Wolf RPG
Moonspear it's simply unbearable - Printable Version

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it's simply unbearable - Charon - November 13, 2015

because fun bear plot is fun :D read more about this plot in the member only forum ^_^ all welcome! :D

Charon broke out of the forest around noon, trotting along a trail that lead up the lower slopes of the mountain, returning from a quick patrol. He had a lot to think about, what with Osprey's return and Jorunn's, too. Were there more dead-but-not-really-dead friends and family out there? And were they all getting along with their life too, forgetting all about Charon? It was a weird thought.

The young Alpha leaned down to take a sip from the narrow river beside the trail while he considered he should catch up with Ame — so much had happened! — on the west side of the mountain when he suddenly heard a familiar sound. Ears fell back and pressed forth and head snapped erect. A scent soon drifted towards him, and the familiar bear's grunt repeated itself. "Fuck!" Charon swore aloud as he saw the bear lumbering on towards him from afar.

A half-eaten fish was between its teeth, and when it noticed Charon the bear halted and stood on its hind legs, looking even more terrifyingly huge. "Fuck you, I've had enough of bears!" Charon spat, and with his tail curled across his back and hackles raised he started to back away from the river as the bear continued to lumber towards him. He tried to make himself big, hoping that by doing so he would scare it off and it would decide not to eat him. When he was younger, Charon would've tried wrestling it to the ground, but experience had taught him that wasn't an option when it came to bears.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Wildfire - November 13, 2015

Wildfire liked to take her time and think things through before making decisions. She had done as much when pondering her move to Moonspear and she was doing the same now when it came to her trades. Both Naturalist and Warrior were on the chopping block now... but was it a good idea to drop two trades, just like that? Perhaps she should keep one or the other and just work really hard to make it relevant and suitable? On that note, her hunting endeavors were going surprisingly well. If things kept up in that department, she might have to add Gamekeeper to her repertoire. Her father would be proud.

A series of noises scattered her thoughts like leaves on the wind. Wildfire snapped to attention, narrowing her eyes and leaning forward to focus on the sounds. That doesn't sound good... she thought in the instant before she hastily jumped down from her perch on an overhang and began running down the mountain. As she went, a scent filled her nose. She didn't recognize it but it made the red ridge of fur along her spine stand on end.

When she burst onto the scene, Wildfire froze to ascertain the situation. "Charon!" she blurted unhelpfully when her eyes clapped upon the bear. It was huge. Did her aunt really fight these things? If so, how did she survive?! Her heart broke into a sprint and she experienced a very strong impulse to flee but she neither wanted to leave her Alpha to die, nor condemn herself as a rubbish fighter for all time.

Swallowing her fears, the youth leaped to her comrade's flank to face the threat beside him. Her lips wrinkled back from her teeth and she puffed out her fur, trying to look larger. She felt like a mouse compared to the towering ursine. But she hoped that the pair of them might prompt the bear to reconsider an attack, even if they didn't scare him (her?) outright.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Amekaze - November 14, 2015

((for my own ref -- will likely use for warrior *goes on offensive*)
She trailed the small river's bank, casual and at ease here down these paths that were almost second-nature. Since she had been up roving beneath the starlight all night and chasing rabbits to sate her hunger all morning, she was beginning to consider retiring away for a few hours to rest. After a long cool drink and dunking her paws in the waters, it was certainly appealing greatly about now.

Before she even made it around the next curve of the waterway, all such thoughts of relaxation wilted away and she was moving faster. There was a scent.. and now that she was closer, sounds to accompany it. She immediately felt obligated to check it out and more so when she heard Charon's voice.. then Wildfire's not long after. She came onto the scene to the sight of the beast's back reared up to its full height -- a massive wall of ugliness on the riverbank. It lumbered towards Charon and Wildfire both, and Amekaze's hackles stiffened, hating everything about what she saw.

She'd never encountered a bear up close. Whenever she'd shared the neutral riverways with them, she avoided them to fish elsewhere. But this was her home and gaining new speed, she traced the river until she swung in for the bear. Ame aimed to use her sudden arrival to spook it, and in the end, rally it away from this place. Towards its legs, she snapped and vocalized her presence with an ugly, snarling bark as her jaws clicked close before she wheeled aside out of (hopeful) reach. Her speed and agility were her clearest advantages, after all.

