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Blacktail Deer Plateau original french fried onions - Printable Version

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original french fried onions - Lex - November 19, 2015

All welcome but attn: @Regulus.  Outrider thread.

Based on information he’d gained, instead of returning to Moonspear right away from Redhawk Caldera, Lex decides to keep going.  He’d caught wind of a strong scent of wolves that led him to the flatlands near a marked border.  He’d had good luck with the wolf at the border of the last pack and he hopes the get the same.

Lex howls, sending out a wall for anyone willing to deal with an outsider.  His purpose was vague, though he isn’t joining, he wanted someone that might be able to answer a few questions.  

When his song fades, he lowers his head and posture and remains as quietly on the submissive side as possible.  He had a large frame and sometimes it is difficult, standing tall at the shoulder.  His tail lazily hung behind him as he waits patiently.

RE: original french fried onions - Regulus - November 19, 2015

Regi's ears rose, cupping forth atop his skull to stand at attention as a song rose — not a voice that he recognized — and fell into the air, tapering off. Guarding was something that Regi had always excelled at, though whether it was become he had diplomatic skills or simply because he was big and burly (despite that he had not even turned a year yet) and tended to cut an impressive albeit intimidating figure he wasn't sure. And frankly, he wasn't going to be picky and question. Either was acceptable, though, if it was not diplomatic skills he assumed that such a thing wouldn't be a waste to learn. The leaders of the Plateau were busy after all, and if it was not a loner looking to join (where a leader was definitely needed), or not a direct assault upon the pack then Regi saw no sense in stretching their presence thin with demanding them.

An outsider he could handle well enough on his own. Eyes of liquid gold fell upon the ivory colored stranger at their borders, sizing him up as Regi made his approach, shoulders tense, head high. The stranger smelled of many wolves — a pack wolf then and not a loner. Venia Dei had allied with Flightless Falcons (later in Aether's life, mind, when he'd gotten over his issues with Isi) but he felt the need to err to suspicion. He didn't off-handily know if the Plateau had allies or not. “Hello,” Regi called out towards the older male as he closed the distance, feeling a brief lapse of disappointment that they were about (more or less) the same size; which probably meant that they were evenly matched in size and strength at least. He might have been naturally weary, and err to being the side of the dominance (despite that he was probably the lowest ranked in the Plateau's hierarchy) but that didn't mean he couldn't be civil. There was no tact and no point in imagining a scrap where there was none.

“I am Regulus Frostfur-DiSarinno and this is Blacktail Deer Plateau,” The bear offered his fair companion, appreciating the distance the other had left between his body and their borders. Still, he kept a scrutinizing eye to him, nevertheless. “What is your business here?”

RE: original french fried onions - Lex - November 22, 2015

Lex didn’t have to wait for too long, unlike Redhawk, but there seemed to have been something going around to slow the wolves down.  He’d left enlightened about that aspect of the world.  Now, heading into other territories and risking his chance to be put on good stances with, he gambles for a good impression.

The wolf that steps up, however, introduces himself and where he stands and the pack he’s aligned with.  

“That’s a mouthful,” he notes, smiling.  “I am Lex, from Moonspear.  My business here is to inform you that the Sunspire and Stavanger Bay is no more; they’ve come together as one in the face of the upcoming winter.” 

It is no secret the two came together, a howl had been risen for announcement.  Now, Lex makes an attempt to have the other packs in the area know of the change in the structure in their ecosystem.  

“Can you give me a little information about your home?  Perhaps how they once associated with either late pack?”

RE: original french fried onions - Regulus - November 26, 2015

A slight shrug of broad shoulders was given when the unidentified ivory colored male made a comment in regards to Regi's name and how it was a mouthful. A mouthful it might have been but it was his name and on the borders Regi was all professional. Only friends and pack mates reserved the right to call him “Regi” — to all else he was Regulus. Regi kept to his stoic expression, nevertheless, taking in the other's smile. Perhaps the other's note was meant to break the ice, so to speak, but Regi wasn't having any of it. A name and pack name followed shortly after. Lex from Moonspear. Regi hadn't heard of it before, but he tucked away the pack scent, name and the name of the man standing before him for future reference. 

They got down to business quick enough for Regi to be sated, with the information that two packs: Stavanger Bay and The Sunspire had merged, Regi assumed to become this Moonspear. “And which did you belong to before the merger?” It had merely been curiosity that had lured the question from the Frostfur-DiSarinno's lips, though in truth Regi supposed it didn't really matter what pack he'd originally came from. Their leaders had made the decision to merge and the pack had no choice but to follow unless they desired to strike out and try their luck with a different pack of the Wilds. There were many, Regi assumed, though he had not, personally, came across any himself.

