Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau I'm Running with the Wolves Tonight - Printable Version

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I'm Running with the Wolves Tonight - Cadoc - November 16, 2015

@Regulus sorry it took me so long!
Perhaps this will make up for it?

Kitty Cadoc did not care much about wolves as long as they didn't see him. He was quick and silent, all at the same time, and he could get in and out from a pack's territory in a blink of an eye. Hell, that was his specialty. A daredevil like him lived for the adrenaline of stealing from the larger predators and come out victorious. But not always did the stealthy feline get what he wanted.

This time it had been hella easy to get past the security of a silent pack in a plateau, and their caches weren't hidden properly either. Today's dinner had been as easy as that kinky kitty a couple nights ago... Well, not all wolves were deadly demons after all.

Cadoc took a big piece of meat from the first cache he found, and with it in his jaws he made it for the run.

RE: I'm Running with the Wolves Tonight - Regulus - November 19, 2015


Regulus had kept it close to home after being lucky enough to stumble across and take down a lost and helpless fawn in one of the Plateau's adjacent territories, deciding to stick to it's borders. An interesting scent had caught his attention, not one that he readily recognized but had the hackles of Frostfur silver and DiSarinno smoky-black bristling with unease against the strong curve of his broad shoulders. With black leathery nose ground bound Regi followed it with nothing short of determination to figure out what had snuck into their territory — wolf or not it was a threat — and what it was after. As to Regi's current knowledge there was not any young children in the Plateau that would act as a prime target but that didn't demean what he perceived to be a threat, regardless.

Steps ceased when he became aware of another creature's presence, could hear it's breathing, and then the sound of it's paws as it took off, just as Regi had zoned in on it, closing the distance with what had been rapidness. It was quick and with a sharp barking “Hey!” that Regi took after the fleeing ...cat? It had definitely been feline but he hadn't been able to get a good look and as he chased after it there was no time to try to figure out what he was (perhaps foolishly, depending) chasing after. All he knew it was it had stole off with something from the cache. Regi had yet to realize that there were threats other than wolves and that sometimes he needed to pick his battles. 

Right now, he banked on the hope that he could protect what belonged to the Plateau ...especially since they were on the cusp of winter and that, that piece of meat might become the fine line between life and death. The feline, smaller was faster than Regi who, while had long legs to make his strides long, was hindered by his bulk.

RE: I'm Running with the Wolves Tonight - Cadoc - December 10, 2015

From the corner of his eye, Cadoc saw a large brown figure that took off after him. His golden eyes widened and his heart jolted pushing adrenaline through his veins.

Holy shit, a bear! he thought, and instantly pushed himself to run faster.

The big chunk of meat he'd stolen was slowing the swift feline down, it hung from his maw, clashing with his paws when he tried to take every new stride to the point where the bear was closing down the distance between them. He felt cornered, doomed to die between a bear's jaws, when he decided to look back.

That thing was not a bear. A wolf (of a considerably large size) was the thing that chased after him, and suddenly Cadoc didn't feel so worried. The golden cat halted to a stop with still a good distance from the wolf, and turned around to face him with a cocky and provoking grin. His muscles were tensed, and ready to jump away from the wolf's path in the last second.

You can chose whether Reggie catches him ;)