She had her fur on ends and posture drawn up appropriately to make her look the biggest she could, but so close to this monster, she still felt horrifically small. Watching the bear, she began to move closer to her packmates to see how her harassment would be received. Together, they could possibly annoy the thing into leaving the area -- assuming it didn't immediately launch to full-on aggression.. which was a distinct worry of hers.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Nishu Inte - November 14, 2015

Nishu had been investigating the west side for a couple of days. It all started with the intention of seeking answers to Wildfires behavior but he never found any links. Instead there were more disturbing evidences. Something has been visiting the mountains and whatever it was it was large. That would be all he figured. It was enough to say that there may be a threat wondering around but there was some uncertainty.

While out there scouting around he caught a recent scent and followed it towards a river. He searched around for a couple minutes before seeing a massive bear standing on it's hinds. He was too far to hear them but he saw wolves that he recognized. What were they doing?! Do they even know what they are up against?! As Nishu rushed he saw Ame make her move he watched closely at the bear reaction. Giving it a few seconds it looked like it wasn't counting on backing off. It was more like it was getting ready to make a stand against them. A reason to understand that behavior is that it's home is close and with winter approaching there's no doubt that it will try to stay.

It didn't look too happy with Ame's little attack but Nishu was still too far to be able to do anything useful. Right now all he wanted was for everyone to run away so he stopped and yelled "Retreat! Run away!" If everyone was following a plan then maybe they would stand a chance against a bear what wasn't a push over. If the bear didn't run then the others should NOW. The bear shown no fear but instead readiness. It was likely going to attack. If it does Nishu was going to have to jump in against it to buy time for the others to run. He was expecting the worst after all and he would probably be the best suited for the job to buy time.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Floki - November 14, 2015

It was Nishu's shout that Floki heard, and although the former knight's words clearly told him that he should head in the opposite direction, he couldn't help but draw nearer to investigate. He was able to follow the curve of a river towards his packmate, and soon enough he found the reason for Nishu's concern. Beyond him stood Charon, Wildfire, and Amekaze, all facing off against a bear.

The ursine was standing on its hind legs, a fish clasped firmly in its jaws. Floki's stomach dropped clear to his paws; he was fairly certain that his heart had stopped beating. The boy was frozen with fear, flashbacks playing in his mind -- the bear on the beach, Jorunn's shouts, the sound of Atreyu's leg being ripped from his body. He would be next to helpless in this situation, but rather than approach to form a united front with his packmates or retreat like a coward, he remained rooted to the spot, his ears ringing and saliva pooling fearfully in his mouth as he trembled.

He was no bear fighter, and he hadn't realized until that very moment that he was deathly afraid of the beasts.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Charon - November 15, 2015

Soon, others joined by his side. Dhole was first, and while he appreciated her help much, Charon hoped for others to join: they needed more wolf-power than this to keep it out of reach, unfortunately. The young Alpha next saw Ame suddenly dash out of seemingly nowhere and attack the bear, nipping at it and causing it to shift its attention from Charon. Before Charon could respond, he heard Nishu shouting for a retreat. The bear was distracted with Amekaze, ripping its paws through the air but so far he seemed to miss each time — luckily. As he saw Ame fight the bear, Charon's heart thudded in his chest and a sick feeling churned his guts around. It was almost a replay of the day that Atreyu lost his leg, and he could almost see Ame being lifted and ripped through the air, hearing her bones snap with the same sickening crack that Atreyu's had at the time.

"Ame!" he shouted, "Get here! To me, everyone! We need to stay together and show this thing we're bigger and more dangerous than it while we retreat!" Charon wasn't about to run away and leave Ame out there, no matter how terrified he was. Perhaps it was because the thing that terrified him the most was fear of a repeat of the previous time he had encountered a bear; not because he considered that all of them might get hurt. He wasn't going to lead by Nishu's words; not until they were all together, anyway.

Charon just hoped that Ame would head his call, too. He didn't doubt that Flóki and Dhole would, and wasn't sure about Nishu nor Ame. The young Alpha wasn't sure how much longer he could be patient while she was out there fighting that thing alone. Much longer and he would lurch forward himself to come to her aid; but at the same time he saw that right now, what his pack needed from him was to stay here and lead his wolves to safety. Just like that day on the Stavanger Bay beach when he had lead Flóki to safety. Except this time, he wasn't going to let anyone else get hurt. Least of all Amekaze.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Wildfire - November 15, 2015

The bear shifted and cold dread flooded Wildfire. Perhaps he was about to strike at them with one of those colossal paws. The claws looked as if they could shear off a wolf's head in a single swipe. Suddenly all the fight went out of her. Her lips fell back over her teeth and her fur flattened along with her ears. Her black tail drooped between her hind legs and she crouched slightly. She looked like a panic-stricken pup, though to her credit, the little Warrior didn't run. She simply braced herself for the inevitable.