While he desired the Outrider trade the truth was he was more interested in what was happening in his own pack as the Plateau remained first and foremost his priority. “If there were associations I do not know of them, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any once upon a time,” Regi responded, without coming out and directly saying that he couldn't say anything in total confidence. “But why come to us with the question? Why not ask your leaders directly?” Unless they, themselves, didn't know either.

RE: original french fried onions - Lex - November 26, 2015

The first question is one Lex hasn’t been sure how to answer truthfully.  There isn’t an easy one:  “I joined Amekaze with the Sunspire just as the merger was happening.  I had no connection with that mountain, though, when Moonspear was in its birth.”

Regulus’ response isn’t as informative as Elwood had been with Redhawk Caldera.  Lex reconsiders her approach but he isn’t given the chance when questioned.  The most he’d done was mention to Charon he was coming out, given what information he had, he’d taken off on his mission.

“Because there are not associations between Moonspear and the other packs.  There had been with the Bay and the Sunspire, but they are no more.  I hope to establish some common ground and return with good news.”

Perhaps the other would call upon or point him in the direction of someone that might know the former ties between the two packs.  A decision to decide good standing between this pack and Moonspear is what he'd prefer to bring home to Amekaze and Charon.

RE: original french fried onions - Regulus - November 28, 2015

Even as the Moonspearean responded to Regi's first question, the Frostfur-DiSarinno bear tucked the information away though he still could not place why it particularly mattered. It had been a spur of the moment question, likely garnered by the ivory male's lack of knowledge about the two packs that had merged to form anew. This allowed Regi to eradicate the guilt he'd felt at not knowing much of the Plateau's diplomatic history himself. The consideration that perhaps he should call for Dante or Lasher, or perhaps another who was more well versed in such a thing came to his mind, however, he did not do so. Regi saw a chance here to hit two birds with one stone, and he was not one to pass up opportunities when they came his way.

“So why does past associations matter, then? If previous alliances or disputes are being put aside?” Perhaps Regi was just being slow, but he had caught a sort of contradiction in the ivory man's words. He wasn't intentionally trying to be a prick but he could see how his stoic and curt questions — and accordingly answers — might have inspired such a conclusion. He was extremely protective by nature and he did have the Plateau's best interests in his heart. Perhaps all he lacked was a little instruction — which he supposed if he didn't want to be turned down for the warden trade he should probably look into that because he didn't think he was doing a good job ...sort of acting like he had a stick up his ass.

He sighed then, fiery gaze rolling skyward for a second before it settled back upon Lex. “Look I'm not trying to be a fuckwit or anything,” Pride was a bitter pill to swallow. “but is this an official thing? Do your leaders desire good standing with the Plateau; because if that's the purpose I don't think the messenger boys like you and I are good for this. I firmly believe that it's something the leaders should discuss themselves as they make the decisions at the end of the day.” Sending a messenger to negotiate an alliance was kind of ...weak in Regi's eyes. If he was a leader he would discuss such things with a fellow leader instead of sending a middle man. “I don't know much of the Plateau's previous alliances or grievances with other packs,” He admitted. Finally; even if he did he wouldn't feel right promising anything to Lex or Moonspear when he had no power to do so. “and I don't feel right promising anything in the name of my leaders without their consent. So I'll tell you what,” Regi licked his lips, preparing to make his proposition. “I'll seek out my leaders, inquire about how they stood with The Sunspire and Stavanger Bay and see if there's any interest in an alliance or good standing with Moonspear and I'll go to Moonspear and we'll see what happens.” Because presently, that was the best Regi could do in the given situation.

RE: original french fried onions - Lex - November 28, 2015

Lex heaves a sigh and a low rumble in his chest that only vibrated without sound.  All the kid had to do was answer a few questions.  He isn’t here trying to pull teeth.  They weren’t hard questions, nearly the same thing he’d asked at Redhawk Caldera and he wasn’t given the third degree.  Elwood, albeit sick, had been friendly and welcoming and answered his question without complaint.  

And now a child is standing in his way.

“You don’t look like you’re trying all that hard,” Lex tells him before he can stop it from his lips.  He sighs again but this time without so much frustration.  “I’m working.  I’m getting to know the area and the packs that are within enough distance to be our neighbors.  I’m making my way around and getting to know them.”  An ambassador for international relations.  

Regulus’ promise does little to sate him but he doesn’t ask for anything else.  He shrugs it off before he dips his head in departure, then turns to leave the pack behind.