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fire flashes in the sky - Printable Version

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fire flashes in the sky - Jackdaw DeMonte - February 13, 2014

Following Nevermore's trail to these Teekon Wilds had proved to be a challenge with the snow flurries covering up his tracks and scent trail, but Jackdaw, christened Savage by the inky DeMonte that had sired him and his siblings, was nothing if not persistent. He had long surpassed where Nevermore's own trail stopped, having the scent of the northern pack in his mind in the case he ever figured out how he felt about Nevermore's choice to leave them, and when he did if he would approach his father about it. In any case, Jackdaw was pleased with his overall tracking abilities, proving that he was nothing if not adept at it.

Adyssa had been the best scout of Riverbend Forest before she had taken it's throne as it's reigning monarch; a position she had to fight for, as she told it. It was not common knowledge that the wolves were not fond of a coywolf leading them. It was Jackdaw that Adyssa had warned about potential prejudices, because though he was more wolf than he was coyote, he was a balanced hybrid nevertheless. His swarthy black coat fading to the mocha brown of his belly, hocks (except for his two black toes), and tail tip giving him an almost German Sheppard appearance. Out of his siblings, besides Calamity who was the spitting image of Adyssa, he was the only one to take from the coywolf gene pool. Though Jackdaw had taken into account his mother's words of warning, he chose not to fret uses uselessly over them. His genes would not hinder him – he would not let them; besides there was nothing wrong with being a coywolf, in his opinion.

Golden eyes with starburst fiery orange around the dark abyss of oupils peered skyward, taking in the white puffs of clouds as they drifted lazily in the dawn painted skies, a myriad of rich colors above. He had paused in his patrol of the borders for a glimpse of the sun rising above the horizon, painting fire across the skyline and the fringes of green canopy towering above him. It was a breathtaking sight, and for the briefest if moments Jackdaw was captivated. A creak of a snow weighted limb above broke Jackdaw's wandering thoughts, though he jumped, startled, when some snow shimmed off the branch and landed atop his head. Ears slicked back as he shook it off, skirting out from under the tree not willing to take any chances. There was no telling if the branch would give into the pressure and break free of the tree.

Having idled enough he resumed his patrol, making a mental note to check the good caches afterwards to see if they could use a restock.

RE: fire flashes in the sky - Luka Iva - February 13, 2014

Luka never considered himself to be a warrior. While he could hold his own against an equal opposing unit most wolves he would be paired against would overpower him. Where he was tall and lanky they were towering and beefy. Where thin strips of muscle lined Luka's body they were packed with toned meat. The ebony male considered himself more of a wolf to talk predicaments out rather than fight for justice. When it came to patrolling he just prayed no wolf who was more of a bear than lupus danced under his nose. Luka deemed his wanderings as patrolling but it was more of a search for herbs and plants while maintaining boarded safety for means of his pack. As often as the inky male wandered meeting new pack mates was pushed to the side. 

The snow blanketed landscape didn't allow for the coal drenched male to be stealthy. While the winter still pressed on Luka chose to trot with pride in his gait. Better they see a towering, gawky, ebony dripped pelt in the white than one who was trying to be hidden...rather unsuccessfully. With his head tip towards the new born blood sky, attempting to look powerful, Luka took notice of another wolf. With his head also raised the male was looking at the horizon. Before the other male could get a proper glance snow slapped his sable colored pelt making him jump. He then proceeded to promenade from below the tree and continue to sashay in his own little way. Luka picked up his pace to match the other males. When he was close enough to be heard Luka barked. "Hi, I am Luka. I don't think I have met you before." 