Then something dark shot at the bear and Wildfire rapidly blinked her amber eyes as she watched her Alpha female spring an attack on the ursine's legs. Her heart thudded in fear for Ame and she glanced at Charon as if to ask, What do we do?! From behind them, a voice cried, "Retreat! Run away!" Wildfire was glad for the reinforcements but she didn't dare look backward. She couldn't tear her eyes off the black-she wolf or the bear.

Charon began yelling, the noise causing Wildfire's ears to prick, then flatten again. She pressed in closer to the white male, still looking more like a frightened fox than a wolfish Warrior. "...and show this thing we're bigger and more dangerous than it..." Sucking in a deep breath, Wildfire mustered up all her bravery and courage and renewed her attempt to look big and mean. If it had been Wildfire alone, the bear wouldn't have batted an eyelash. But maybe four (or more) of them would be enough to deter the grizzly...

RE: it's simply unbearable - Amekaze - November 15, 2015

The bear gave its attention to her for a time, and she focused on staying just out of reach. Granted, with another purposeful lunge in her direction, that could change in half a heartbeat, but she didn't engage it intensely. Just harass with teeth showing and snarls, because fleeing blindly at first sight of it so deep in their territory felt wrong to the warrior's heart.. even if that could bring sacrifice of its own.

Knowing comrades were not far did help her, and plus, she had not experienced bears like the wolves of the Bay had to give her a fear that ran deeper than instinctual guidance. Frankly, she feared the malicious, graceful stealth of cougars far more. Bears were lumbering powerhouses of strength to her and she knew of how they hid away from winter. She wanted to make it clear that this mountainside was utterly unwelcoming for its purposes and that it needed to take itself elsewhere now.

But, halfway to Charon and Wildfire, she realized now that there were more wolves here, and none were seeming overly eager to rally any annoyances towards the bear. Which momentarily perplexed her -- they had numbers in their favor. She'd not had a chance for a good exact headcount and voices rose from various points but her ears were focused on the beast instead. It registered, only in part, but she was already working on doing what she could to get to them.

She moved to join the small wolf-wall at Charon's side opposite Wildfire although not nearly so close as she was. She didn't falter, with her tail tall, furs spiked, and teeth barred, proof that they were dangerous, even if fear seemed to dominate their group. Ame'd do what she could to make it clear, only hoping she'd have support in the gesture.. before this bear walked all over them and their resources.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Nishu Inte - November 16, 2015

Why weren't they running? Their chances of escape drops the longer they stay or more like they are giving the bear a chance to retaliate. Charon seemed to have rallied everyone together but if the bear isn't intimidated by now, all it will do is strike at them. Honestly from where Nishu stood it looked like a mother was making a stand with her teen children against a bear. He was imagining the worst possible outcome and a way to ensure a better result. To eliminate the worst case he would have jump in before the bear attacks them. The bear stood on it's hinds and started rising it's paw as it prepared to swipe at them. Nishu wasn't going to let it have a chance to strike!

He charged in at full speed. "Run you fools!" was all he was able to say before he rammed into the bear's side throwing it off balance causing it to fall on it's back. But due to fact that he spoke the bear was able to react better. It was able to swipe it's massive paw towards Nishu and with the reflexes it had for falling it lifted it's other arm. With the combine efforts of both of the bear's arms Nishu was tossed far behind into the river bank.

Ramming hurt Nishu more than it did the bear but at least it fell. What hurt much more was landing onto solid rocks in the river. This wasn't enough to keep his stubbornness down, even if he was a bit dizzy he got up and stood in the flowing river. He looked towards the bear, he couldn't see the others very well with the bear blocking the sight but he hoped that they would take this chance to leave.

The bear got up and looked at Nishu with much more anger than expected. Where was the fish it had in it's mouth?

RE: it's simply unbearable - Thistle Cloud - November 17, 2015

Thistle heard the calls and though she was not as large as the others, she was willing to protect those she needed too. She was a shield maiden after all. Even if she had forgotten lately. So with a growl and fur bristling she came upon them. Her tail held up her back, and her eyes angry, maw stretched wide with a snarl. She studied the stupid thing trying to figure out the best way to attack. She went to the one side and snapped at it, retreating backwards. Trying to steer it away from her loved ones. Size was on her side in this case, at least for the moment. She imagined she'd get a few wounds towards the end of this, but it was nothing she wasn't used too by now. She worked her way around to the others, but she couldn't quite get to them yet. Not that she was trying as hard as she could be.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Floki - November 17, 2015

Floki heard Charon's shout, but his voice sounded far away. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Wildfire and Amekaze taking up the mantle next to Charon, forming a united front against the bear. Nishu, too, cried out, then launched himself at the ursine, briefly breaking Floki's horrified attention. He blinked, watching as the bear swiped its paws at the knight and sent him sprawling into the water with little effort.

