Wolf RPG
Sawtooth Spire Am I alone in the dark? - Printable Version

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Am I alone in the dark? - Currawong - November 12, 2015

Out for any WF or anyone really. @Hiraku if you want to..

He hadn't seen much of the pack around the last few.. weeks. Had they left? Were they even alive? Questions formulated in his head one after the other as he struggled to find any fresh scent of his packmates. Elk, goat, rabbit, it was all there except the predators that dominated the land. Most wolves he had met, with the exception of a few. Yet, their presence seemed to be almost non-existent. 

He walked around for a little bit, picking up on a few old scents but found none of recent. Where were they? He had it in his mind to journey past the territory in search of his comrades if their trace was not found soon. Throwing back his head, he let out a howl for anyone that heard. The lack of wolf contact made him worried, tons upon tons of bad conclusions tramped his thoughts.

RE: Am I alone in the dark? - Vlad - November 18, 2015

Tagging @Rosalyn and @Rat for visibility - going to assume that they're journeying towards the coast. :D Keeping it vague because I don't know if Njal is following.

The creature that answered was not a Spire wolf. After a moderately successful recruitment drive in the west, he and his merry band of stragglers were heading towards the beach where Blackface and here cave were waiting.

They had paused to hunt in the fields to the south of the Sunspire. Whilst the others tried their luck on the hunt, Vlad explored the mountains - the fading scent of wolf suggested that a pack had lived here, or at least passed through.

He was barely a stone's throw away when Savik's call went up. A mottled head popped up from behind a thick block of mountain, its sloppy grin at odds with the keen, yellow eyes that fastened upon the stranger. "Frend!" he woofed, but remained where he was. Savik looked distressed, but in good health. "Who calling? Ees no peck here - I check!" It was true; Vlad had yet to see another wolf.

RE: Am I alone in the dark? - Currawong - November 22, 2015

Backdated to before he joined RHC

Savik looked curiously towards the other wolf, it's voice thick with foreign accent. He walked closer to the male, wary of his intentions there. If new wolves were moving in, he had to leave. Maybe the stranger had not found sight of his pack, but if there had been any scents of them on his journey, Savik needed to know. 
"Oh, well you see i'm looking for my pack. They may have moved on, have you smelt any wolves like me around?" He asked, though the pack scent was fading from his fur. 

Yet, he wouldn't stick around to search aimlessly for a pack who had simply left without a goodbye. With luck, he would find a new pack to take him in before the winter. It would be the first winter he spent alone without a pack, if he couldn't find one. The thought made him anxious, as he had always relied on the pack as they relied on him to face the bitter cold season. To be spent alone minimized his good health, which he couldn't afford.

RE: Am I alone in the dark? - Vlad - November 30, 2015

He seemed the chipper sort, confirming what Vlad already knew in his response - there was no wolf pack here. A wry grin pulled the corner of Vlad's mouth deep into his cheek. "Peck is leaving wolf here?" he asked, squinting his yellow eyes at the stranger. What good reason did a pack have to leave one of their own behind? "Vat bed diseases is heving you? Ees very beeg flea?" He bwahaha-ed at this, knowing full well that a pack would not disown a member for a bout of fleas - not unless they were the kind that the Rat had cultivated.

RE: Am I alone in the dark? - Currawong - December 06, 2015

Savik nodded in solemn agreement. It was time to face facts, he was alone. They were gone and he was alone, again. Bollocks. Every attempt to join a pack had gone south, no matter his good intentions. At the rate of failure he was going at, it would be news to him if he survive the winter!

Savik cocked his head, his brows furrowed at the man's question. Diseases? Who said anything about diseases? A huff of annoyance escaped his restraint, clearly not amused by the joke. "No, i'm not diseased. They just.. left" He stated rather bluntly, surprising himself. This man would clearly not be of any help nor seemed to know anything. Though the stranger's accent intrigued him. He had never heard something like it before, perhaps he was from abroad. "Well, what about you? You don't sound like you're from around here" He asked, out of curiosity. He didn't mean to be rude but anything to take his mind off of his pack would do him good, for the time being.