RE: fire flashes in the sky - Jackdaw DeMonte - February 14, 2014

Jackdaw was made for the roll if stealth and reconnaissance more than he was brute force, lacking the general bulk of a wolf, himself. Sharing in Nevermore's height was well an good, but he lacked the thick muscles that coiled beneath his father's swarthy pelt, instead favoring the thin chording of muscles from the coywolf. Lithe and lean, he was more of the speed and brains than he was brawn and that had always been okay with the hybrid. There was little point in getting upset about things that he could not change, anyway. The few days Jackdaw had been in Neverwinter Forest he have been contemplating his co-rank options, weighing the pros and cons of each, though he always had a nagging suspicion that he would, in the end, choose outrider in favor of the others. It suited his area of skills to a near perfection. The only area that the outrider co-rank touched on that would need practice was a diplomatic approach of being a messenger boy. Jackdaw had never been particularly malevolent but he was not sure what exactly he would do in a hostile situation if one were to arise, having never really been in a situation such as that before. He was confident though that if he practiced in pretend situations with pack mates, if anyone was willing to help him that was, it would aid him in the long run. It sounded good in theory, but really the only way he would be able to know in truth was if he found himself in the real life circumstance of a hostile pack.

Jackdaw figured he would broach the subject with Chakra sometime, maybe after she'd healed a little bit, for her minor injuries (Tokio is assuming) did not fail to fall under Jackdaw's notice. Chakra Fearlheart was beautiful, but her scars only added to that beauty. Scars never bothered Jackdaw on females - Adyssa had more than her fair share, and thought Nevermore was a far cry from a female he had plenty of gruesome scars, particularly his empty and scarred left eyesocket. Jackdaw showed the slightly embarrassing thoughts of having the hots for his alpha female out of his mind. He was a newbie, she probably had a mate, or her eye on a male her ranks, and frankly would probably have no interest in a hybrid like him, Jackdaw assumed. Firmly, he set about with the intentions of resuming his patrol, only to freeze in his steps when a masculine bark beckoned him, molten gold eyes flashing to the ebony male whom was approaching.

A quick assessment was given as mocha tipped tail gave a wag of greeting when the other male spoke, introducing himself as Luka. Assessment made, the hybrid's black, leathery nostrils flared ever so slightly, unable to help but ponder what this Luka wanted, unless it was just to be friendly. The hybrid was always a little suspicious at first, never truly sure how wolves were going to behave towards him. "Morning," Slipped betwixt Jackdaw's spliced lips in a returned greeting. "I've only met our lovely alpha, Chakra so far," Jackdaw admitted, confirming that Luka and he had never met before. "I am Savage DeMonte," The macabre name slipped from Jackdaw's lips, wondering, as he always did, why Nevermore had to name his children so crudely. "But I go by Jackdaw." he finished, giving his preferred nickname over his given name. It had been Jackdaw's nickname for as long as he could remember; having been given to him by Adyssa upon his birth for he reminded her of the little dark bird she had always been fond of.

RE: fire flashes in the sky - Luka Iva - February 14, 2014

Luka had never been one to swoon mass amount of the fairer sex, nor even manage to catch ones eye. Luka figured it was because most females were looking for a protector or someone of equal status. Both required the male to be strong and powerful. This in a way made Luka gloomy. He wished he could be as strong as Scimitar, or as large as a bear but his genes did not allow that. He kept these wishes in his head, not daring to show anyone. Neither of which Luka was, because of this Luka kept sights on gaining new information about the world and tried to leave his dreams of a mate behind. 

Neverwinter forest was not a woodland blooming with plants and fertile herbs, especially in the winter. The evergreens that filled the land also stunted the growth of many useful plants. This was a bit of a conundrum for Luka but he would manage. If needed he would just have to gaze out beyond the reaches of his packs territory to find what was necessary. Where the forest lacked in many healing herbs it made up for it with the moss the riddled the dark trunks. Moss was extremely useful in the world of healing, it could be used as a blood clot for wounds so deep the animal would bleed out. It could also be used as a water transport for animals to sick to take care of themselves. Bedding could also be made out of the useful substance called moss. Luka debated on also calling his first born moss because of the many wonders it performed. That is, if he were to find a mate. 

When Luka barked and introduced himself he half expected the other male to act friendly towards him. When the inky male turned and flared his nostrils for a moment Luka thought otherwise. Luka wagged his tail to show he was just being friendly and not trying to cause trouble. The willowy male took note of the other males eyes, a golden color, as deep as the oceans reach. They were quite gorgeous to say the least. Luka dipped his head in reply as the male bid him the morning and stated his name. "Pleasure to meet you. What might you be doing on this fine winters morning?" Luka inquired meaning to only spark small talk.