Finally able to force his feet to move, Floki darted towards Charon, Amekaze, and Wildfire. He positioned himself just behind them, eyes turned back to the bear as an additional wolf made an attack -- Floki felt equal relief and fear when he realized it was Thistle Cloud. She nipped at the antagonist, attempting to draw its awareness away from the others. Floki took a deep breath, drawing strength from his mother's bravery, and prepared him to follow any instructions given by Charon or Amekaze.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Jace - November 17, 2015

Jace heard the calls and the cries and with a low growl and a savage snarl he was upon the bear. Even though he hadn't been as present as he could be, he had stuck around. Mostly doing his own thing as he was known to do. But as always when his pack mates needed him, he was there.

Throwing his own weight and fierceness into the fray. He held no thought for his own self preservation, as was always the case with the reckless youth. He threw himself at the dark creature, biting and growling and clawing at it. He fell to the ground at a swipe to his side, letting out a quiet whimper when it connected with his ribs, but he continued fighting.

he called out to Nishu Can we drive it back from either side? He did not know of the little wolf that led her own bravery, but was pleased that she had.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Charon - November 17, 2015

i think it's safest if we want bear to pester moonspear a bit longer for it to retreat now, with so many wolves joining in! it's great to see you all so enthusiastic about this plot though :D also threw in a second bear so that bear #1 has some more getaway hope with so many wolves.

"NISHU, NO! I said —" Fuck these idiots, Charon thought when he saw Nishu lunge at the bear just as Ame retreated to his side. If they would've stuck together, then further assault wouldn't have been necessary. They just needed to stick together, but right now it seemed as though the pack was hanging together like loose sand. With no time to be too bothered about it, considering the threat they were facing, Charon made a quick decision when Thistle and Jace entered the fray. Jace was on their side, and he of course didn't realise that Nishu was being an inobedient prat rather than a brave hero, by the looks of him, and Thistle was on the wrong side.

Making a quick and rash decision Charon directed the wolves that had stuck with him: "We gotta press forward and chase it off before any of them get hurt, now!" He would deal with insubordinance later; now his top priority was to get the bear out of the way. With teeth bared and hackles raised, tail curled over his back, the young Alpha tried to make himself as big as possible before he moved forward. Charon wanted nothing more than to chomp this bear into pieces, but there was something inside of him that was deathly afraid of the bear. He couldn't help but see Atreyu getting flung through the air like a ragdoll whenever he looked at this magnificent, giant creature, and imagine that it was him this time. What sort of Alpha would a three legged wolf be? What sort of Alpha would a three-legged yearling be, in the eyes of his subordinates, some of which were already being horrible prats anyway?

He hesitated a split second as the thoughts flashed him, and it was what kept him from lunging at the bear full-out. He had enough of these self-proclaimed heroes though, and so he closed in on the bear with a loud growl — maybe he was scared to get close enough to bite, but he had plenty of bark — in hopes of driving it away from Nishu, Jace, Thistle and the rest of the group, for now. They could see how to deal with it afterwards then, in a more organised manner, after no one actually got hurt trying to play "i'm mr fucking hero and will give my life so my pack can escape even though we could've all escaped if i would've just listened" instead of "i'm a sensible wolf who wants zero wolves of this pack to get maimed by a fucking bear so i'll do as i'm fucking told".

As the bear turned towards him, looking ready to swipe its paw in his direction, Charon's bravery had sunk to his shoes, but on the outside he still looked ever the brave soldier while he snapped his teeth into the air in warning. The front of wolves was giving the bear second thoughts luckily, and so it started to turn away from them. At first, Charon opened his mouth to shout "Kill it!" to his wolves, but then he noticed a second bear looming up behind the first — which looked even bigger and more pissed off than the first. "Wait, no, fuck that shit! Get over here! Get out of its way!" he shouted with a lump in his throat, withdrawing his earlier kill-and-attack order as easily as it had slipped from his throat. The bear took this moment to lumber towards the second, larger bear, assuming it was not blocked by any wolves (in which case it'd probably attack).

