hilarious. Instead of speaking out his name Pippin grabbed another pinecone as the others didn't pay attention.

The then squinted his eyes and threw a pinecone at the three legged coyote. Hopefully it was a successful hit and it would make his day. Pippin could be rather mean towards others, especially predators, which is probably how he would die in the end. By the hand of teased predators. But now, none of the two creatures on the ground could do anything against his pinecone throwing.

RE: i'm up - Hiraku - October 30, 2015

"Hiraku, you?" As he waited for an answer, he noticed something flickering in the distance. A sense of uneasiness came over him, but he tried to push it out of his memory. That wolf would never show up around others, he knew that much. He nervously shifted around, questioning his own sanity. He then noticed something flying through the air. He jumped far to the side for safe measure, so that the wind didn't peg him on the head again. It was then that he realized he wasn't the intended target. He tried to move, but it was too late. He couldn't warn her even if he wanted to. He bit his lip as he saw the pinecone fly at the coyote's head.

RE: i'm up - Regipre - October 30, 2015

The fox answered readily, calling himself Hiraku. "Reggie," she replied simply. Her eyes then flicked to the raccoon, even as the pine cone struck her right in the side of the face. It didn't hurt as much as it startled her, though its rough edges scratched the flesh beneath her right eye. Regipre blinked rapidly, gaze dropping to the pine cone as it rolled against her one remaining forepaw and came to a stop. She then squinted at the raccoon.

There was nothing she could do to defend herself. If the raccoon wanted to throw things at her, it could do so all day long. With no chance of fight or flight, Reggie huffed quietly, accepting her fate. She glanced at Hiraku out of the corner of her eye and thought of repeating her promise to catch fish in exchange for some protection. But she remained silent, sinking to the ground and ducking her head to avoid further missiles.

RE: i'm up - Bandit - October 31, 2015

I felt kinda bad after that. xD

Pippin let out a victorious laugh once the pinecone collided with the pup. He was really a master of throwing pinecones! That would teach them! Though--- He didn't really get the reaction he was expecting. The coon looked down on them from the higher branch, but the pup didn't even seem to cry or be upset with him. She was just accepting what was happening to him. Well that was boring!? Pippin let out a huff. He was tempted to grab more pinecones but where was the fun in that!?

The raccoon at least scared a bit of the fox. Meh. His dark masked face then looked at the branches from another tree and climbed into the other one. "Bye Losers!," he called out. He had to find someone better to terrorize. These two weren't even worth his attention. They were both weaklings. 

-Pippin Out -

RE: i'm up - Hiraku - October 31, 2015

The pinecone managed to hit the coyote's face, scratching it up a bit. The fox started to make his move, but the raccoon already left. An icy rage built up inside him and he sunk to the ground, covering his face with his paws. He felt the same feeling he did before, being able to help but not doing so. He got up again, a melancholy look on his face. "Sorry about that," he said, "and sorry for scaring you before. I really don't mean to hurt others, unless there's a reason to." With that, he started to turn away. He didn't want to take up any more of her time.

Before he left, he remembered something. "Hey, is there anything wrong with this place?" It seemed like a good idea to ask, as she doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon. As well, it one of the few places he felt safe.

RE: i'm up - Regipre - October 31, 2015

Pippin was hilarious. *waves* :D

Her lack of reaction wound up being her saving grace. With a few choice words, the raccoon climbed out of sight. Reggie let out a small sigh of relief, then turned toward Hiraku. What would the fox do now? It turned out he would apologize for the coon's actions, then his own, before moving to leave. He was going to leave her alone; they both were. She wasn't going to die today.

Her insides felt almost like jelly, though she stiffened all over again when the fox stopped and spoke again. Reggie blinked slowly, not quite sure she understood, before deciding to simply answer, "No." She then held her breath, wondering if he intended to stick around after all. She silently hoped he would at least move to another area of the glade and leave her be.

RE: i'm up - Hiraku - October 31, 2015

We should do this again some time. Thanks for the thread!

Hiraku thought that he might move here once he did something with that wolf, and almost asked more before noticing he was still bothering the coyote. His ears wilted a bit, though he just had to remind himself about before. He was merely vermin, so maybe it was the best that he left. With one friendly smile, he turned to leave. "I'll see you around then. Take care." With that, he walked towards his destination again. It would be nice to see her again, but he doubted that she would like to see him as well.

RE: i'm up - Regipre - November 01, 2015

Yeah, I enjoyed it. :)

Hiraku said a few more parting words, then walked upstream and vanished. Regipre only exhaled then. She was so relieved she could cry, though the stoic spirit within her would not allow it. Drawing in another shaky breath, she tried to push herself onto all threes but found herself so feeble, she sank back down to the ground. She began to army crawl instead, pulling herself toward the cover of a nearby bush. Her svelte body crushed the dried fish on the way there but she paid it no attention, just like she ignored the shooting pains in her stub.

Feeling as safe as she could manage given her surroundings and situation, Regipre curled into a compact ball. Although she knew it was childish, she tucked her nose beneath her tail, then fanned its feathery tip over her eyes. She shut them tightly, taking deep, even breaths until her nerves relaxed and she finally fell into a restless sleep.