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Ankyra Sound the world from way down here - Printable Version

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the world from way down here - Vlad - December 08, 2015

Maybe @Caiaphas wants to hop in? :D Others welcome to cameo or join!

Storm winds and heavy rain had driven the majority of the Saltwinter wolves underground. The roar of crashing waves and coastal winds was plain to hear from the main den, but little light survived the trip. They were shadows in the dark - although it was abundantly clear from the smell that the Rat had commandeered the farthest corner.

"'ey, Bleckface?" Vlad sent his question into the gloom, squinting as he struggled to differentiate between coywolf and rock. Had she disappeared into the tunnels again?

RE: the world from way down here - Caiaphas - December 08, 2015


from the distant columns a shadow erupted across the collapse stone, flitting and engulfing the walls with shade. caiaphas eyed the murk warily, her gaze fastening on the form that spoiled the den's scant source of light. a voice followed, probing into the resolute darkness. the siren queen raised her head, pausing form her rumination of the wispy caches.

"ey, vlad?' the sylph returned, savoring the echo as it pulled down the cavernous crag. she stopped her sorting of the sparse stores and made her way towards vlad, where the light was cast about him in a pale aura.

RE: the world from way down here - Vlad - December 26, 2015

The sneaky cave-dweller was nowhere near the place where Vlad had been looking. Her voice bounced, leaving him none the wiser once she had spoken - and when she emerged, it was from a direction he hadn't even considered. So sneak, the Russian thought. "I forgetting saying you," he began, "Frend of Bleckface veesit on peck bordurr. He saying frend - but not knowing Bleckface name! Hev.. brown face, like vaater from swamp. Also make talk much fency - many beeg, la-la-la werd." He watched the queen's face for any signs that Lasher had been telling the truth.

RE: the world from way down here - Caiaphas - January 10, 2016

under the canopy of rock and dirt the two convened, but two shadows cast in that dark and unbreached sect. her ears flew forward in attentiveness as the male spoke, his coarse voice sounding down the tunnels that much preferred silence.

she knew immediate of whom he spoke -- she had but only one visitor that committed himself to her desolate shore -- who petitioned himself against caiaphas' barricades and in truth somedays the only light in a stream of cheerless mornings. "he is a friend." she assured the stalwart comrade, though made no comment on his name. for truthfully, she did not know it.

RE: the world from way down here - Vlad - January 17, 2016

"He is a friend," she answered cryptically, seeming to know exactly of whom he spoke despite the lack of detail. With nothing else to do except fester there in the dark, Vlad probed for more, brows bouncing above his eyes. "Frend," he repeated. There was a suggestive edge to his voice. "So hendsome frend! How meeting you?" Innocent enough; he could not very well come out and ask here if the pair had ever been unlikely boink-buddies.

RE: the world from way down here - Caiaphas - January 24, 2016

sharply the witch's gaze cut to vlad, who wasted no time in issuing torment. her hackles flared outright and for a moment she looked the part of a startled owl, her yellow eyes wide and blinking. "friend." she insisted, her tone as ruffled as the fur that bristled along her scruff. but vlad could not be assayed -- he persisted, and caiaphas felt a heat rise to her face as she defended herself.

"why - you jealous?" she issued in heated rejoinder, her fierce gaze fixing on him with an intensity that dared defiance.

RE: the world from way down here - Vlad - January 24, 2016

Friend, Caiaphas repeated, bristling like a cornered bush baby despite Vlad's unusually well-mannered phrasing - no mention of her gerl wulf holl or Lasher's peenk menn steeck. The Russian took it as confirmation that that something had occurred, pocketed the information, and squared up to meet return fire. "Oh Bleckface, Vlad hev so menny jellies," he swooned, shuffling towards her with adoration in his eyes. "Please being for to take Vlad for be hesbund! Vant meck tausand creb bebbes mwah-mwah-mwah-mwah-" Kissy-face is on the move, people, kissy face is on the move.

RE: the world from way down here - Caiaphas - January 27, 2016

she watched, her gaze resentful -- the yellow simmer of her eyes disposed of a certain venom. she bristled as he taunted her, pulling close with pursed lips and an all too hellish gleam of impishness across his features. caiaphas nearly crawled out of her skin in horror. she scrabbled back wildly as he advanced her, all four of her legs working in the disunion one would expect from a kindergarten centipede. "no!" she yawped, her neck craned back and ears drawn flat against her narrow skull -- "you mek creb babies yourself -- pleenty of low stenderds round dez parts." she mimicked his guttural voice, accentuating her punch with a jaunty sweep of a slender forearm.

RE: the world from way down here - Vlad - January 28, 2016

Standards. For once, Vlad was quick on the uptake. He paused his teasing to stare at Caiaphas, cogs clicking inside his oversized skull. The leer made a slow return, stretching wide and exceptionally ugly over his yellowed teeth. "NoooOOO~ Bleckface not meck jellies!" he assured his cave queen with a flourishing bow, nose bouncing against the damp stone when he overdid it and forcing his head back up. "Vlad choosing for salty veenter wife always beeg boss Caa-ee-fuzz. You now come meck kees on Vlad - come come come!" He stalked towards here, tongue swinging and ready for smoochy action.

RE: the world from way down here - Caiaphas - January 29, 2016

the little crow watched him suspiciously as he paused - she could see in those feral eyes the mechanism clank and click - his expression growing rapidly more insidious as he placed the pieces together. caiaphas stirred on her slender limbs, giving him the hairy eyeball as he approached, lips pursed and as inviting as the business end of a wire-haired swine. to say she recoiled from his swinging tongue would be a gross understatement -- with a hiss she leapt back like a demon scalded by holy water, her fur rifted and body hunched. "you want to be no-face vlad??" she challenged, straightening herself as to appear more intimidating. "best make tongue disappear friend, or it becomes the new playtoy for menny creb."

RE: the world from way down here - Vlad - February 02, 2016

Vlad LMAO-ed hard but backed off, shaking his shaggy head between the burps and hiccoughs that followed his outburst of laughter. "One days!" he roared, very nearly managing to string two perfectly formed English words together (thank you, errant 's'), "One days Vlad meck Bleckface salty veenter wifes! No cenn saying no to so hendsome wulf." But for now, she was safe from his advances. Vlad settled on his belly and continued to make subtler kissy faces across the darkness, looking about as 'hendsome' as a blowfish.

RE: the world from way down here - Caiaphas - February 03, 2016

caiaphas cut the male a haughty look as a peal of laughter bellowed forth - she was not about to let her guard down or be tricked by his sudden relent. her fears were confirmed when vlad mentioned he'd try at a later date -- she flared, an insolent glare simmering in her yellow eyes. "vlad would have better luck getting njal to be salty wife." she supplied dryly, examining her fingernails claws with a sly expression.

RE: the world from way down here - Vlad - February 18, 2016

Vlad gave Caiaphas a look that said they would just have to see about that, but made no further comments. She had won the battle, but the skirmish had left the Russian wonder if perhaps he wanted war.