RE: it's simply unbearable - Wildfire - November 17, 2015

Half of the pack rallied to Charon's flank as instructed while the other half threw themselves at the bear. One of those that moved closer was Floki. Wildfire spared him a quick glance but didn't even have time to make eye contact before her amber eyes returned to the scene unfolding before them. First Nishu, then two more wolves (both of them unfamiliar to her) rushed at the larger, fiercer predator, with varying levels of success.

Suddenly the young Alpha was shouting again, instructing his pack to attack the bear after all. He reneged half a breath later, when a second bear lumbered into view. Wildfire's insides twisted with fear and, without thinking, she took a step backward. She found herself bumping into Floki and exchanging a stricken look with him. The sight of him there at her side steeled her, at least, and calmed the pounding of her heart somewhat.

Shouldn't we retreat? her face seemed to say as she watched the two bears run toward one another. While the bears were preoccupied, it might be the perfect time to make a run for it. That would mean admitting defeat and possibly having to share their territory with not one but two bears... but perhaps if they fell back, regrouped and came up with a strategy as a whole, they could better fend off the burly beasts. But that was Charon's and Ame's call, not Wildfire's.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Amekaze - November 17, 2015

In an instant, this dissolved halfway to chaos ruled by fear and confusion with a solid helping of no one really being on the same page -- at all. Some of them were far too scared to do much, and others were just... well she wasn't sure what was going on. Frustration welled, and not just at the invading bear. Now from her more secured spot beside fellow wolves, she got a better feel on who all was here, even as more arrived. Nishu then launched at the bear, contrary to his earlier suggestions, bristling her further and he was soon joined by others who were new to this fray. Where was this effort seconds earlier? She snarled, edging forward once more while trying to ignore all the bullshit happening around her to prepare her next attack -- since apparently that was the new consensus. Even in a mess like this, they could at least hope to swarm one bear into retreating, but even bees had some sense of organization.

But then, another bear appeared on the edge of her periphery. This tipped matters and her ears flattened. Against two, and so scattered-brained as they were, they were ill-equipped. Her lone pounce for the one bear had affirmed that much for her, and all this indecision around her gave her a bad feeling. "We regroup!" she barked harshly over it all, forcing her voice to raise far more than what was her usual. While it aligned with what Charon said in the end, it delivered a hopeful bit of clarity to it -- one that they ought to listen to. "If we cannot pull ourselves together to face just one, two is an obvious suicide." she snarled, although less loud, as she rounded a path that put distance between herself and the first bear. Anyone with their heads about them still would be wise to do the same.

While she hated it, as was made clear by the stiff gait, lashing tail, and the angry bristling she wore, they had to put function before bravery this time.. as it was making no progress for them as it were. They'd have to return with a vengeance.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Nishu Inte - November 18, 2015

Assuming @Jace is on the same side as Nishu.
Nishu out!

Still no one wanted to run and it was frustrating to see that after making sure they would have a clean escape. Of course he would have a harder chance to escape but that was for the best. Several members attacked while others sat and waited. This was a terrible deal with the problem. There was no strategy, no plan but as Nishu watched it looked like if everyone just attacked together the bear could be killed quickly. Was he wrong to have insisted in wanting to retreat. He thought to be suggesting the best choice. Retreating only to get organized was all that he wanted but it looked like it was unnecessary.

His efforts felt wasted, it was as if he was slowing everyone down. With so many members here just swarming the bear would overwhelm it. But he didn't like the fact of attacking without a strategy that everyone follows. It's clear that no one was functioning as one. The pack isn't as united as it looked. Even so, it should be fine with almost everyone here. Almost everyone but clearly Rain wasn't. He felt like just leaving this bear to the others just to go check on her. The situation suddenly took a turn with the presence of another bear.

If everyone had a backbone maybe just swarming could still work but it wasn't the case. Now Nishu had no wish to jump in again for the sake of others. They had their chance to escape yet no one took it. Amekaze called to regroup but Nishu was cut off from the others. Passing by was too risky with an angry bear, he would have to join them farther away. "These bears are ready for a fight and not all here are up for the challenge. We need to fall back and regroup with others at the mountain." He said towards Jace. He called out towards Amekaze. "We'll regroup with you back at the mountains!" Nishu then stepped out of the water and followed the river for a while before turning back towards the mountains. Hopefully next time everyone will be ready to work as one. At the very least he wanted to share advice from his teachers that he remembered. Rain's safety was always top priority and it's for sure that a group of wolves is required to remove the bear thread. He was going to have to work with everyone. Nishu expected that it will be far different than hunting with fellow knights. He really didn't know what to expect from the others.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Thistle Cloud - November 18, 2015

Thistle heard the call to regroup and though she was brave, she was not foolish. So with a quiet bark she too tucked tail and ran. She'd join up with them later. Two bears was indeed suicide even if they were all united. There would be some wounds for certain. She didn't look back and she didn't wait around. She just ran.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Jace - November 18, 2015

Jace heard the call and with the expertise of a runner and warrior, he turned swiftly and ran from the fray. He was rash and reckless, but not an idiot. He and Nishu could not take on 2 bears. he hadn't known what Ame and Charon had wanted having arrived lately. However, he had done what he always did he had fought. He was a fighter, always would be. He didn't do diplomacy or retreat usually.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Floki - November 19, 2015

Another wolf suddenly rushed into the fray, a black male that Floki did not recognize but who was obviously a member of the pack. Had Floki not been so stricken by fear, he would have noticed Charon's palpable irritation at the behavior of Nishu, Thistle Cloud, and the dark wolf. Instead, he focused on regaining the feeling in his paws and making sure that he would be able to move when he was told to do so.

As if things couldn't get worse, a second bear arrived, presumably alerted to the trouble by the commotion. Floki's heart hammered in his chest and he barely registered it when Wildfire bumped into him. Charon and Amekaze were shouting commands, and the three wolves on the other side of the bears darted away. Desperately, the young Lodbrok wanted to be with them, running down the mountainside with his tail tucked, but he was at the mercy of his leaders.

Thankfully, they seemed to realize that they didn't stand a chance against two bears. As soon as he was given the signal, Floki began to retreat, though he was unable to tear his gaze away from the lumbering beasts.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Charon - November 24, 2015

Everyone started to retreat, and Charon himself followed suit. He heard in Ame's tone that she was annoyed, too, but at least they were listening, now, and getting the fuck out of there. Charon heard Nishu mention regrouping, and he intended to not listen to whatever that arrogant bastard was saying. He could regroup alone if he wanted to.

Seeing everyone flee and get themselves out of the fight gave Charon enough rest to withdraw himself. Let's just get to safety, he said and he was off, not looking to see who was following. He was first going to run off his anger and device a plan, and after that he'd come back to Ame and discuss their options on how to handle a pair of bears on their mountain.

my last post c:

RE: it's simply unbearable - Wildfire - November 24, 2015

The Alpha pair erred on the side of caution, coaxing the pack to retreat. Wildfire happily obeyed her leaders, quietly glad to leave the two bears behind. They could be dealt with later, probably by wolves more suited to and prepared for the task. She felt a bit cowardly for thinking it but the whole situation had thrown her off balance. It didn't help that she kept hearing Charon's voice in the back of her head, assessing her Warrior skills and declaring, "You're fucking rubbish."

In real time, the freckled Alpha was silent. Only Nishu's voice rose over the sound of dozens of feet carrying them further into the safety of their territory. Wildfire shot him a bewildered glance over her shoulder, then tried to catch Floki's eye. When she did, she motioned toward Charon and Ame. They looked pretty pissed and she couldn't blame them. But Wildfire said nothing, not even when the group eventually broke apart and went their separate ways. She had a lot of thoughts but she kept them to herself.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Amekaze - November 30, 2015

She lingered long enough to see to it that everyone made their retreats, but she was already stewing angrily with the scent of bear so thick on her senses. Once she saw that tension with the bears began to deflate and did not escalate further with a last minute surprise from either of them, she stole away on her own.

It occurred to her to check back here later to see if the bears remained, or if she could track them from a great distance to see where they often were. But, with her focus too clouded by frustrations alone, she'd revisit the notion when the dust had settled. She slid into the darkness of the nearest thicket without another word.

RE: it's simply unbearable - Floki - November 30, 2015

"Let's just get to safety," Charon suggested through clenched teeth, and Floki was more than happy to oblige. He picked up the pace, moving swiftly away from the bears and following in the wake of Charon and Amekaze. Both Alphas seemed to be aggravated by the situation, and rightfully so -- Floki, too, would have been angry about the bears' presence, had he not been overwhelmed by fear.

He stayed near Wildfire for a short while, until she branched off and went in a different direction. Amekaze, too, had departed, and Charon was long gone. Floki hesitated for only a second before deciding to seek shelter on his own; he didn't want to linger and let the bears catch up with him, but nor did he feel that anyone was in the mood for company.